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Signed Up October 10, 2012
Last Posted November 17, 2017 at 11:22 AM
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#28 People using Miggy's passing to troll in Off Topic

all of the above accounts have the same IP address hits, and are all added to each other. Probably not the same person likely a group of friends/family. Found via a database miggy gave me access too awhile back :)

Thanks! I've banned those steam IDs and associated IP addresses.

Banned all the accounts in UGC as well. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

posted about 7 years ago
#140 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
yea yea first it was redrum, then me, now kumori.. at some point don't you have to ask yourself.. my god, could it be me?

Um excuse me, I ran HL 5 great seasons in between Redrum and Kumori. Just thought I'd throw that in there. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#23 ddos on ugc website.....again in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordI wonder if ugc still stores its user passwords in plaintext

I got banned from the forums for 6 months last time I asked so I don't know :(

You were forum banned because you're a garbage posting shit head....not because you asked a question.

But to answer your question, no we don't. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#16 ddos on ugc website.....again in TF2 General Discussion
YouWishIsn't this like THE reason they invented cloudflare?

We have Cloudflare. Our hosting costs are more than double what they used to be back before we had a VPS and Cloudflare. This DDOS took down our host's Data Center and so they put us on a 24 hour lockout. Site should be back around 9pm EST tonight.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
SthenoSo uh. As our engineer my ake on this is: we agreed to a rematch, had no one tell us we cant have a new demo and heavy on our team. Wanted to play with them, but instead get shut down because of your lack of communication skills, by informing us that the two players cant play 3 minutes after scheduled match time.

I was not aware you had rostered them until 5 minutes before the match.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Spread in TF2 General Discussion

OP - As I have already emailed you

Recap of events:
1. During your original match you requested the use of 2 ringers which S3 denied. You then brought in 2 additional ringers under alias accounts to play the match. Seeing no competitive history on those players S3 had no reason to deny. This was an extremely deceptive thing to do...which you showed zero remorse for having done when I confronted you.
2. In light of your poor conduct as a leader I reset the match and required you to replay
3. In the meantime between the first match and the rematch you rostered the 2 players involved in the initial deception that lead to the match being nullified.
4. I advised you (through Kumori - one of our senior admins) that these 2 players were suspended from the rematch for their involvement in the initial match.
5. After stating this information, Kumori (who was in the server at the time) was killed in game and then the following was typed to her from members of your team:
biga- : lmao killed u nigger (immediately after killing her)
Invad3r : hey kumori
Invad3r : u gonna ban me from ugc if I tell u off? lmfao
Invad3r : idiot autist

Because of this incredibly offensive response your team is suspended from the league, thus forfeiting this rematch and your match next week. The 2 players Inad3r and Biga have been removed from your team and are also banned from the league for 2 months.

I am amazed that you have the audacity to go around on our forums, here and Reddit crying admin abuse and admitting no wrong doing.

posted about 10 years ago
#74 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
Andrew_LimsnowblindfrogWe expect Platinum teams to set an example of fairness and good sportsmanship and not to force an outcome through being a rules lawyer. Would I have done this in a regular season match in Iron? Probably not. But this is the playoffs.
Last year in the UGC Asian Division my team was forced to forfeit the Semifinals on a time-based technicality (a few members of our roster came late). UGC had no problems with enforcing time-based rules to the letter then.

UGC allowed the forfeit even though it meant the other team (Anyhow Only) would proceed to the Grand Final by only playing 1 Playoff match (they had already won by forfeit in a previous Playoff match).

Even though my team were sorely disappointed, we accepted UGC's decision because it was the rules.

I know the Asian division isn't as widely followed or respected as NA Platinum., but I suggest UGC employ the same level of strictness irrespective of region.

Don't make your situation sound like it's even remotely similar. You had mercs that were denied by the other team and you refused to make them leave the server and the other team took a forfeit win after you wasted 30 minutes of their time and ours.

posted about 10 years ago
#42 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

We expect Platinum teams to set an example of fairness and good sportsmanship and not to force an outcome through being a rules lawyer. MF9K was in the wrong for unpausing the match (after 7 minutes) when they did not initiate the pause in the first place. Is there a specifically written rule for this? No, and there shouldn't have to be. Engaging in a dialogue with the other team, ascertaining how much longer they needed to recover their players and being flexible with them to ensure a fair match is played is a show of good sportsmanship and I shouldn't have to tell that to anyone..let alone Platinum players. The 5 minute pause rule is a guideline and not one that we have ever enforced (to the minute) in any division...let alone in a Plat match with a direct monetary outcome. All rules (including this one) are subject to Head Admin interpretation and each match dispute is reviewed on a case by case basis.

What should have happened is that both teams got an admin innovated as this issue was occurring live. Had I been engaged I would have spoke with GC to find out how long they needed to get 9 back and would have allowed them to pause for up to 15 minutes. I don't believe that is remotely unreasonable to allow in the interest of fair play. Had they not been able to recover their 9 players then I would have allowed them to postpone the round that this occurred in to make it up the next night. Would I have done this in a regular season match in Iron? Probably not. But this is the playoffs. Do you think ESEA would allow a win at LAN over a technicality like pausing for a few too many minutes?

Initially I stated that MF9K's attack time of 8:59 was still in place and GC would get the chance to redo. But after talking wth Stabby, I agreed to his request to allow a full round redo. The clock time should be set by the players who are there at the time the round is played. So I agreed to allow MF9K to replay their attack round with the chance to set a better time.

I think we have been more than reasonable in our handling of this situation.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 casting ugc asia highlander grandfinal? in TF2 General Discussion
EllieI know rules are absolutely essential and to ensure fair and harmonious play. However, when we restrict ourselves too much by the rules, people can twist and turn them and the rules will lose their purpose.

Team Anyhow demonstrated that the rules are not irconclad in all aspects by waiting double the amount of time allowable to start the match. You cannot expect teams to wait indefinitely, I'm sorry but you can't. You were not ready by 30+ minutes past the start time and gave ZERO indication that you would be ready in the immediate future. Had this issue been brought to our attention as it was happening live I would have requested Team Anyhow to hang on a little bit longer as a show of good faith. However I would not have forced them to do so because they had already waited long enough. It's also not fair to force a rematch when you broke the rules. Why should Team Anyhow be penalized because your team was inadequately prepared to play when you agreed to play. If Team Anyhow was willing and available to rematch then I would have given it my blessing.

I'm sorry that you feel like you've lost on a technicality. In reality you lost because of poor planning.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 casting ugc asia highlander grandfinal? in TF2 General Discussion
JopperstalufSo team Anyhow was suppose to go against team Daddy in the semi-finals at 9pm GMT +8

Team Daddy didn't have 2 of their main roster so they opted to get ringers but team Anyhow declined it. So team Daddy had to contact their main roster line-up to play the match and had to ditch their real life issues and etc.

Sharp 9.30pm GMT +8 team Anyhow just left the server without even compromising or asking Daddy's team leader if they are fine to wing it at least 8 players (which daddy's team willing to do) and claimed and forced a forfeit and declined any request for even a reschedule.

I guess i'm just really mad right now and i apologize. I guess it's a game and people will do anything they can to get easy wins.

R.I.P sportsmanship

While I understand your frustration your team was in breach of the rules. I have reviewed all of the evidence you provided including the STV demo. You had at least 2 mercs which were not approved and would not leave the server. Team Anyhow refused to ready up until they left. Anyhow would have been in the right to claim a forfeit on you at 15 minutes past the agreed upon time. The were gracious in waiting 30 minutes. You cannot hold up a match indefinitely. People have personal lives and you cannot expect them to sit around waiting too long. You could have readied up at any time to play 7v9 but you did not even attempt that. It is your team leader's responsibility to manage the roster and make sure that a least 7 people are in the server and that the team is readied up by 15 minutes past the agreed upon time. It is not considered poor sportsmanship that Team Anyhow gave you double the time stated in the rules to get your roster sorted out.

posted about 11 years ago
#216 AG Supports CEVO in Expanded League in TF2 General Discussion
Lange---[ Analysis ]----------

There are 596 total paid players in ESEA at the moment, across all divisions. For UGC, there are 1778 players in their 6s divisions.

Of these players, 136 of them are participating in both ESEA and UGC.

This means that 22.8% of ESEA's current playerbase is also participating in UGC 6s. Or, in other words, 7.6% of UGC's 6s playerbase is participating in ESEA.

To put it in perspective, roughly one fifth of paid players in ESEA right now are also on an active UGC 6s roster. To me, this seems like a tremendous amount of overlap, and is a strong indicator that, despite the entry fee, UGC is a gateway to ESEA (and potentially CEVO as well, should they also implement an entry fee).

By my counts (querying the DB directly) UGC has 1,829 players in NA 6s (out of 2,601 in total).
Of the NA players we have 150 in ESEA. That is 8.2% of UGC 6s players are in ESEA (or 25.2% of ESEA players are in UGC 6v6). This is our biggest 6s season yet with roughly 250 teams currently still in active status.

Also for HL we have 3,605 players in NA (out of 6,189 total). Within that subset we have 190 in ESEA. So thats 5.3% of UGC HL in ESEA (or 32% of ESEA in UGC HL).

Also, of the 596 ESEA players, 570 (96%) of them have been listed on a UGC roster at some point since 2007.

If you can provide a list of ESEA players in prior seasons I can assist with the data on the UGC side.

posted about 11 years ago
#90 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
Not_Matlockmiwoif ugc actually gets a paid league, please hire a designer to work on the site. I'm really surprised but somehow they managed to build a site more unintuitive than ESEAsEvery time I go the the UGC site it's a pain in the ass to navigate. Things that look like links don't do anything. Things that look like nothing are links. I don't understand it.

Over the past year Forn has made a lot of user experience improvements to the site both on the public side and to the leader interface. We are constantly tweaking and trying to improve it and welcome any feedback you have. If you have any specifics areas of concern please let myself or Fornaught know offline. We're so close to it, that everything makes sense already to us. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#75 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
harbleuis infinite in any way associated with 6s in UGC?


posted about 11 years ago
#72 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
BenkIf anybody posting here is actually affiliated with CEVO, UGC, or etf2l can you guys please identify yourselves and your relationship to the organizations? It'll help us know if these leagues are actually looking to put in work to expand and accommodate a huge influx of higher level players that expect fair division splits or if it's all just nobody's spouting hearsay.

With the exception of marxist's relationship to ugc, i have no clue if anybody else has any official connections at this point.

Blazingboy and I run 6s at UGC. Please direct all questions and concerns to us or the league owner (Fornaught).


posted about 11 years ago
#1 HL Team LF backups in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very low impact, 1 scrim and 1 match per week
Add me if interested:

posted about 12 years ago