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Signed Up July 16, 2014
Last Posted September 1, 2014 at 11:11 AM
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#112 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic

"Everyone's talking about the second stream, but personally I did not find the swastikas from the production crew during the interview funny."

Yeah, apparently the crew wasn't responsible for that. Someone from outside took the stream management over for a short time unfortunately, and put up shit like Hitler and Swastikas

There was a link and post here in the thread explaiming it, I'll try to find it

EDIT: nvm Antares linked it

posted about 10 years ago
#105 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic

"Come see me so I can show you how nice TLR can be" probably

posted about 10 years ago
#102 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic

Oh lawd, why do I always have to post silly shit like this when I'm drunk, kill me
How do I delete pls
Thanks for all the honest imput from the players and the community though.

Anyway, now that I'm sobered up, just ignore the overly dramatic stuff of my OP, my main point is still that I'm hugely disappointed in those 2 casters (especially that coleman fella) on tftv2, physically harassing the players while being wasted. This is not how I expect professionals to behave.

Congrats to 4G, they were clearly the better team, both in DM and tactics and have proven themselves to be the best on the globe right now. Just disappointed that Epsi couldn't put up a show. Probably half of their team shouldn't have been up drinking the night.

PS. War needs a better team he's too good for Epsi

posted about 10 years ago
#1 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic

Bit of a long rant about us Euro hosts. Sorry.

Even though I haven't been following competitive tf2 for a long time, I was fiercely anticipating i52-my first Insomnia-stream experience- for months. I was hoping it would be an awesome gathering of international teamfortress-aficionados celebrating the video game we all love so dearly. Sure, there would be rivalry, competitive spirit of the highest order and fanaticism, but also a sense of respect- though it seems I was wrong.

Not at all concerning the teams themselves and the awesome production crew, all of which have done a brilliant job by the way. But the fashion in which the European viewers at the event itself behaved was outright shocking to me. Whenever an American team (especially Mixup) scored a point, there was dead silence, no recognition at all, in contrast to the roaring applause for IM successes for instance. I mean I get it, I was rooting for the aussies as well (was hoping they'd compete against my favorite 4G in the final), but at the later elimination stages this behaviour culminated into outright booing for every round won by the US.

Not only is this hugely un-sportsmanlike, but also majorly personally disrespectful to the American players who spent a lot of money out of their own pockets to come here and play some tf2. Even with the fundraiser and prize pot, most of them will lose money. The tip of the iceberg was an actual cast on TFtv2, where some drunk casters directly insulted mixup players and encouraged the crowd to boo them. This completely undermined the professionalsm already established by the rest of the crew. At the last match of Epsi-Mix Seagull had to actually call for a PAUSE ON THE FREAKING GAME because some drunk assholes were harassing them constantly.

What the fuck. Are we all Hooligans, lacking a shred of respect? Our American friends were coming here without support of their fans and obviously people are gonna root for other teams here, but this level of behaviour? Are we really gonna be such bad hosts? Where's the love, or pootis, or whatever?

I know I'm almost certainly overreacting,  and the final tomorrow is gonna be a lot different, but I'm drunk and needed to vent

What did you guys think about the event overall and the stuff I was blabbering about (already forgot)

posted about 10 years ago
#17 i52 Perk Fulfillment in News

ooh it's so shiny

posted about 10 years ago
#16 i52 Perk Fulfillment in News

Testing for my awesome imaginary badge

posted about 10 years ago
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