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Signed Up March 1, 2014
Last Posted September 8, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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#89 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
Tobsuper monday night combat players

smnc gameplay was different compared to this iirc, felt slightly simpler & faster paced

posted 6 months ago
#15 Trump on twitch in World Events
funhaver1998i mean HOW he uses social media. all politicans do it but its not genuinely them and the posts come off as scripted. with donald u kno its him because he doesnt bullshit, he says what he thinks.

yeah but sadly he’s retarded

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Trump on twitch in World Events
funhaver1998i like how he utilises social media u would be dumb not to its the best way for him to communicate to the ppl and spreading it to other platforms is a good thing. if obama did this he would be praised for trying to get the youth into politics

yes, he is the only one using social media!

posted about 5 years ago
#81 so we're back to this huh in TF2 General Discussion

How The Fuck Is This TransPhobia

posted about 5 years ago
#77 jediflamaster banned for life on etf2l in The Dumpster

cringe kids

posted about 6 years ago
#19 TF2008 in TF2 General Discussion

this has been tried 800 times before and it's always died because the playerbase for "2008 tf2" is always like 30 people with the shittiest timezones possible

also why did the guy bother putting it on steam LMFAO

posted about 6 years ago
#291 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
jediflamasterComp TF2 is dying fast enough as it is, no need to make it faster by banning two prem players and punishing 5 people hardly related to the incident monetarily.

game deserves to die if u have to consider not banning two rats in order to keep it alive rifk

posted about 6 years ago
#27 VAC wave in TF2 General Discussion
name & shame
Why do retards still cheat with such a expensive inventory lmao

i´ve lost count to the amount of idiots that trade to their cheating account one unusual and a couple of strange weapons to make it less obvious ..
VulcanI heard from some pub cheaters that the vac wave was only for people who had injected it within the past two days, so that explains why some obvious cheaters haven’t been banned yet
that makes no sense, whats the point of creating some anti cheat measures to monitor only 2 days and act so fast... why not monitor for a whole month and then act ?

They did that with the Lmaobox wave.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 VAC wave in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordanyone notable get owned yet? or just pub retards

I don't think anyone's stupid enough to use a rage cheat for competitive

posted about 7 years ago
#81 New hack? in TF2 General Discussion
wtzfade-literally everyone i know that plays cs cheats,
maybe you just have shitty friends

he just plays prime mm where the total amount of non-cheating players is like 3 and a half lol

e: catbots will never get automatically banned until valve finally pastes in the untrusted system from csgo lol!!!

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Club Penguin closing in Other Games
Vulcanman fuck club penguin, in first grade i took my mom's credit card and got all the SICKEST gear on club penguin, after my year of membership they took fucking everything that i had purchased away from me, rip my puffles, rip my house with stairs, rip my fucking clothes, rip my fire jutsu

i thought ur clothes stayed in the inventory but weren't usable until you bought premium again?

posted about 8 years ago
#569 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

i actually assumed faceit had an AC since i pmed one of the staff ~7 months ago

o well

e: speaking of support

easytarget [SUPPORT] hey there has been a pleyr reported for cheeating

easytarget [SUPPORT] plesae make sure that you vote thumbs down on this person at the end of the match plesae
posted about 8 years ago
#549 2016 election live results in World Events

How many posts about moving to Canada by people who can't afford to do that did I miss?

posted about 8 years ago
#755 Donald Trump in World Events
fade-oh great i'll tell those dead chinese people it was an accident they'll be alive again asap

to be fair a certain former delegate of the national people's congress of the people's republic of china forgave her by donating to the clinton foundation :)

posted about 8 years ago
#752 Donald Trump in World Events
eeewhat does that says about how much they hate Trump since Asians are swinging more and more to the Democrats?fade-chinese people
posted about 8 years ago
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