dollarlayer-protowheres the proof he has hacked in pubs. you trust a 3rd party plugin anti cheat plugin? sourcemod isnt made by valve, i bet he got that smac because his aim looks retarded as fuck yet still hits everything. Hassassin went to that toronto lan and destroyed everyone. You obviously have a negative bias against him that is unjustified. Thread should be locked and this tangy guy should be banned for false accusation with no evidence. Hassassin loves this game more than anything and to think that because of this thread he might have trouble finding teams in the future because some pub player thinks hes hacking disgusts me. Before this thread no one in esea had said the words hassassin and hacking in the same sentence. Get out of here troll.
Well, he admits to hacking in pubs himself. Here is the proof right from the horses mouth:
"...But yea... I don't really hack. I've hacked before. I'll admit that but like, im pretty sure that was like 2 years ago, in a pub."
god damn he's saying the same shit lolyou did LMAO