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Last Posted May 21, 2015 at 2:36 PM
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#189 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxojoetf2this is blowing up over csgo reddit
CS can boycott the company if they want, they have other options. We do not.
A free league (a la UGC) has never given NA the same results for competition as ESEA. As mentioned before, CEVO is likely to not pick us up. While this client issue has evidently driven some people mad, Rick had the most sane post of any person in this thread.
If you're seriously concerned about backdoors and the like, unplug your router, turn off your computer and throw it out the window. There are plenty of ways into your PC that are also always running. We do not have a second league that we can rely on for high level competition, and ESEA has some serious legal bindings from their previous fiasco (none of tf2 was affected by it btw, absolutely none of us were.)

This is idiotic and untrue, first of all unless you install something to allow remote access and leave it unprotected and then port map it so the entire internet is able to get to it you're pretty unlikely to get hacked and backdoored. Even if you did it requires effort on the part of the attacker finding a way into your shit or luring you into a site and you letting your browser run whatever code. The difference is: with people running exploits on the internet, they generally aren't getting you to pay them for the privilege of running their code while laughing at the stockholm syndrome of their "users" as they make up bullshit to justify it to themselves.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 tf2 bhopping in TF2 General Discussion
lamefxIt kind of already exists:

These are strafe jumps (which still gain some added distance in quake engine games) done immediately after a normal jump.

This is bunnyhopping (13:16):

tf2 is in no way a good game to allow it in as movement speed is one of the big class defining characteristics.

posted about 12 years ago