Edit: Read alfa's post. This wasn't even his fault, and he was thrown under the bus. I still think the point about RGL needing to have handled this much much earlier is still relevant so I'm leaving the rest of this post unedited.
tbh he wasn't even making rules
He denied ringers, admins were called, admins did not resolve ringer dispute. Alfa chose to continue denying ringers, and admins did not intervene until far far far too late.
Obviously Alfa is to blame to the extent that he caused this, but given GCI wasn't trying to get an actually unreasonable ringer it could've been a 5 minute, "GCI wants Alex, he is not an unreasonable ringer and it'd be dumb to force them to get someone else on short notice, man is approved to ring" if the invite admin had decided to take less than an hour and a half to resolve a ringer dispute. Heck, even with Alex denied if the admin clearly confirmed that Alex is fully denied maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for GCI to start posting other ringers, and then we'd get the song and dance that resulted in Artist playing, but without as much delay.
This should be taken by RGL as a case study on how not to handle ringer disputes so that nothing like this is ever allowed to happen ever again. It was their choice to have default ringers not apply above main, and this situation was guaranteed to happen sooner or later. Their rule was formatted in an intentionally heavily discretionary manner, and if they are unprepared to be asked to wield such discretion within a reasonable timeframe maybe the rule needs to be changed, or the admin needs to be changed.
It's clear that this isn't even an unreasonable expectation. At the end, it took 3 minutes for LOLGUY to be approved to med in place of Seeds(which is a fair ring as well), so where's the fucking problem?
My personal take is that this was fucking hilarious and I'd like to see every single team do this until RGL sets some clear expectations.