honestly it was way more fun to watch froyo than eu wG playing because wG was trying to play the safest game possible and froyo instead was risking way more and that's literally why they won
i felt there was a lot of similiarities in how wG have played to se7en cuz they were always choking and waiting for someone's move too i think
its mindblowing for me how a team does not push when there is enough time to push, froyo failed a 3 man sack and there is no willingness to press W
ixy should get an engineer of the competition award for setting up perfect sentries on snakewater, i had a feeling before watching logs that he spent more time on engie than scout
was fun to see highlander gimmicks like heavy on mid trying to deny a bomb on product, pyro push on gully last or getting an engi pick for way easier push
edit: reconsidering banning banners with prem gamers on etf2l before the next season seems what we must do now