hello everyone, got some news for you all
- signups for LAN qualifications end today 23:59 CET, so please make sure you sign up if you are interested in participating
- I think we'll have a schedule and format for qualifications ready tommorow **late evening** because we'll go thru this after work
- most likely we'll cast some of the qualification games on https://twitch.tv/essentialstf
- Garda Panteri is back in the invite for now because they actually have a roster to play, however /for fence will not participate, that leaves us 7 spots you can win throughout qualifications
- signups for spectators will be open after qualification stage, the participant cap is set to 50 spectators (due to venue size limitations)
you can find registration page as well as who is attending here: https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/7328877883772370944/
- we are not going to make a hot seat spots for teams - in comparison to tournaments where a platform makes it easy to switch like playstation/xbox/switch games where you just have to switch controllers and that's it, I believe it would be time-consuming (because someone has some super junky setting they want to have before playing and they will spend ages to get it), harder to schedule as we'd have to account all pauses for that
I think it could make a very bad impression onto the event as well as the venue and it's too much risk for us to do it
- we did out attempt to get our event medal in the game, however our request was declined by Valve, that leaves us only with physical medals and trophies, so don't worry, they will look great
- most importantly I informed the venue that they must be prepared well with alcohol because of what kind of tragedy happened in rcadia