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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted May 4, 2014 at 12:05 AM
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#33 Low FPS in Q/A Help
SolidSpeerlaiyeOk I'm reviving this thread because I have no idea why my new pc with a i7 3770K and a GTX670 does still have fps drops from 400-500 to around 100fps. I mean I am using chris highframes config with a pc that should destroy tf2 and I still get "low fps"...

welcome to tf2

posted about 12 years ago


posted about 12 years ago
#48 problem in Off Topic
kiripeople also have to realise that it's not as simple as "should have told him up front", we do live in a society where trans people risk violence, abuse and generally being treated like shit for outing themselves in the wrong company

That's true, and there's no need to go around telling everyone the first time you meet them "hi I'm transsexual," but it's something very relevant in a romantic/sexual relationship that needs to be addressed relatively early on. Maybe not on the first date, but probably in the first few weeks.

I think in this situation the guy has every reason to feel upset/deceived, and even without the problem of him being 100% straight I think the trust issue would be enough to seriously consider ending the relationship. How do you keep something like that from someone for 8 months? It's not something like "oh it never crossed my mind to tell you"--of course she thought about it and chose to deceive him. Even if she doesn't think it should be a problem, anyone who isn't completely out of touch with society has to know that it's a big deal to most people.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Malicious intent... stay vigilant in TF2 General Discussion
hookyGetting someone banned on TF2Lobby?

Is that even possible?

Yes. I know people have gotten banned for spamming lobby chat lol.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Information on this monitor in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, I bought that monitor a month or two ago and haven't had any problems. It's pretty good for $200.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Is a threeway a good idea for the first time? in Off Topic

Either she's interested in you or she's not...just ask her out directly and find out. It saves both of you time and confusion and eliminates the possibility of getting friend-zoned. Plus, your chances are better if you show that you have the confidence to just man up and ask her out rather than beating around the bush.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 wtf shade in TF2 General Discussion
VickMWhat I thought this was going to be about:


(just got BL2 on it)

That looks shady as fuck...can't you get your game revoked or steam account banned for using international keys like that?

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Newbie Mix Update Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Having played a lot of newbie mixes this weekend, it seems like there are some very common mistakes or misunderstandings that newer players tend to have each time, and there isn't really time to explain all those things while you're playing or right after a game. I think it would be really helpful to create articles or videos going over these things...I mean some things you just need to learn from experience, but having concepts introduced or reinforced in an article or something might help them learn it faster.

Just off the top of my head I think it would help to go over things like obvious hiding spots, when/where to expect to get flanked, capitalizing on player/health/positioning advantages, how to get picks, not having your whole team cap a point, how to not play roamer like a pocket, going to health packs instead of your medic, when and when not to peek/take damage/go for risky plays, crit heals and heal priorities, where people should generally be holding at different points, basic positioning concepts and not giving up space for free, not being overly afraid of committing/dying, when/how to use kritz, where/when you should use uber and how to create a more favorable uber exchange, what classes to focus in different situations...

I'm not the most experienced player ever and I'm definitely no Sigma of TF2 insight, but I do understand a lot of those things (regardless of my inability to actually apply them when I'm playing sometimes lol) and could maybe attempt to write out some of them, in consultation with better players. I don't have a whole lot of time though, so it would take a while.

posted about 12 years ago
#70 Growing competitive tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I think it would be good to also try to advertise competitive tf2 in pub communities. Most of them have steam groups and forums where someone could post links to this site, newbie mix, tf2lobby, etc. along with some explanation/introduction (eg don't choose spy in a 6s lobby). It also might be helpful to try to contact leaders/admins of large pub communities to make them aware that these sites exist so maybe they can help direct regulars/pubstars and other people who might be interested in competitive tf2 there. A lot of pubbers probably don't go on SPUF/reddit/etc, so contacting them directly through their pub communities might be helpful.

Also, update/add to the tf2 wiki - http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Competitive_play

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Alternatives to speed up the game. in Map Discussion

If it's really a stalemate though, can't the team that had the point that was reassigned just quickly recap it? They presumably still have control of the area, regardless of the status of the actual point.

Edit: nevermind didn't see #3

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Internet in Off Topic


Good joke, I can't even watch streams without switching to low quality most of the time.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Installing MGE/SOAP Mod in Q/A Help

should've gotten a tragicserver

posted about 12 years ago
#6 STAR Subscriber 6's team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Wow STAR = best competitive tf2 recruiter. At least two 6s teams and a HL team have already formed directly from regulars on his pub server.

Droodl3, heavy isn't really standard in 6v6--you'd need to play pocket soldier, roaming soldier, scout, demo, or medic, and (depending on what class you choose to play) you can offclass heavy in some situations.

posted about 12 years ago
#80 Wow nice site in TF2 General Discussion

nice site

posted about 12 years ago
#67 Wow nice site in TF2 General Discussion

nice site

posted about 12 years ago
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