Account Details
SteamID64 76561198404331683
SteamID3 [U:1:444065955]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:222032977
Country United States
Signed Up March 10, 2019
Last Posted April 23, 2019 at 3:18 PM
Posts 11 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.55
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
1280x720 Windowed
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse blackweb Wireless Bluetooth Mouse
Keyboard Logitech k400
Mousepad None
Headphones 2 earbud with one working earbud
#288 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
Chochyanyone has the hud that version?

Looks like broselhud, with lower hp and ammo. You could probably do that yourself watching some videos.

posted about 5 years ago
#773 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
teabellfagoatseWell, I have been maintaining comanglia's high performance cfg for years now.
Here it is if anybody is interested:

I tried to keep anything of personal preference to minimum but I might have missed something.

What speed of internet are your net settings designed for?

I actually forgot to add net settings, because I removed the net in general.

posted about 5 years ago
#772 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
fagoatseAnarykeSo the link above points to a high performance cfg.. but it says not for toasters,?
yeah, back then there were 3 or 4 presets and the high performance cfg was meant for decent hardware as in it didn't have anything that would sacrifice some important gameplay elements for more frames. While, I don't have any other hw to test except my fairly beefy PC I assume nearly everything should be able to run the config I posted these days.
t1ntedfagoatseWell, I have been maintaining comanglia's high performance cfg for years now.
Here it is if anybody is interested:

I tried to keep anything of personal preference to minimum but I might have missed something.

Would it be ok if i released a config with some of your/ most of your gfx settings? I will make sure to credit you in the config.

I don't mind but is there anything you wish to be added here? I wanted to keep it simple. One cfg, one file, plug n play.

what do you mean by "wish to be added here"? I'm using your cfg, raspbryy pi's, and chris's config. i just combined most of them and see which commands don't fit.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Does anyone have Danpixed's MaxFPS config? in Customization

I've been using the current updated version of Cowmanglia's Stability Config and it gets me 100 fps in MGE, and i get 70 fps in Casual. I've only recently discovered this config, and I'm betting it'll at least make my Casual games reach 100 fps. My potato computer doesn't have a good GPU or CPU, so i really need that config.

posted about 5 years ago
#769 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
AnarykeSo the link above points to a high performance cfg.. but it says not for toasters,?

I had actually tried to do somethings with it to make it for toasters, as i can't find the original for Cowmanglia's taoster config, but it didn't work out anyway.

posted about 5 years ago
#766 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
fagoatseWell, I have been maintaining comanglia's high performance cfg for years now.
Here it is if anybody is interested:

I tried to keep anything of personal preference to minimum but I might have missed something.

Would it be ok if i released a config with some of your/ most of your gfx settings? I will make sure to credit you in the config.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Highlight: Credu vs Faint in Videos

does anyone have links to credu's own config?

posted about 5 years ago
#1276 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

This was in a newbie mix, but i think it deserves to be here
Gramps (he was teaching a player to play demoman): If you blow your whole load, you're useless.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 broselhud-blue links? in Customization

Does anyone have the links to broselhud-blue? Because when i go to huds.tf and download the hud, it doesn't work. If i am downloading it wrong (I just drag the broselhud-blue master folder into my custom files), please comment on another way on how to download broselhud-blue.

posted about 5 years ago
#275 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

does anyone have the broselhud - blue files? it doesnt work on huds.tf

posted about 5 years ago
#3 tomato suace in Off Topic

Onions with garlic and olive oil. Do you use soy sauce too or do i have a weird family?

posted about 6 years ago