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SteamID64 76561197971983043
SteamID3 [U:1:11717315]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:5858657
Country Brazil
Signed Up June 25, 2016
Last Posted July 18, 2020 at 11:55 PM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
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#297 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

I heard about this earlier while I was doing my Flight Attendant course, and still can't believe this is true... Damn dude... It hurts to imagine all his family is passing throught now... I liked to watch his gameplay and stream... Always seemed to be a very nice person... Besides a beast on this game... My condolences to all his relatives and family... And I hope you can rest in peace Yomps ... Damn, I'm writing these words crying a lot and can't avoid It... It hurts...

Goodbye Yomps... :(

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Stream Request in Requests

Thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Stream Request in Requests

Hey, I'm temujin1337 from Brazil and playing TF2 most of the time (6s with my team / mix / pugs / demo review). I'm Invite Medic here in SA and would appretiatte to be added to the list!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards!


posted about 6 years ago
#27 Chapelaria S3 GF: SVIFT SA vs. Bee Work in Matches

Hi everyone, just wanna thank everybody who enjoyed the live... I was one of the commentators from HorizonTV, and it was very nice and fun to do the casting. We try to put our full energy on it to call the public to see it... It's very nice to see that people are enjoying even if the cant understand hahahah

Thank you everyone =)

posted about 6 years ago
#171 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Hope that comes the update ASAP.... I really love this hud :(

posted about 8 years ago
#169 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization
Intellectualtemujin1337Hello everybody!

I'm having a trouble with the "HP" showed when I aim an ally... Look at the screens... The numbers, at my game, appears over the char, but "cutted"... I just can see the first 2 numbers (ex: the soldier has 157, so I can see just 15)....

I would like to put just like it is shown at the screenshots of the hud... I posted both images...

Can someone help me?


advanced options -> HUD -> turn off floating targetid's

Thanks dude! Everything is all right now!!! Cheers!

posted about 8 years ago
#167 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Hello everybody!

I'm having a trouble with the "HP" showed when I aim an ally... Look at the screens... The numbers, at my game, appears over the char, but "cutted"... I just can see the first 2 numbers (ex: the soldier has 157, so I can see just 15)....

I would like to put just like it is shown at the screenshots of the hud... I posted both images...

Can someone help me?



posted about 8 years ago