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Last Posted February 3, 2025 at 8:35 AM
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#113 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion

A dying old man fighting his last breathe to prove he doesn’t actually like furry child porn when nobody even asked

RendoasI'm 30.
posted 1 month ago
#80 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

This player is either cheating, or clearly an alt. I say this because they only have 1 year of history of playing competitive TF2, yet have a strange start. At the beginning of their log history you can clearly see they are either not new, or are extremely good at aiming. They have a whole host of logs that raise some questions, such as:


This player started playing on this same day, and dropped these logs. They are playing against mostly newcomer/players with no experience. However, even still they are hitting above 70% acc on scattergun. Maybe they are a once in a lifetime prodigy, but I find that not very convincing.

If you look through their STEAMIDUK profile, you will find a very interesting trend. You will find that a large number of this accounts oldest friends are all vac or game banned, as you will see here:

Just by clicking through many of their friends, you will find that many of them share groups with minaaj, and who knows, maybe some are alts of minaaj. Looking at one of their friends you can even find that they share this group:

What is very interesting about this group is that literally everyone in this group is game or VAC banned. This is very suspicious to me.
Now I am not proving anything by just raising these red flags. Looking at their demos and pointing out things that look suspicious is kinda useless unless we have their POV demos. I am just saying here that this person is very likely cheating or could be an alt of someone else.

Looking through their steam history shows that this account has been seemingly active for a while before getting into comp tf2, so is unlikely to be an alt IMO. Their own steam profile even has tons of comments calling them out for cheating.

I would encourage RGL Admins to look at the report I sent and maybe prompt some demo requests that the community can look through, as a normal player does not have all of these red flags. Maybe I am wrong that they are cheating, but it is still a big deal that an alt account was able to play the divisions they played.

That furry group is actually just all his alts btw I got insider info hml

posted 2 months ago
#4 recruiting puscrim lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

maybe moo demo me medic?

posted 3 months ago
#23 hey what food do you guys like in TF2 General Discussion

i like what that guys ma makes

posted 6 months ago
#32 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic

As much as I like calling people I don’t know pedophiles, I find it interesting that this person privately came to you about being groomed, you have a falling out with this person, then you decide to make this persons story a tftv thread.

posted 9 months ago