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Signed Up December 17, 2015
Last Posted June 25, 2021 at 1:13 PM
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#8280 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Tf2 Lod tweaks, blocky textures and filtering HELP in Customization

well when i use mat_filtertextures 1 its blurry but then the drawdistance shit isnt that significant. I guess ill use this then, thanks i guess

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Tf2 Lod tweaks, blocky textures and filtering HELP in Customization
driftamat_picmip 2
r_lod 1
mat_filtertextures 0
mat_filterlightmaps 0

still doesnt work

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Tf2 Lod tweaks, blocky textures and filtering HELP in Customization

So i recently used nvidia inspector to get blocky textures on tf2, this is what my inspector settings look like:

So the problem is this:
As you can see on the wall left from the crosshair, the closer i am to something the better quality it is. I would like it to look same at all distances, blocky.
So I want my tf2 look as sharp, blocky and low quality as possible. I just dont know what that thing is called.
Is there some commands that i should change or are my inspector settings messed up?

posted about 7 years ago
#159 wavesui in Customization

Yeah the cow mangler charge meter is the only problem it has. Is it possible to somehow cover up the pyro background with a custom background(s). Something like this: I chouldn't make those work so is there any way of inserting those backgrounds to the game files and make them work. I think those backgrounds would look great with the hud.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Need help on making a fps config to run tf2 better in TF2 General Discussion
Cathy_AceI used to be in a situation similar to yours, and to be honest, there's nothing you can really do to make your game run as decently as you want short of buying a new computer. The best thing you can do is find a config and tweak it to your liking. I know you said not to recommend other configs that are floating around out there, but if the config is comprehensive enough, then you basically have all the commands at your disposal to make your game run as best as possible. I used to use Chris's configs, and there were comments for many of the commands so that I could adjust them accordingly. I think Comanglia's config is pretty popular nowadays, and after looking at it, it looks to have all the commands you need.

Other than that, you could run the game at a lower resolution (1024x768 or 800x600), make sure you don't have any unecessary background processes running, or save up for a new computer.

Again, there's no magic setting(s) that you can take advantage of to make your laptop run TF2 as you wish it would. I don't think there's any hidden setting not found in any of the already established configs/threads that would cause TF2 to run at a stable framerate on a computer as underpowered as yours.

Thank you so much for this, im looking foward for the Comanglia's config :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Need help on making a fps config to run tf2 better in TF2 General Discussion

I'm on the point to throw my laptop to the wall. I've tried to make my tf2 run better as much as i can but i still cant go over 60 fps. I had a decent config that had some fps drops but somehow i managed to fuck it up too. All i wan't is somebody to make me a good config or atleast give me hints. I got intel i3 2.1 ghz prosessor (2cores).

Here's some things i want in my config:
directx 8
1980x1020 resolution
interp 15.2

thats all, i can add class configs with primary r_drawviewmodel 0 by myself. Just put everything to the lowest. I don't give a shit about sheens, effects (i want to see unusual effect and pro ks eyes), shadows, models, details, facial details. Just make it look like porridge, but with those things and good fps. I can do all the basic stuff by myself.

Don't come here and say: "You should probably try the and these configs/config generator sites". I don't want them, they suck.

God bless the guy who can help me. Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago