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Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted October 19, 2014 at 2:22 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ⋅⋅ 80
#12 ESEA-IM Power Rankings Week 5 in News

It only took 2 seasons but we made it! Brb buying lottery tickets.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Looking to buy a headset in Hardware

In that price range your options are really limited, at least as far as good headsets go. Plantronics makes decent stuff, you might be able to find something from them. If you wanna step up to the $70 range you can go with the razer carcharias, which despite the brand name, is actually a nice headset. If I were you tho, I'd just save up a little more and spend $100 on the audio technica ad700s, and a zalman clip on mic.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 PSU zapped in Hardware

Wow, 10 years. That's pretty impressive. Odds are the thing just finally went on ya. I'd still check the voltage on the outlet to be on the safe side tho.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 PSU zapped in Hardware

emachines, there's you're problem.

I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, but the biggest problem with emachines, or any other pre-built system (besides being overpriced) is the quality of the components usually isn't the best. It may say 750w power supply, but odds are its not a top brand like corsair or silverstone... It's probably "bobs power supplies". They use whatever they can get at the lowest price, so they tend to fail.

There is a chance it was a problem with the outlet, but I'm willing to bet the psu just up and died on you. How old is the PC anyway?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 UberCounter: Android App For Medics in TF2 General Discussion

A neat idea to help newer medics, but when both of your hands are busy playing its gonna be difficult to take one hand off to tap the skull. Is it possible to make it voice activated?

Honestly it's easier to just look at your own uber percentage and see what it's at when the enemy medic spawns. That's roughly the advantage you are gonna have.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Real Men don't cry in Off Topic

"im not a real nigga" *sobs*

old video but it never gets old

posted about 11 years ago
#57 Gpit Tonight in TF2 General Discussion
tri_I like playing gpit in matches it's exciting but scrimming on it is a chore cuz it's so different from the other maps.

definitely talking out of my ass here but it feels like how the NHL has a winter classic every year where two teams play one of their regular season games in an outdoor rink which has different conditions and probably feels different from playing in a regular indoor rink. It doesn't affect most teams since only 2 out of 30 teams play in this and isn't too big of a deal to prepare for; it's really just a tradition and a show for the fans.

But what if every team in the NHL had to play 10 (1/8th) of their regular season games in an outdoor rink and had to prepare for it by taking their everyday practice to outdoor rinks for two weeks. gravelpit in the map rotation isn't nearly as extreme as this example but it's still only there for tradition and good for spectators and most teams I imagine don't like preparing for it and would rather just get it out of the way (even if everyone involved enjoys the matches resulting)

so I really think gpit should be voted out, even for a map that was previously in the rotation

I think thats a better analogy for the LAN rather than gpit week. As a hockey player myself, ive played on many indoor and outdoor rinks. While there are some differences, the game is still the same fundamentally. Home team advantage is something you hear about a lot, in hockey teams know how the boards work in their rink. You know where you can shoot a puck to make it bounce how and where you want. An outdoor rink that you arent used to doesnt allow for that, but the same goes for playing an away game. NHL players are the best in the world, and most of, if not all of them have grown up playing on outdoor and indoor rinks. Its not a big deal for them. They dont get much practice time on the outdoor rinks as they are usually being built and arent ready until a couple days before the game. On the TF2 side of the coin, gpit is a departure from the norm, but its still the game we always play, and a map we have played forever (like granary or badlands). The winter classic is just a change in location, like playing on lan.

Yes the winter classic is more a promotional thing than anything else, but if it was more practical im sure more teams would play on outdoor rinks, but due to weather and other factors its kind of impossible. Gpit isnt promotional for us, the lan is. Gpit is just a map, and one we are all used to. There have been a few votes to see if it should be removed, and it always survives and stays in. People want to play it. As I said in my other post, i think a lot of the people in this thread complaining about it now are on teams that didnt practice it (at least not much) and lost, and arent happy. I understand that, but the community has spoken several times through votes about it. Give us a new stopwatch map or game type that plays well in 6s and id be willing to vote gpit out for that.

I just feel that if gpit were to get removed because people dont like playing it for certain reasons, while unlikely, could result in removing more maps. "gullywash and snakewater suck because they can turn into huge stalemates, lets ditch them. oh man, metalworks sucks, lets drop that too." 8 weeks of badlands, joy.

holy shit i just wrote an essay. sorry. going to sleep now.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Gpit Tonight in TF2 General Discussion

do teams LIKE playing gpit, usually not. sometimes it can be a fun, intense match, however most of the time its rather annoying. This discussion has been brought up so many times. "gpit is a map where lower teams can upset better ones, lets get rid of it." is the argument ive heard quite often. Well, the same goes for any map really. It seems like its always the teams who dont practice gpit and lose their matches are the ones who start complaining about how it needs to be taken out. maybe if you practiced like the "lesser" teams it wouldnt be an issue.

Sorry if that sounded harsh, i know that isnt ALWAYS the situation. Personally, I wouldnt totally mind seeing it go, but gpit DOES work in a 6v6 setting. Out of all the different map types, we use only 2-non push maps (viaduct/gpit). Its nice to have a little variety. Until another really good koth map comes along, or a new game type/map that works in 6v6 i think we should keep gpit if only to break up the monotony of an 8 week season of push maps.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Bryan Cranston (breaking bad) reddit AMA in Off Topic

Bryan Cranston is fucking hilarious.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Asus 144hz back on sale in Hardware

they CAN, but sometimes its just like, the box was damaged in shipping and they needed to put it in another box, or someone got it, didnt like it and returned it.

I got an "open box" laptop from newegg, and i saved like $1000 on it because the box was damaged and it had to be packaged in a new box. My 2nd monitor (just a 60hz) was open box from best buy, perfect condition, saved $120 on it.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion
downpourwhats the reason
enlighten me


posted about 11 years ago
#9 headphones + mic assistance in Hardware

I recently got the ad700s and I like them. I picked up the asus xonar dg card for $30 to go with it and the zalman clip on mic. The only downside to the ad700s is that it's hideous. I just finished painting mine and now they look and sound awesome

posted about 11 years ago
#107 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

very good points, i didnt think of that

posted about 11 years ago
#105 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

excuse me for asking a question enigma

posted about 11 years ago
#103 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

We really dont need valves support. So what if our 6v6 format is a little hard for pubbers to "get". We ALL started out as pubbers at some point, then we found the competitive scene somehow, and here we are. We dont need to change the way we do things to get support from valve to make our scene grow at thrive, because we already are growing and thriving.

If we could just get valve to put links to some of our popular streamers on the official team fortress site, and promote things like fully charged on the site as well we could help a lot of new pub players find their way to the competitive scene.

Also, have we thought of starting a petition to get a 6s lobby system made with OUR ruleset?

posted about 11 years ago
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