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Signed Up October 24, 2012
Last Posted October 19, 2014 at 2:22 AM
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#271 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

If you are going to the city, check out South St.

Lots of bars, cool shops, places to eat (2nd best cheesesteaks in the city, "Jim's" is there). Strip clubs are near there too for those of you who have never seen breasts.

posted about 10 years ago
#979 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
joddanything along the lines of "just use pipes", "have good pipe aim", etc., is a really weak argument to show that you are for this nerf. it's not a hit scan weapon, nor can it completely miss the enemy's body and still do substantial damage splashing off the ground/wall. clockwork had a well-written post on this.

Thank you for letting me know what my opinion is on the matter.

You are wrong. I am not for the nerf, but I don't see it as game breaking. Demo is going to revert back to how it was played years ago, which in some ways will slow down play. The nerf will open things up in other ways tho, especially for scouts.

I enjoy the game. I always have. I think it was fine the way it was. All I'm trying to say (to the people saying "tf2s dead" or "what class is gonna replace demo" and acting like demo is now unable to do any damage) is that its not the end of the world.

It doesn't matter who is for or against it, or who writes well thought out posts, its not going to make valve undo the change.

posted about 10 years ago
#974 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

I did. I never said it was exactly the same tho. I was comparing the reactions to the nerfs.

Soldiers got an ammo nerf. More recently our main melee weapon started making us take mini crits.

While it didn't cause as much anger, scouts kinda got a nerf by banning Bonk. (A lot of scouts would use it to just get behind, or out of bad spots after making a bad play).

Demos got a damage nerf on sticks. Traps are still just as effective. Pipes are just as effective. Back in the day fucking solid would run targe in invite matches (not always, but often) because he could hit crazy pipes. Demos with good pipe aim will be in high demand now.

I know it's gotta suck for demo mains to get a damage nerf, but all I'm saying is its not the end of the world.

(Edit: escape plan thing added to soldier nerfs)

posted about 10 years ago
#972 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
Saltysally1you're a soldier you wouldn't understand.

I've played the game since fucking beta. I think I can wrap my head around it without maining the class.

posted about 10 years ago
#970 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
Saltysally1pretty much every demo main i have on my friends list has switched classes and if they haven't they just play a semi-regular demo with much pussyness added. I think sniper should be ran now, better area denial if he's good with head shots or something idk.

Are you joking?

Better area denial? Sure if you hit the headshot it's good, but if you miss the team is fucked. Traps are just as effective as ever, and they are still the best "denial" weapon. Literally the only difference is demos can't fight with sticks as effectively. Pipes still work fine. Kritz will mainly go to pockets now, and you probably won't see it in big open areas that much.

I remember back in the day when soldiers used to have 56 rockets. We got nerfed, people cried, people switched classes, others adapted. Everyone needs to calm down.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Hellbent lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Gave him a mousepad. Has glorious jumps. Pick him up.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Viability of new weapons in TF2 General Discussion
Mangachuparachute is broken, you can control your strafing way too much

Haven't played since my team died at the beginning of the season, but I pubbed a little last night to see some of the new weapons. The parachute is the worst item I've ever seen, including the sandman. I haven't used it yet myself, but from watching literally every soldier in pubs use it I see it has no charge timer and can be used every time you jump. Also, as mangachu said they have way too much control over their movement while using it.

It wouldn't be as bad if you had to reach a certain height to use it, and it had a cool down timer but its annoying as fuck when you shoot feet to pop someone up for a low height airshot, or a finishing rocket as they land, and then they pop the fucking chute, throw off your aim, and seemingly never fucking land all the while basically walking in the air easily avoiding rockets because of the crazy control you apparently have.

This thing should never EVER be allowed in comp unless it gets a major nerf.

posted about 10 years ago
#137 TF2 countdown? in TF2 General Discussion
hazthrasherThanks for waiting. Now your character can dance.

Fucking valve.

Day 1. Give them a chance

Day 2. Hats.

I know how this works. I wonder if its too late to get a refund for tf2?

posted about 10 years ago
#119 TF2 countdown? in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for waiting. Now your character can dance.

Fucking valve.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 The One True King in TF2 General Discussion
TheFragiledflameYou beat me 20-19 with 5 health remaining like 6 times and you also had 30 ping while I had 120. MGE at GXL and we will see who THE TRUE KING is.
Shall I set this up? I have $10 on my boi Matthew Rod.

You're on nick. $10 on dflame.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 TF2 countdown? in TF2 General Discussion

I have no idea what they are counting down to, but one thing I do know is that when it reaches zero we will still have invisible players.

posted about 10 years ago
#260 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
cyzerIt's all fun and games until someone is found naked out in the open covered in their own puke, ain't gonna be my problem

This is why I am sleeping at my place and commuting each day.

posted about 10 years ago
#96 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion

MIRVs would be nasty in TF2. Toss one behind a team as they are trying to back up...

I don't think it would be a problem tho if only heavies got them. Give the demo the detpack as his grenade instead of a MIRV

I'd love to get back the normal frag grenades too. That old one two with a primed nade and a rocket. The good old days...

posted about 10 years ago
#93 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSthrasher Engineer EMP 2gud, new meta.
don't forget to drop your extra pack before you leave spawn breh

Hell no. I discard that pack with a well timed EMP for extra damage (yes I used to main engineer in QWTF where it was actually a beast class)

posted about 10 years ago
#89 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 grenades?!?!?!

Holy fuck its happening!

Please dear god bring all the old QWTF/TFC nades back. Engineer EMP 2gud, new meta.

posted about 10 years ago
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