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Signed Up September 22, 2012
Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM
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#76 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

people are continuously finding nicer and nicer ways to word out "we want to be more like esports news sites", ignoring that there's major news hub areas (most notably, anything related to the FGC like SRK or smashboards) that don't actively remove articles that have already been made and published, and even highlight smaller, less meaningful tidbits, because you're allowed to have both small and big stuff at the same time.

if you are genuinely, honestly telling me that you have no other possible way to tag or differentiate between major and minor articles, then that's laziness trying to hide off as professionalism

posted about 9 years ago
#35 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

comparing one of the biggest competitive scenes in TF2 to bball is probably not helping you here, methinks

posted about 9 years ago
#30 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

I mean, it's up to the site itself of course, but that doesn't really change TFTV from being, for all intents and purposes, the only game in town. if there was a consistent HL hub then this would never be an argument, because you could just point them there, but there isn't one

I know just about fuck-all with regards to EU, but I know that the american HL scene is still up there in size, and is definitely larger in scope than whatever goof-ass faux-comp format you want to compare it to like ready steady pan or s/t. perhaps its main niche (an easy transition for pubbers to understand competitive play) will be nullified a bit from matchmaking, but at its core its still a format that lets pub stomper steve play spy without actively getting shit on by his team, it's a good format to support

posted about 9 years ago
#5 MLG sells "substantially all" assets to Blizzard in Off Topic

RIP smash's original big-time, when nobody else believed in them

even if MLG smash was pretty terribly awkward in 2014 and recentrly, melee as we currently know it wouldn't have existed had they not picked it up in 2004

shame about, uh, the rest of MLG being so easy to make fun of

posted about 9 years ago
#28 What PC game made you stay a PC gamer? in Off Topic

emulators are amazing things when your childhood was spent below the poverty line. "wait, I only need to wait overnight for dozens of games to download, and I can play each for hours on end? jesus christ this is a miracle"

then I bought tf2 on a whim thinking it would play as well as snes9x on my awful computer, got incredibly confused when it didn't, and learning on why is how I got into the actually-paying-for-things-legitimately part of PC games

posted about 9 years ago
#72 The Pyro Update Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

a bit of a hard bump, but I'd rather not make a new thread entirely to throw this out there:

I assumed it was already well-known, but considering reddit's flipping out over the idea I guess nobody fully realized how worthless pyro's flames are for visual info

posted about 9 years ago
#5 help me please in Customization

temporarily take out your FPS config

comanglia's config did this to me too, it's annoying and it only seems to happen to a handful of people

posted about 9 years ago
#14 holy heck in Off Topic

it seemed barely noticeable to me. I was leaning back on my chair at the time, I just sorta presumed I leaned too far and lost balance for a quarter of a second but then ppl on twitter were freaking the fuck out over it

posted about 9 years ago
#17 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization

honestly, I just want a tiny, translucent number on my screen that tells me which slot I'm currently on, since I like my universal crosshair but I also happen to be the biggest idiot on the planet so I forget which weapon I'm on half the time

posted about 9 years ago
Gemmellness(and at the SAME POINT each time in benchmark2 which ran fine with my old autoexec)

oh shit, I thought that was just another weird quirk w/ my computer. yeah, this happened to me as well, though it sort of just stopped crashing eventually which is how I got my benchmarks

posted about 9 years ago

using benchmark2 (benchmark1, IMO, should only ever be used for historical comparisons, as it doesn't have skins or many particle effects at all)

//flame's DX9 propaganda config
//(modified slightly to turn off shadows)
41.143 seconds 117.71 fps ( 8.50 ms/f) 16.261 fps variability
41.407 seconds 116.96 fps ( 8.55 ms/f) 16.212 fps variability
41.033 seconds 118.03 fps ( 8.47 ms/f) 16.217 fps variability
40.897 seconds 118.42 fps ( 8.44 ms/f) 16.047 fps variability
40.843 seconds 118.58 fps ( 8.43 ms/f) 16.526 fps variability
41.065 seconds 117.94 fps ( 8.48 ms/f) 16.253 fps variability
39.559 seconds 122.43 fps ( 8.17 ms/f) 17.366 fps variability
39.295 seconds 123.25 fps ( 8.11 ms/f) 16.993 fps variability
39.443 seconds 122.78 fps ( 8.14 ms/f) 17.540 fps variability
39.612 seconds 122.26 fps ( 8.18 ms/f) 17.312 fps variability
39.344 seconds 123.09 fps ( 8.12 ms/f) 17.045 fps variability
39.451 seconds 122.76 fps ( 8.14 ms/f) 17.251 fps variability

not too surprising in itself, but then I had a bit of an idea, to check if any of these framerate gains were specifically because of the small config flame made:

//(I shoved flame's stuff to the end of LQGFX)
38.639 seconds 125.34 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 18.882 fps variability
38.628 seconds 125.37 fps ( 7.98 ms/f) 18.782 fps variability
38.611 seconds 125.43 fps ( 7.97 ms/f) 19.056 fps variability
38.238 seconds 126.66 fps ( 7.90 ms/f) 18.483 fps variability
38.803 seconds 124.81 fps ( 8.01 ms/f) 18.446 fps variability
38.584 seconds 125.52 fps ( 7.97 ms/f) 18.730 fps variability

...and I actually get a better framerate, albeit at the cost of slightly worse fps variability. how strange

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Any promising weapons in the workshop? in TF2 General Discussion

there's worse things to be than a slightly more intellectual theory junkyard, when you get down to it

IntellectualHighclassI hope they're focusing on balancing, not adding more weapons that will eventually need to be balanced.rebalancing an unused or op weapon to be almost a completely different new weapon is effectively adding a new weapon, which is still exciting!! ex. mini-crit soda popper to flying soda popper

winger's pretty much the absolute best-case scenario IMO, went from an objective downgrade to a genuinely good, commonly-utilized niche with one change

posted about 9 years ago
#11 What should I buy from the winter sale? in Other Games
deetrThe Beginner's Guide was really cool and I felt like $6 was a pretty good price

word of warning: the actual TBG experience is only two hours max, but that's because you're paying six bucks for the horrible void left in your soul after going through it

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Account Details Belonging to Someone Else in TF2 General Discussion

Apparently yes, but they didn't source where they got Valve's word

it's just a PR email sent to a bunch of sites, is all

poor bastards, I'd hate to be the tech support that has to run back to work on christmas day because of someone in the company making a dumb mistake

posted about 9 years ago
#58 Competitive Matchmaking Details Revealed in News
BisquitNo class limits and no weapon bans seems pretty lame, just gonna be a little better than pubbing.

I feel like people keep forgetting this, despite b4nny saying it like fifty times:

right now they're only testing matchmaking with the intent of actually making the entire thing work. this is also why nobody really cared when it was forced to 4s last night, they just need to make sure that everyone involved can consistently queue up and finish matches

they'll likely figure out that you need class limits later, but it doesn't really matter rn

posted about 9 years ago
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