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SteamID64 76561198035811908
SteamID3 [U:1:75546180]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:37773090
Country United States
Signed Up January 15, 2013
Last Posted February 1, 2013 at 12:22 AM
Posts 3 (0 per day)
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#1 Traven Streaming in Requests

I am a livestreamer from and have recently picked up TF2 in a competetive aspect about a month ago. I have about 200 hours played and typically play either Scout or Soilder. I classify myself as a general baddy, but I feel as if I can bring an aspect of the "newer gamer" for TF2 in the streaming community. I am a frequent streamer that streams about two hours a day between 3:30pm-11:00pm (GMT-8) I am in high school so times are sometimes tough. I have a working studio quality mic and provide constant commentary and answer all of the comments that I can while simultaneously playing. The stream quality is currently 60fps at 720p, but it will be upgraded to 1080p when I figure out how to properly configure OBS (I am coming from Xsplit) I hope to be a livestreamer on in the future and look foward to any new experiences I may encounter on the way.

p.s Sorry for the new thread, the other was not in correct format so I wasn't sure if I was to make a new one or not.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Traven ~ New Streamer in Requests ~ Link to the stream (sorry for delay)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Traven ~ New Streamer in Requests

Hello, I am a live streamer from and I have recently started to play team fortress 2. It's by far my favorite game and I am currently learning the ropes of the game. I have just under 200 hours played in the game and am still pretty new. I main Scout/Demo and frequently stream low level pugs, lobbies, and the casual highlander match. My stream is consistently up for approximately two to three hours a night at a 720p resolution and 60 fps. I would like to be able to participate as a live streamer on since that's all I really stream anymore, and I feel as if doesn't have any new player orientated streams.

posted about 12 years ago