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Last Posted January 29, 2013 at 7:31 PM
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#18 Strange weapons? in Q/A Help
KiritoIf you want to get strange weapons easily, you can go to All you need is to trade a bunch of random normal quality weapons to their bot and tada! PROFIT.

Thank you so much! That website is awesome and doesn't cost a penny. Much better getting what I want rather than paying for something random.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Strange weapons? in Q/A Help
droughtthe real question is why wont you trade for your stranges and save yourself the money

I don't really know where to find people with the stranges, plus I don't imagine many people would want the stuff in my inventory.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Strange weapons? in Q/A Help
Khakitreeroypanzerxiii/r/tf2 is thataway.

But on topic: that link you posted has unbox chances, why do you doubt them?
It has the chances for the weapons themselves, not the normal/strange chance.

Or are you saying it's guaranteed to be a strange weapon, not a normal weapon?
I just want to confirm it before spending £2, don't want to waste that on a normal quality weapon. :P
You will never get a normal weapon, it will always be strange

Awesome! Thanks.

swipertreeroyI just want to confirm it before spending £2, don't want to waste that on a normal quality weapon. :P
The key is probably going to be worth more than anything you'll get out of the crate (other than the 1% chance of getting an unusual).

But a key doesn't track your kills. :P

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Strange weapons? in Q/A Help
panzerxiii/r/tf2 is thataway.

But on topic: that link you posted has unbox chances, why do you doubt them?

It has the chances for the weapons themselves, not the normal/strange chance.

Or are you saying it's guaranteed to be a strange weapon, not a normal weapon?
I just want to confirm it before spending £2, don't want to waste that on a normal quality weapon. :P

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Strange weapons? in Q/A Help

I don't really understand how the strange weapon system works. I understand how the weapons themselves work, but don't know how to get them. Other than trading, it seems to be through opening the crates....

however, upon looking at crates on TF2Wiki (, apparently you're guaranteed to get a strange weapon when you open a crate. It says "note: weapons opened from this crate will be strange". Surely this can't be right! I thought they were rare - if they were this easy to get, everyone would have them.

So my question is, what is the chance that you will open a crate and find a strange weapon?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Classassin achievement failed in TF2 General Discussion
triplemintyou need to be on foundry to get the acheivement

it's in the foundry pack

Thanks for the info. I didn't realise you could only get the Foundry achievements on Foundry, I thought it was just a name for them.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Classassin achievement failed in TF2 General Discussion

A friend and I were trying to get the Classassin achievement (get one kill with each class in one round) but kept failing and we don't know why. We originally tried on a busy server and killed with each class, but didn't get the achievement. We used sentries as Engineers so thought perhaps we needed to get the kills with a gun, so tried on our own server, but that didn't work either.

Is there anything we don't know about this achievement? Are there restrictions on maps/modes/classes?

posted about 12 years ago