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Last Posted August 12, 2018 at 9:16 AM
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#1 cp_shrub in Map Discussion

cp_shrub_a2 (working title)
download link:
imgur album:

Here's a 5cp map I recently made. I was going for a compact, simple layout, taking inspiration from a few maps like coldfront (the last point is essentially a smaller, easier-to-push coldfront last). The map's been tested in a pub setting a couple times, where it wasn't that well liked. But comp play is what it's intended for, so I'd gladly hear your opinions on whether it has potential for that.

If it ever gets to that point, I've planned to do a kind of jungle / light industrial theme detail pass.

If someone could get b4nny to do one of his usual map reviews on this, that would be awesome. Let me know if he does!

posted about 6 years ago
#9 cp_relic in Map Discussion

New version's ready. Changes:
-reworked last point
-made mid significantly smaller
-replaced mid shack with a monument thingy
-additional plank ramp on 2nd point

posted about 7 years ago
#7 cp_relic in Map Discussion

Alright after a week of work I've put out a new version. The map has a completely different mid and last now. As for the last, I didn't get to put as much time and energy on it as I wanted, as Beater's probably going to run another test pug in the next few days. If it plays badly I plan to spend the next week working on that. The mid is now less open and scout-centric, hopefully it has potential now.
Please do share your thoughts on the changes!

another angle
another angle
mid flank
2nd to mid connector

posted about 7 years ago
#3 cp_relic in Map Discussion

You raise good points. The last/lobby area is also what I'm most unhappy with so far. I'll most likely end up redesigning those from scratch, and with more color coding.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 cp_relic in Map Discussion

A submission to Beater's competitive map making contest. 5CP with a layout similar to process/sunshine.

Current version: a4

Screens (some outdated)
another angle
another angle
mid flank
2nd to mid connector

Feedback would be really appreciated, as there's only time until march 16th to finish the map. If there's areas that flow badly or seem unfun to play, or any other problems, feel free to post your thoughts!

posted about 7 years ago