T0mTheres been no decent maps to include so whats the point?
I've played in the older seasons when there was freight, bazillion, obscure, logjam etc. The maps were fucking awful and I would have loved to have the map pool we have now back then. I would take reckoner any day over those maps and I fucking hate reckoner.
I highly disagree in that there's no point in changing up the maps as I think there are better maps to play over both Reckoner and Sunshine, I played a lot of the older seasons as well. The maps that you mention weren't exactly the best and I wouldn't advocate for any of those, but I do miss the stimulating and strategical aspect of Gravelpit that varies wildly from your typical 5CP game - most 5CP maps don't really seem to try any different approaches, they are all fundamentally based on the curve based design found in Badlands, which of course is great, but I think that in some ways you are actually creating a lot limitations which inevitably leads to stagnant maps.
Furthermore, this is why I think Granary is interesting to both play and watch, as it exhibits a different and unique linear design with easily pushable second from last points; this is because of the lack of lobby design, which is prevalent in essentially all 5CP maps based on Badlands.
Anyway, I'd love to see some adjustments in the map pool.