Hello team, this season we will have a new system for vetoing maps in the regular season. Previously, all 8 maps in the rotation were played in the regular season, and you would ban and pick maps in the playoffs. Starting now the veto system for selecting maps will be used throughout the whole season. You can see the details here: https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=news&d=comments&id=15175
Basically, for every match, each team will ban up to 3 maps (bans may overlap) and one of the remaining maps will be selected to be played. Bans will be locked in 2 days before the match is scheduled, so teams will have to select their bans ASAP for each match, but it will be much easier now as it will be done on the scheduling page instead of match comments/support tickets.
The first concern I can see being brought up is that this will lead to the same maps being played over and over. I think it will definitely lead to some maps being played far less or maybe not at all, which I don't think will be a bad thing. Some maps are less popular for a reason. The other thing that this changes is the map pool no longer needs to be 8 maps, and I think the veto system will work better with 7 maps, or even 9. There will obviously be a lot of debate on which maps should be removed or added, so I'm looking to get some feedback in this thread on the new system and the current map pool. I'm only looking to talk about the new map system in this thread but I'll look to make another announcement regarding IM and other stuff later on. thanks for listening