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Signed Up May 28, 2020
Last Posted June 19, 2021 at 9:03 PM
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#14 twitter tftv edition in The Dumpster

women rights

posted about 3 years ago
#68 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion

nominating myself

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Petition To Ban in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#1 who is joe in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#1 How would you buff the spy? in TF2 General Discussion

With or without changing what it's already established? Maybe a revert of the DR/Ambassador would help, as spy was already the worst class in the game at that point. What buffs do you think makes this class more useful? Or what do you think spy should change into?

edit : maybe a subclass item thing that would give the spy 150 hp but the backstabs only deal say 150 damage and his gun or cloak is buffed.

posted about 3 years ago
#27 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic
smokE não sei onde o Rose quer chegar com isso. Ele quer um ban no ksz na liga, sendo que ele nem tem o jogo mais instalado? É só isso? Já dissemos pra ele: Se você se sentiu mal, fale com seus pais e veja as medidas que podem ser tomadas. Por que ele não fez isso? Postagem em um fórum vai resolver algo?

Serio? Pelo que entendi lendo essa mensagem parece que um ban nao sera necessario/nao e pra acontecer porque ele nao tem mais o joguinho instalado? Pra voce sair livre de uma acao dessas voce so tem que desinstalar o joguinho e sair impune disso? Ate da a impressao que a liga aceita esse tipo de coisa, parece que como as coisas funcionam aqui e so voce ter amiguinho na staff e voce nao vai receber ban nenhum. Por isso que quero me afastar dessa liga.

posted about 4 years ago
#26 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic
smokmauLsmokI don't know why I'm wasting time responding to this troll, but come on.

Ksz is a 15-year-old boy (retarded) hated by the whole community. The Brazilian community is extremely toxic and does everything (everything) to damage the reputation of its "enemies".

And believe me, as a BF member, we investigated this troll. The conversation is ridiculous, but why doesn't Rose publish everything for us to review? Post everything for them to see :)

This is just another troll from the Brazilian community ...


Edit: We said to them: We at BF have no structure to judge a case of "pedophilia" / troll, if he feels injured, look for a lawyer.
Na thread o irmão dele assume que ele tem 16 pra 17, e vocês continuam tentando normalizar uma situação como essa. Tanto faz a idade dele, se é retardado ou não, se é tóxico ou não. Normalizar uma conversa como essa, onde ele finge ter 13 anos pra se aproveitar do menino, é no mínimo doença. Não sei se as ligas deveriam tomar algum lado nisso, mas continuar insistindo em defender o ksz é ridículo. Ele diz ser vítima na situação, mas as promiscuidades que ele disse provam o contrário, um muleque da idade dele falar isso pra uma criança de 13 anos e ser defendido pelos amiguinhos staff não pode ser normal.

Cara, entenda... Existe muita coisa por trás disso, nós da BF tivemos acesso a conversa inteira (INTEIRA), e acredite, o rose não é nenhum santinho. Inclusive, no lugar do Ksz eu já teria tomado medidas legais.
Só pra ter noção, o Bruno chegou até em falar sobre falar com os pais do Rose, e adivinha? O Rose sumiu...
A conversa é muito pior que essa, a gente não queria expor a conversa mas sinto que terei que expor o Rose, visto que ele ainda insiste nisso, e acho injusto vocês verem apenas um lado. Rose fala coisas 500x piores pro Ksz, e é sempre ele que vai atrás do Ksz. Em diversos momentos o Ksz pede para que ele pare de incomodar, mas ele continua (em vários momentos pedindo leite pro ksz [WTF???]).

A situação é simples: 2 crianças problemáticas tendo uma conversa doentia, e de repente, após uma briguinha, um deles tenta fuder o outro. É basicamente isso. Como o Rose trouxe isso pra uma esfera maior. Sinto que teremos que expor mais coisas e tomar algumas medidas.

É isso. Não tente julgar sem ter informações, é um tiro no escuro. Você está olhando apenas um lado, o Rose diz coisas tão doentes quanto o ksz (talvez até piores), porém essa parte ele não postou. Por que será né?

Acho que está na hora de vocês aprenderem que acusar alguém de pedofilia é extremamente grave. O Rose ainda é novo, provavelmente não entende sobre isso. Mas essa acusação "fake", por conta de treta, pode gerar problemas pra ele e para os responsáveis. Infelizmente alguns só aprendem da pior maneira.

Voce tem accesso a conversa inteira ne ? Entao talvez voce deve saber que eu nao fiquei falando dos meu cm e como eu quero fuder uma crianca de 13 anos. Como assim o rose sumiu? A conversa com eu e o Bruno parou onde ele aconselhou que eu fale com meus pais, e como assim eu sumi? Eu precisava falar para ele que contei para os meus pais ou algo do tipo?


o Rose diz coisas tão doentes quanto o ksz (talvez até piores), porém essa parte ele não postou. Por que será né?

O que sera essas coisas "tao doentes quanto o ksz (talvez ate piores)" se voce tem acesso inteiro a conversa, o que parece que nao tem, voce saberia que eu falei certas coisas, mas nao ao ponto do que o ksz chegou, de falar sobre ter 20 cm, ser dotado , e querer fuder "essa jaca violenta".
Talvez aquilo, seja as "coisas tao doentes quanto o ksz" que eu falei.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic
KumaheroEvery interaction I've ever had with this person has been unpleasant and I just want him away from our community.

As far as I'm aware, he hasn't been banned yet...

I think that might be due to his brother being in charge of the administration, and pedophilia not stated in the rules, the administration probably shrugged it off and let it be like that.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic
Air_do not interact with this person anymore, if you are.

Thanks. I haven't interacted with him in a long time, and I want to stay away from this league and this person.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic

Hello everyone , this is my first TFTV post, I don't know how to format well. I just want to let you guys know about what happened in an Brazilian TF2 league. Also, this post was in the works for a long time ago. The reason it didn't got posted is because I thought maybe this wouldn't be a good post, maybe posting about it might not be a good thing. Then I decided that after waiting and waiting NOTHING basically happened. It will be explained in the rest of this post. BF is Brasil Fortress , an competitive TF2 league.

So, basically, I was and I still am 13 , and i was talking with dm with a person, and it was normal conversation, with me joking around.

It was basically him asking how many times I washed my hands, and I, joking, said 69.

Then, I said 420, and this is where things get really weird, he asks me to take off my clothes, then I ask how old is he, and he said , he's 13 (more on that later)

I replied with, "wow, same". Then he sent a picture of these 2 anime girls

Then , he asked which one of them, and he just told me to choose. I asked, she's a minor? And then he replied, you are a minor, you are the one that's going to get fucked. Weiird

I then asked if the girl is a trap, and I quoted the message of "you are the one that's getting fucked" joking , using the "you" against him.

He then asks if I can handle 20 centimeters, and I say "are you gay?" and then I joked about it being a prank, 10 centimeters entering and 10 centimeters leaving , but it got deleted. Then he said 20cm entering and 20cm leaving. And he also says he can't
show pictures, since I'm a minor. I say he's also an minor, and he says I'm more, and I say he's also 13.

He then says "look, the last time I showed it to someone , her reaction was "wow, it's so big, wow"
and 13 dummy year old me, not knowing what is actually going on played around with it : "Her? so you are a trap?"
then he finished his dialogue with, "don't even want to know the second look"

If you say "her" that must mean you are a trap, bruh", then he says "what
one thing relates to the other?", then I ask if he's an trap again, and he says, "bro, with the dick I have , are you crazy?".

Later on , in a few days, I asked if he left BF's server (more on that later), and he said, "yes, did you miss me?", then after some hours , he asks if I'm here, I reply, and he asks me to take a photo, naked?

I ask again if he left BF's server. Just to be sure, he confirms it, then says, "please honey, my dick is hard, come here, fuuuuuuuck, sit on my dick", then
"sweetie I want you, fuck you violently"

I then have a conversation with his brother , which is in charge of the administration of BF, and he owns it? I don't know. BF is Brasil Fortress, and he says he's actually 16 to 17. A 16 to 17 person talking that stuff to a 13 year old?

confirmation that they are brothers. Ksz, which is lotusx, is the same person sent me that kinds of messages.

Sometime before this he said he will take this to the staff. However, nothing has happened. The old rules doesn't state something like this, which seems to be kinda pedophilia, imo, as breaking the rules. They got updated now, and it's not in the rules still, and nothing has happened.

I don't know if posting this is the right course of action, but I do feel like posting here will get people to give me genuine advice on how to proceed from now on . I genuinely don't want to play in that league anymore unless it gets properly changed. I don't even know if this kind of post is allowed , maybe it is, because similar posts happened , such as the nursey one.

EDIT : So apparently, ksz's brother, has posted a message in BF's discord where he talks about the situation. It seems BF got a little bit silent because they are against any type of exposure on their players.
He talks about the case very well, and he puts some screenshots of what i said. I would like to say that some of them are out of context. This screenshot was in the message
However, it was a part early on in which ksz said i was victimizing myself.
I was simply trying to say "im 13, dont know what im talking, and im victimizing myself?", but it got taken out of context.
However, others had context, and others were me joking, however you can tell how i really don't know what i'm doing when i say some of these stuff.
also this is just some copypasta i found lmao, this wasnt in dms or anything and it just ended up there.
Also he says i apparently ignored his advice on talking to my parents? I read it and acknowledged it. I didin't ignore it because you were repeating it a bit in our conversation and i already answered your concern.

He also showed some stuff that are on an degree to similarity as to what he said, however, this happened after some of the creepy dm's he said. Just realized rn i kinda got influenced by him and his shit, treated it like a joke and said similar stuff.
However some of these messages he showed aren't dm's, as far as i know.
And the part "he didin't show proof on them being 13", well you didin't showed me proof of your brother being 16 to 17 as well. But you wanted me to show my birth certificate? I don't want to do that, but i don't think if i asked you to prove ksz/lotusx age you would show his birth certificate. i dunno. Anyway. I said bad stuff on the same degree as him , yeah, kinda, but, i said it to him, as far as i know, and i don't think i said about how my dick is 20cm or that other stuff.

I feel really bad when some stuff on the message he sent are taken out of context, even if it's just a few, and you do realize i changed in the future. However, i think ksz/lotusx also did, but i think if his brother told me on the dm's sometime later that he got him away from tourney and staff, this post wouldn't exist.

posted about 4 years ago