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SteamID64 76561197993403592
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Country United States
Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM
Posts 610 (0.1 per day)
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#84 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

too much waiting in the game. not even talking about dying either. after the game ends you have to wait, then you get to another screen where you wait then you get to the menu screen and wait, then you get ingame and wait again before the round finally starts.

throw in the potentially long respawn times (again, I don't mind these but i'm sure a lot of casual players do), and it's just like football. spend more time waiting than playing.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

Looks nice and clean, good job.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 1200+ sub train in Off Topic
defystreaming has changed the face of gaming, you don't even need to be a high level comp player and you can just make a stupid amount of money. look at weed the kid is awful but he has over 4k subs because he does giveaways 24/7, people sub for a chance to win expensive skins...baited with ease

i, and most people would rather watch an amusing personality over some awkward professional player. but when they combine... that's why ruwin's stream was exactly what TF2 needed before all the drama.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Marco Polo in Off Topic

i know I said "last bump" but oh well.

just finished it, wasn't a huge fan of marcos character. would have been a much more interesting show if it focused more on kublai and my man hundred eyes (best character NA). with that said though, really really enjoyed it. s02 was confirmed a couple days ago. the guy who played kublai had some crazy acting. pls somebody else post thx :)

posted about 10 years ago
#5 cleaning the mousepad in Off Topic

since you didn't say what mousepad you have, i'm going to assume it's a puretrak. here's how i've washed mine for the past couple years and it's been fine each time.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Marco Polo in Off Topic

last bump from me.

all 10 episodes have been released on netflix. if you don't have an account you can setup a free "Ultra HD" month for $0.

posted about 10 years ago
#127 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
futureRed_Why don't we get rid of a few tftv hosted servers and start a pub dedicated to advertising comp tf2? Sounds simple but it might be helpful. It appeals to stupid pubbers and gets the message out about comp tf2
I would really like to get involved in something like that, we need something with a basic rotation of cp maps and have folks on there being vocal about everything in regards to the competitive format. This can even apply to highlander, hell, lost continents has been doing it right for god knows how long. You would just need the consistent player base, and with that in mind I think we can accomplish that.

first order of business is making a plugin that automatically permanently bans people for selecting heavy. i'll volunteer to make it. edit: add in a central database for multiple servers just for good measure.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Marco Polo in Off Topic

comes out on friday. i can't find a specific air time though, so I imagine it will be out early in the day. hypee

new trailer released today and it's better than the main.


posted about 10 years ago
#82 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

slaughterhouse and some popular furry server, forgot the name. i think the name stated with C and wasn't a real word, it was the owners screen-name.

keep in mind I was like 12 and did not know what a furry was, I just liked their map rotation. i remember being grossed out and never going back after I had to reinstall TF2 (thus having my config disabled) and seeing the sprays they all put up. shit was nasty

posted about 10 years ago
#33 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
It's spawn camping until the exiting player has more than one option for egress, excluding returning to the spawn. Once the player has to make a choice (continue along the battlements, or drop down/to the courtyard, to the hay room, or to the battlements/down the long hall or out towards the sewers) then the player is fair game.

that's from the third post by a 'senior admin' in the thread they linked as a reference to know when you're spawn camping.

and yet that corner is "spawn camping"? spawners have three other paths to take that would put them in no danger at any point, one of them even bringing them behind dave__ac.


posted about 10 years ago
#95 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
obe_i think lange's camera and microphone are ridiculously high quality and he's prettier than ever in this vid

also he's pretty much right. hl is the only thing that seems to have much life left in it nowadays.

aha no kidding, I found this incredibly easy to listen to. pls upload bedtime stories.

i'm in the same boat, burnt out playing tf2. i still work on a couple plugins just because they're interesting and challenging, but I just can't stand to actually play the game for longer than half an hour which sucks because i'm craving to play some FPS competitively again. :/ only option right now is CS, but it's too boring to me.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Steam Client Help in Q/A Help

typically you can just google the error in quotes and find many different fixes. with the millions of people using steam, it's unlikely any error you run into hasn't had a fix posted somewhere.

i had the same "failed to load steamui.dll", third google result came up with the same thing as meb.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Marco Polo in Off Topic

Anyone else excited for it? It's the new netflix original that will air on the 11th 12th. All episodes will be available just like House of Cards, perfect for bingewatching them all.

They spent $90million on this season which puts it up there in the top 3 of most expensive TV Shows.
• Friends last season (10m/ep)
• Rome (9m/ep)
• Marco Polo (9m/ep)

however it doesn't have "big" named actors, so you know the money is going straight into the show rather than to a small handful of actors (ie friends). making the thread because despite the crazy amount of money netflix has dumped on it, most people have never heard of it.


posted about 10 years ago

would be expensive and take time and never happen, but I think having high FPS cameras pointed at their mousepads (at least for somebody like flusha) from the ceiling and the ability to sync it up with the game would be ideal. if they do some preset 180/360 turns as control variables, you could then determine exactly how far he moved his mouse and about where he should be looking in game. No idea if this was at a lan, but this method would have determined whether or not he manually flicked there instantly.

he has a really low sensitivity, that's why people who defend him say "as he turns he needs to reset his mouse, that's why it lands on walls". that gif, and a few current gifs i've seen, have had substantial enough flicks that it should be obvious when the camera gets slowed down.

of course it won't help determine whether or not he's using a very small aim assist while tracking people, but it would clear up all of these supposed aim asissted-wallhack flicks. something like this would be noticeable considering his sensitivity.

posted about 10 years ago
flatline@turts you do know that someone actually went into hammer and showed us that there was no ledge there right


well then, it's a good thing I wasn't talking about that one at all! :d look at what's in the quote.
I was wrong. The SS I quoted was a bit deceiving. it looked more like a 40/50 degree slope, not 80. it looked possible to simply run up to the top of the slope from the ground. it's clear that they jumped on the invisible ledge where the slope meets the wall. my b

posted about 10 years ago
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