some weird people in this thread. wonder when they last put their lives in danger for complete strangers, let alone on a daily basis. complaining because they swore at the guy, haha.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197993403592 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:33137864] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:16568932 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | June 18, 2012 |
Last Posted | March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM |
Posts | 610 (0.1 per day) |
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his local news publicly stated his address in the article... it's like they didn't even think it through, haha.
china lookin' to start a new world war (the website shows cyber attacks, this is from today during the time twitch was down)
bobmus-4 frags and no feedback. Good job folks.
It's a really unique looking HUD. Personally I think the huge health bar on the left needs something to balance it on the right - maybe an undercharge bar for medic or an ammo count for heavy/pyro? That would at least give it a definitive target audience. (:
2:26 is too long for something that is proobably nothing I haven't seen before. imgur albums is the only teaser your hud needs.
MightyMeNot_MatlockRender your videos at 30 fps and half speed. Upload to Youtube and tell the viewers to play it at 2x speed.
Boom, 60fps.
I know of this technique but honestly only 1 % of all viewers will do this.
and it's dumb to begin with. sure do love fake 60 fps, like those "60FPS" teasers youtube released.
serieuxI'm not sure if you guys have read this, but there was an update today regarding Brown's autopsy, which showed no signs of struggle.
you see, clearly the first thing we must figure out about this is whether or not that guy performing the autopsy was black or white.
new fun game on steam, feels similar to SMNC (third person, moba game mode, enhancements, jungle, ect). player base is incredibly low though, so hopefully some of you buy it.
here's a highlight of a vod of us playing two games. the first one is really long on the titan game mode, the second is TDM on a tiny map. i'm using my brand new fancy pants rail gun and the default machine gun.
at the moment there aren't any microtransactions (nor do we know if there will be), but all the groundwork exists. there's like 5 or 6 different currencies that are all required to craft new weapons and armor. we're also not sure if the game is lag compensated, it's hard to be positive with such a low ping. some weapons are clearly better than others.
there's a ton of different armor that can be mixed and match. there's these leggings that allow you to double jump, but reduce your regeneration by 20%, however you can counteract that by getting a chest which increases your regen by 25%, for example. or you can go pure support by getting things that buff your teammates speed or damage by 5% at the cost of your personal stats.
leap is actually a bit worse than charge with the new patch (against people who can land shots) because of how incredibly interruptable it is. and like you said, charging into a group of even mediocre players is a death sentence, so against good players there's no chance. sucks that he's bottom tier because he was my favorite to play as well.
edit: I take that back because while it's bad, it's still not worse than charge. poor tyrant
edit2: nevermind, taking the last edit back because at least with charge you can activate it and sprint around the corner minimizing sight lines
tyrant used to be okay, the recent patches have made him useless though. deceiver is pretty gimmicky, they may have made it a bit better recently though, not sure. there's practically only one sentinel that is even remotely scary to play against and that's the streamer Raziel and even then as soon as you swoop in to pick somebody up, you don't have many options as to where you can go... it's almost always up in order to apply damage, which would get you killed instantly against good players. all the human classes are fairly even, even alchemist (although he would be ranked lowest)
turtsmcgurtsi wonder how long until a service pops up that can streamers pay for that will record your streams live and have them available on their website for you and your viewers as VODs. (for people without the storage space to record locally several hours of gameplay)
close enough.
edit: welp, didn't bother to check to see if this was already posted here. can't delete :/
they had two movie directors collaborating on it, that's probably why.
i was just commenting on the poor balance
the movement feels like it's designed for consoles
vampires win low level games because they're easier to play
humans win every high level balanced match
tornados2111Holy shit guys, after loads of googling I couldn't find any of this.
Thanks for your help!!!
EDIT: Also I have a question about this, as random as it may seem. Does any of this cause any input lag? Am I wrong to say that as you press down a key, it then looks for if that key was one of the scripted ones and then only after it will execute in game actions? or does this sound like total bs and I am completely wrong? :D
it will not cause input lag.
use the third part (where it starts with $F1) and you will have what you want more or less.