Khakiis the rock jump at A on gpit illegal in esea or something?
p sure its allowed
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Last Posted | August 24, 2015 at 2:06 AM |
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Khakiis the rock jump at A on gpit illegal in esea or something?
p sure its allowed
great read, though, fuzion is roamer for rent-a-homies and nyvves plays scout.
extracrispy also brings a lot to the table in comms department and leadership role of the team
"hes so fucking hurt"
"how is he alive"
"why didnt he fucking pop"
guilty of all 3
launch client
502 bad gateway
is good and tells great stories
one chill motherfucker
KillemAll is fuckin great
I like how it's on fire. It just means bad ventilation in a way.
no way, the flames make it go faster
hes a cool guy whos pretty good at video games
mgibu probably arent getting aggressive enough. jump their demo at mid, jump their combo at choke, etc. dont sit around and waste your time and get in their face and get some frags. anyone can sit at choke with a trap, it takes a real man to jump in and bomb as demo.
silk down