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Last Posted June 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM
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#40 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
dbki think cayorne above makes some really good points, but in response to his first question, AI has massively increased my productivity with debugging and writing menial code as someone working in software development. some of my coworkers use it for help with repeated tasks using templates, i know project managers and assistants who use other AI's to take notes in meetings, its great as a tool for saving the time spent on repetitive tasks in what are otherwise medium-high skill roles.

Exactly, that's literally all I'm saying...

Richarrrrdif the best argument you could come up with in a month is "it allows me to do my joke white collar programming job faster, that's worth the energy footprint of entire countries, you just don't get it" then why even bother necroing

Oh look, another edgy reply just being a little bitch while saying nothing, this surely was another memorable interaction my friend

YrrunfiabooLLMs alone have literally doubled my productivity rateyou didnt have to own yourself this hard in public

As soon as I wrote it I knew another stupid answer was coming, congrats.
Now, let me laugh my way to the bank because in my job more productivity = a looot more money. Thanks LLMs (and more than that), I guess I'll "own myself" extra hard on these tf2 forums by sharing it with you.

My job is not a blue collar job so I don't really know what AI can be useful for in that sector, I suppose everyone just sends each other ChatGPT created content constantly. If you guys think that's what I do and makes you feel better so be it.

Also, Cayorn did make some good points and I actually agree for the majority with him.
I am aware that AI takes a shit ton of energy, and energy is and will be one of the biggest problems and it's nowhere close to being sustainable.
I am aware that AI is a menace for artists. You would be surprised at how much earlier than probably 99% of you I knew of what was coming and of how many small artist friends I tried to warn. I also studied in an artistic field so my pain for what's happening is doubled.
I am aware many artistic jobs being at risk because of shitty AI-generated content(but is it really? are you sure you can spot the differences everytime?).
I am aware the world economy is going in a very shitty direction and the bubble is likely to burst.
I don't really expect anyone here to enlighten me on anything other than high level TF2, just spare me the obvious stuff, cause so far all I could read here was 'the sky is blue' my fellow gamers

posted 8 months ago
#27 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
Richarrrrdthere isn't a way someone can cleverly answer to you saying "oh yeah right now the technology is terrible but in an undeterminate future it'll be good" because none of us on this earth can read the future

good day

LLMs alone have literally doubled my productivity rate and the same goes for so many other jobs.
How is it a terrible technology, as of right now? Just because you can gaslight ChatGPT into thinking 1+1=3? Because it requires human intervention cause it sometimes fucks up/doesn't understand shit? Is that why it's terrible?
Do you people genuinely believe the amount of money that are being put into AI by governments/large companies is just to make headlines or make market stocks grow, or to make the next model of ChatGPT (Which will obviously be overpraised as an unfailable, all-knowing entity)? How naive can you be?
Sounds like you guys just wanna be spoiled brats and bitch about anything for the sake of it, as usual lol

You even said it's "marginally more useful than shit that came before". Like, really? You sure you're not trolling? I'm not gonna tell you what my job is but I wish you could have a talk with some of my colleagues, they would have a good laugh.
If anything I recommend to anyone who is ignorant about AI but whose job (productivity etc., not talking about being replaced, gotta specify these things since this is the level of discussion we appear to be at) may be affected in the future to really invest some time for the subject, it will be useful in the (not so distant) future.
If you don't care that's fine, just don't write it off as 'terrible' because of your ignorance.

Have a good day

posted 8 months ago
#21 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
Richarrrrdi'm glad whatever ai company stocks you bought are doing well

lmao clever answer, you obviously know what you're talking an about!

posted 10 months ago
#19 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
Richarrrrdno, high tech search engines with an incredibly stupid inbred cleverbot front end are not the future of humanity, i'm sorry

well if we're talking about ONLY ChatGPT I obviously agree, but if you guys are genuinely so naive to think this chatbot is really representative of the future of AI, oh boy do I envy your little world

posted 10 months ago
#15 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
Richarrrrdplease stop falling for artificially gassed up "miracle" technology, just because it's marginally more useful than shit that came before it like VR and the blockchain doesn't mean it's actually any good

lmao, imagine putting AI on the same level as blockchain or VR and thinking it can genuinely be compared to anything we've ever seen in the past, you're even getting upfragged by other clueless people.
IA (ChatGPT obviously included) is far from being this miracolous technology ready to take over the world, but holy fuck you truly have to be clueless to think that it won't be a once in a lifetime game changer for humanity in the next years. (yeah, maybe just 10 years from now, if not even earlier)

posted 10 months ago
#25 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

jay's spoon in modern era with a well established meta was very influential imo, not about the spoon itself, more about the way he 'reinvented' and reminded people how insanely viable it can be

posted about a year ago
#16 ya like jazz? in Music, Movies, TV

"Trio Bobo" is a very cool jazz/fusion side project of some brilliant italian musicists.
Also, if you enjoy Weather Report, I recommend The Zawinul Syndicate, founded by Joe Zawinul himself

posted about a year ago
#998 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
XKlusiveJust seen the news of Lewis Hamilton to Ferrari for 2025, bros I honestly did not see him leaving Merc anytime soon, is their car that bad?

Excited to see Hamilton in Ferrari. I think he made the decision because Ferrari and Mercedes have about the same chance of closing the gap on Red Bull (Spoiler: very little chance) and he's at the end of his career, so why not giving it a go with Ferrari? Wearing the colours of Ferrari has always been his dream, he was always a huge fan and now he really has no reason to prefer Mercedes to Ferrari, whereas in the past obviously the Silver Arrows were obviously much much better.

posted about a year ago
#77 8values political quiz in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#17 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion

CM Punk returns and now AimIsADick is back too, Christmas came early

posted about a year ago
#22 wat song is stuck in yr head rn in Music, Movies, TV
Spongeunfiaboo Television
As a semi-professional guitarist I'm constantly baffled with how little this record has influenced guitarists today. People in the musician circles I hang out in have very rarely even heard of the band. Somehow the prevalent inspirations seem to be Steve Lukather/Larry Carlton -type inoffensive studio players with no edge or originality to speak of. Probably doesn't help that most of the guys I talk to are studying music; It's impossible to transcribe into words and notation what makes players like Tom Verlaine great.

I mean, maybe they didn't influence your friends but Marquee moon is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential records ever made, so I wouldn't worry too much about that :) Let's say that I think that Television matter to those musicians "I care" about, but yeah it's baffling to see so many so called "music fans" not even knowing who Television are, lol

posted about a year ago
#19 wat song is stuck in yr head rn in Music, Movies, TV

I fell back into a Television phase somehow, and I'm currently listening to Venus and Prove It in particular.
Never fails to amaze me what a masterpiece this album is.

posted about a year ago
#13098 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#7 help is my pc dying? in Q/A Help

I had a similar issue years ago occurring in other games and yeah it was the GPU. I tried everything on a software level but it was basically fried, nothing I could do about it anymore

posted about a year ago
#4 what % of 6s power comes from DM in TF2 General Discussion

Considering that the only reason the so called "froyo slayer" teams from the Froyo dominance era ever got some rounds off' of Banny's teams was because they were filled with DM apes, I'd say DM counts a lot, but eventually any team that is nothing but great DM will get countered in the mid-long term by teams adapting

posted about a year ago
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