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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#3 Watching TwitchTV Streams with VLC in TF2 General Discussion
drdonutmanWhy would you want to do this? Uses way less CPU that the shit flash

Fixed that for you. Nice if it takes care of the awful system to manually join jtv channels (new subdomain all the time).

posted about 12 years ago
#3 black mesa source in Off Topic

I hope you can still Tau Cannon all around the map.

posted about 12 years ago
#41 Faster maps? 3-CP? in Map Discussion
NakedapeStar held a koth contest recently that got very little publicity after people put a good bit of time into some of those maps. The community talks but just doesn't want to do the work of testing new maps objectively.

Here is mine for a shameless plug.
it's JUST beta so don't freak out ppl.

Testing maps is a subjective process. It can never be objective, nor should it. There is always an inherent bias against new maps (generally speaking, people are confused by a map and will dislike these confusions.) It's all on the mapper, as the people will only play the map so many times before never wanting to play it again, improved or not.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Alternatives to speed up the game. in Map Discussion

Would have to recode maps, as it's basically a new game mode. Not too hard though.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Peace in TF2 General Discussion

What if an invite team goes to a LAN that uses a single IP and then someone hacks on client there? Would everybody there get banned? If so that's awesome and I think someone should do it to show how wonderful the ESEA league's ban policy is.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 Faster maps? 3-CP? in Map Discussion

Make it at least a BO30 like CS because it's mainly going to be win mid win game.

But seriously, a higher score limit would make more sense. It'd basically be cp_midfight with a chance if the teams are even enough to have a defense and push back from last. It's also not very appealing to teams that might not have the best mids but can still defend and push back.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 If you were interested in a 120hz monitor in Hardware

Some companies will say that they had an "error" and then just refund people. Don't know if that's legal or not though.

posted about 12 years ago
#17 arc why did you not pay any of xensity yet in TF2 General Discussion
djcpeople know everything that's happened off of being told what's happened

here's the facts:
1) arc told his team "i'm handling the forms, don't worry about it"
2) arc gave himself all the money
3) why

did you ask the players personally today? they seem to been pretty fine with the situation now

posted about 12 years ago
#14 arc why did you not pay any of xensity yet in TF2 General Discussion

people know everything that's happened based off a 30 second sound clip

posted about 12 years ago
#8 arc why did you not pay any of xensity yet in TF2 General Discussion

I remember in open we couldn't get everyone to get the prize money since we placed.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 How do I get a color for my name in TF2 General Discussion

Sell name colors to support the site. Donators get green username and a constellation icon before the flag.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 looking to backup for IM team in Recruitment (looking for team)

pick him up, never misses.

posted about 12 years ago
#28 talent vs hardwork in TF2 General Discussion
flynn__Yes I do touch on that. I'm saying that starting out, you may have some talent that puts you slightly above the lower levels of the playerbase.

But most anything from there on out is developed through practice and training. In a situation like math, there are some people who it comes easy to, and that's a talent that applies to every level of math. Whether you are in Calculus, whether you are in Algebra, or whether you're doing grade school Multiplication, having a knack for seeing numbers will help you.

In video games you don't naturally know how to track, you don't naturally know how to move properly, you don't naturally have gamesense. You need to learn all of these. I just think the idea that someone with very little practice can get into the top 10% of anything difficult to get into based on talent and very little practice is very far fetched.

I understand this because I had little to no "training" when I was a kid. I didn't get to be like wareya and practice really hard on video games when I was <14 years old, and I had a slower than average reaction time (280~ ms). I didn't think I'd be doing anything with video games "competitively", let alone even marginally well. Though I can't think of a single player who has made Invite purely off talent with no help from other games (Quake, CS, etc)

Math class, very little practice, top of the class. Same for at least 20 other people. Although I was probably the only one with a D in homework, extra credit from math team kept me at an A(yeah I was in competitive math, LOL). Math team practice wasn't about the current subject in math so it's not like it was overlapping and I was getting practice from that.
Playing video games, like I said, takes muscle memory which MUST be trained like everything else physical. Math and other academics it's based off your typing/writing skills which about 99% of the population has practice since they were 2 and doesn't need much more work (ie you can still out DM a lot of people just going into the game and a modest FPS background). Talent just gives you a critical thinking edge and much less practice required. Teamwork also is a major factor in playing TF2 which does require practice.

posted about 12 years ago
#17 talent vs hardwork in TF2 General Discussion

Flynn, do you study for school? Have you ever seen people study hours and go to study sessions and what not for a math class? They sometimes still fail. And then the people who get straight A's and do amazing on every test? They have natural talent. FPS has a greater phsyical need (muscle memory for aiming) but you can't deny the probability of inherent talent to the mix. Some people don't need serious practice to be better than 90% of the people, they just need it to be better than the 10% that have talent and practice.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 talent vs hardwork in TF2 General Discussion

Proper training/practicing also matters.

Some people don't need practice for mental skills to be good enough. Physical things MUST include practice though.

posted about 12 years ago
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