gecksI think TF2 is the best competitive FPS game to ever exist ever
Although I'd agree the community as a whole considers TF2 a great competitive game (obviously on TFTV), I think most people would say TF2 is hardly the best competitive FPS. Definitely one of the most fun to most of us, but a lot of other FPS's I feel have proper developer competitive support, communities, gameplay etc. What other competitive FPS games have you seen/played?
Also, after looking at the shoutcast I don't think it'll be as fun as TF2 for a long while. It reminds me of a ton of Asian F2P fps games that really don't have as much staying power. The good thing is that it's from Blizzard so it's guaranteed millions of people trying it/playing it for a while, but I really doubt the balance is anywhere near where people will want to be. Also, doesn't seem like much opportunity for airshotting (I think there's the orb skill which has a huge radius anyways) and the tank classes can take a ton of damage anyways so there's no big "wow" factor like you can do in TF2. Of course we'll still have to wait until it actually hits release because the game and balance will probably change drastically.