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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#156 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINDon't look at this situation as them trying to merge with us. Look at it as them trying to develop their own game mode. WE have no right telling them how to do their jobs although we think we do since we have thousands of hours in the game. They've been more than respectful in listening to us but we don't have control over them and we have no right to try to control them. WE still have control if we want it since we're already trying to grow our own grassroots scene (but it's not working).

Your last line is a huge contradiction to the rest of the paragraph. We will have 0 control. At most we're just beta testers for their latest experiment. I also think it's incorrect to stay that most people are trying to grow the TF2 community; most people have accepted that it's going to be in the same place or worse, and have for the last few years. Our version of the game is a "finished" game mode developed over years of refining and testing out unlocks, class limits, maps, etc. If they push a new mode, it will almost certainly disrupt the current community because people are going to drain to the "official" mode (since it's getting official support). It is 100% valve's duty at this point if they want to push something new over what the community has worked on for years. They should get feedback from their base because the new base is what's going to grow the game, not us.

bl4nkI don't think you guys realize how bumping OW is getting.

Overwatch has the benefit of developers having some focus on competitive from the start. Whether or not OW will last the test of time is one thing, but it's going to be way bigger than anything valve will offer for at least a year or two. There's really little point in coming back right now to a community that's been stagnant for years vs a popular hot game that's already been working with players in the comp scene. Valve is at least 7 years late.

posted about 8 years ago
#113 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

If you're looking for support, you probably can't get it from the hardcore old players. We've been neglected for years and alternatives to TF2 are starting to pop up; people are growing up and losing their time to real life, etc etc. If you want to build the TF2 scene, you're probably better actually starting off from scratch. The "old guard" is for the most part done with the hope of comp TF2 becoming big or important. The people posting have played the game for over 5 years, some like me personally since launch. There's no more optimism that will come from old players. We've accepted its fate. If TF2 is really going to grow, it's going to have to come from something new, not from us.

The closest scene I could ever see TF2 striving for is like smash melee, with 0 developer help, it's fun to spectate, and you've probably played it although never competitively. But considering TF2 hasn't drawn even close to that level of exposure, I have little faith in it growing from the old players.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 graffiti in Off Topic

It's essentially always illegal.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Valve to start shutting down gambling sites in TF2 General Discussion

Fucking finally. The csgo gambling community is fucking horrible.

posted about 8 years ago
#65 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware

Details about AMD's Polaris were released today here: https://www.pcper.com/news/Editorial/New-AMD-Polaris-10-and-Polaris-11-GPU-Details-Emerge

Doesn't look like they will be competing with nvidia on high end cards based on those specs. 5.5 TFLOPS from the R9 4000 series vs 9 TFLOPS on the 1080 and 6.5 on the 1070.

I guess it was to be expected. Was hoping that their definition of mainstream could compete with the "$380" nvidia card. The only hope is that AMD might be a bit better to overclock with AIB and surpass the 1070.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Missing flight MS804 in Off Topic

Either a bomb or fatigue/poor maintenance accident considering the height it disappeared and the lack of warning. Seems like some countries are saying it was a bomb, nvm.

posted about 8 years ago
#63 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware

I really hope that an AIB actually sells the 1080 for $600. Might finally have a reason to overclock my 4790k.

Also, I might wait for Polaris though considering AIB's aren't releasing on the 27th. I'm hoping Computex reveals something about Polaris, as I can wait for Vega/1080Ti if Polaris is a $200-$300 card that's better than the 1070, then upgrade to the HBM2 ram chips next year (Vive is likely coming this week and I'm still on a 760 GTX). Don't have my hopes up that much though.

posted about 8 years ago
#108 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games

Game has too many "unfun" mechanics for an FPS. If they tone down shit like wall hacks and other bullshit it'll be much more enjoyable. Still haven't tried pugging though but watching other people pug seemed like you never really felt impactful except maybe one good ultimate or something.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware
mafia_is_mafiaI bought a desktop with a 960 for 250 about a month ago. A 10XX shoudn't boost tf2 performance much right?

Unless you're doing 4K resolution 120Hz max settings I really doubt you need a 10XX. It does boost performance very significantly though. I get pretty constantly over 150 fps on my 760 GTX at medium/high settings 1080p.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 dota 6.87 in Other Games

It's kinda ridiculous how many items have been added in the last few patches. There's gotta be a limit to how many items are in the game (unless shop gets revamped/a new page).

Still though, having innate spell amp is really weird. It's not that big of a deal yet since it scales at 75% unless they have -magic resist, but it's going to be possible to stack INT and be viable (and Silencer is going to be more annoying).

posted about 8 years ago
#73 Colour test in Off Topic

The difference in color between my Dell U2415 and Asus VG248QE is like night and day. It's so hard to see on the VG248QE the difference between each color (haven't bothered calibrating it or anything). Also looking at the completed ones, there's a "blur" between each color whereas on the U2415 you can see a pretty clear line. IPS pre calibrated monitors are pretty good if you care about color. I only did two rows granted, but I got those two rows perfectly.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 kobe in Off Topic

What a fucking way to go.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Team Secret changes in Other Games

Top 3 at almost every major LAN, still breaks up. Though they've been absolutely shit on whenever they lose.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Team Secret changes in Other Games

3/22 what a day.

2nd time RTZ left EG, and also 2nd time EG lost two players to Secret. Time for 2nd EG major win and TI win?

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Shanghai Major in Esports

Shanghai doesn't disappoint. Seems like a lot of teams got their practice shit stolen.


posted about 9 years ago
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