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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ⋅⋅ 139
#22 Fat shaming in Off Topic

Obesity to me is just a more obvious addiction than others. Obviously there can be underlying reasons for it, but it's essentially just a different poison over alcohol and stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

What version of HL do they speedrun on btw? Steam version or the older standalone version?

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Hearthstone in Other Games

Keys are worth $200+, for a F2P closed beta. Jesus there's so much hype.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 cookie clicker [addicting web game - stay away] in Off Topic
ibexflatlineNew version knocks time machines down to 10 million, I've got one in just under two hours of playing


You can save you know.

posted about 11 years ago
#94 cookie clicker [addicting web game - stay away] in Off Topic

In your browser's console:
Game.cookies = 99999999999999999999999
Game.cookiePs = 999999999999999999999

Game Ruined.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Tf2 Medigun Meta in TF2 General Discussion
bscno ubers, just healing. game would be better

If you really like playing engineer/heavy on last.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 VIEW ALL POSTS in Site Discussion

It's a really big query to the database. Imagine if you turned it on for the picture of yourself thread. The server would have to load every single post in the thread, which is a few MB of text just for you. The page you see isn't made until you click a link. You'd hog up a ridiculous amount of the mySQL load and CPU load for just one user.

TL can handle it because they probably pay for a better server (seeing as their community is much much bigger).

posted about 11 years ago
#263 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion
liasthe301stspartanNobody said they were playing poorly. In fact everybody is saying the exact opposite, wtf are you talking aboutwafflebThey'll probably get destroyed
There's no way they can compete with invite/prem teams

Did you even read the date of those posts? Nobody is saying they are now of course. This was a 4 month old prediction thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Hearthstone in Other Games

I never heard of it until Kripp decided to drop Dark Souls for it.

Then I realized a lot of popular streamers were streaming it since closed beta started and was ~2nd twitch.

Also, heard beta keys were worth ~$100, so I'd probably sell my key instead of playing it.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 OpenPlugin? in TF2 General Discussion

Uh, it's legal to change viewmodel FOV, and I'm pretty sure you can set r_drawviewmodels to 0. Though it is Hallow who's saying that so it's really no surprise that he said something stupid again.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Intel Sacramento LANFest October 11-13 in LAN Discussion

Can't wait til I get a job so I can actually afford to go. Always fun times.

PS. Hella or Hecka? Also say if socal or norcal.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 OpenPlugin? in TF2 General Discussion

You wouldn't be able to see LAN players use the plugins unless it was in a handheld video. And even then it'd be hard to tell unless you can tell what the FoV is from a video of a monitor. Casters used the spec plugin so you could see through walls, which doesn't get vac banned because STV doesn't have VAC I believe.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 qf is just a scapegoat in TF2 General Discussion
PenguinFrom what I understood, only Mixup really embraced the qf and the other teams came around to it when they proved to be successful (and because it's so obviously the best choice for mids)? But I don't actually know what the invite teams were or weren't practicing in preparation for lan. Either way, you can't compare a month and a half of testing a new weapon with the years players have had to refine the game as played with ubercharge. And no one was going to take any major risks to counter the qf at the lan itself because too much was on the line.

All I know is the way it's currently being played is really awful to spectate. I think the qf could still be a really great, dynamic addition to the game, and if you ban it prematurely and call it done you'll never know how its use would have evolved. But if this was the pinnacle of TF2 played with the qf? I don't know if I'd watch anymore lans like this.

I agree it was pretty bad to watch at this LAN, that's not what I was arguing about. I do agree that the QF meta is pretty bad right now and it shouldn't have been allowed mid season, but invite teams didn't just decide to try it at LAN where it is high stakes; they obviously came prepared to deal with it with their currently best solution: run it yourself with heavy/sniper.

Offseason is the best time to figure out if it is truly overpowered (I think it's slightly too strong myself, but can't say it's overpowered yet). I do admit that not enough unlocks are tested during the offseason and will let bad things through still (battalion's backup was pretty stupid).

posted about 11 years ago
#87 qf is just a scapegoat in TF2 General Discussion
boppetthis one weapon is literally tearing us apart

why valve

I take it you weren't around when gunboats came out.

posted about 11 years ago
#85 qf is just a scapegoat in TF2 General Discussion
RinseOh i forgot to mention pushes with other mediguns.
In order to flex you need your medic to die. This takes time and if you don't make there medic die as well (a whore with the QF) they will simply push out while you build.

The way to neutralize this is to not go to mid and grind kritz in yard. The problem is the game now becomes a dice roll as you try to guess what medigun the other team is running to mid (you can rename your medigun). If you do not contest mid and they have uber you will probably get destroyed. Not to mention this is all VERY boring.

You don't need your med to die, you just need someone to die and then open spawn (or even walk back to base, shade did this plenty of times). And even if they know you've switched, pushing out of gully with 6 people up is still ridiculously hard and they'll still wait it out (they knew the switch happened but still didn't push out from last). The question is if the last point is awful for krits and getting to the other medic combo takes too long (hurts uber), can you do anything quickly? Probably not, since gullywash last is awful for krits because the two best areas to krits from (right/water and mid right) take too long to rotate to and make them guess. You can do much more with krits on lasts like badlands where you can quickly go from top left, top right, or bottom in 5 seconds so they can't preemptively sticky it off.

I do agree that QF wins mid better than any other medigun, but if you can win mid without any types of uber going off you can still have an advantage for 2nd/last.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ⋅⋅ 139