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Signed Up November 13, 2012
Last Posted June 12, 2016 at 10:48 PM
Posts 14 (0 per day)
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#1 MouseChef: objectively compare mice in Hardware

Hi folks,

This is an idea I've been playing around with off and on for quite some time. I wrote a crude console application to do this about a year ago, and recently I got the motivation to rework that code into something more useful. Then I started to lose the motivation so I figured I'd finish it off and dump a release out.

Basically, you plug two mice in at the same time, move them together as one, and the program will measure the difference in what they report to the OS. This can tell you the ratio of DPI between the two mice. If you find that the DPI ratio changes depending on what speed you were moving the mice, that tells you that there's acceleration going on. You can also detect lag by comparing how long it takes one mouse to report movement after the other one does, following a dead stop -- but typically there isn't a real difference and it just comes down to when they poll, so don't worry about this too much.

If you think my program sucks but the idea is decent, and you can code in any language, you may be interested in knowing that MouseChef uses another standalone exe called MouseMeat to handle raw input and output it as JSON, which you can easily write your own program to analyze. This saves you from dealing with the windows API directly.

Anyway, here's the link:
README download

posted about 8 years ago
#6 special characters in Q/A Help

Installing the right language pack (depends what characters you're using) for Windows will probably make the characters show up -- but just for you. Everybody else who hasn't gone to the trouble will still see boxes.

Basically, all the characters in your name are just numbers to a computer. The computer might have a font/language pack installed that tells it, hey, this number means this shape to draw on the screen. Or it might not, and just give up and draw a box instead. The normal characters you can type without alt codes on a US keyboard are in the ASCII character set, numbers 0-127, and pretty much everybody's computer can draw them without issue. So stick with those and you're ok.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 special characters in Q/A Help

Remove the special characters from your name.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 the return in TF2 General Discussion

Well, it is in the Highlander section. Bonus is a team with a lot of history in HL, probably even from before the seasons listed on the roster page (since if I recall correctly, DesA in season 5 was sort of a precursor to bonus). I think it's kind of neat to see so many players that I definitely think of as being "from bonus" back on the same roster.

I get that you can't tell when looking at the "forum activity" sidebar what section a thread's in. It just seems weird that the reaction on seeing the thread would be "damn this thread title vying for my precious browsing attention" instead of "oh, it's the highlander section, moving on".

posted about 10 years ago
#103 if you order a $10 pizza how much would you tip in Off Topic

Tipping makes a lot of sense for any job where the quality of service provided by the employee:

1. Matters.
2. Can be judged by the customer.

The tip is pretty much just a portion of the price left up to you to decide. Of course you're always able to tip extra for good service, but having a socially expected typical amount like 15-20% that is factored into employee pay gives you that much room to reduce the price you pay after receiving bad service.

If you live in a country where tipping is expected for certain things and you don't like it, you can always pick a reasonable percentage and never deviate from it regardless of how well you were treated. But if that percentage is way lower than normal (or you just never tip because you think it's stupid), you're effectively abusing the system to get a discount. The world's not going to come crashing down because of it, but it places you in roughly the same territory as people who park across two spaces, or don't return shopping carts to the little corrals, or don't refill the office printer paper when they use the last sheets.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 Rainbow Konr wings for everyone:Image to crosshair in Customization
Show Content
posted about 11 years ago
#24 A Guide to FOV in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Did you write this with LaTeX? It looks great.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 i fucked up in Q/A Help

m_yaw should be 0.022, you missed a 0.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Help with cross formatting - notepad>web in Off Topic

You're right. Looking more closely, it looks like you have done all your alignment with a proportional font. You need to set your text editor to use a monospace (all characters have the same width) font like Courier New or Consolas.

edit: nixnyte beat me to it.

edit2: For what it's worth, you could do all that alignment automatically in emacs by selecting the region with all the voice menu command comments, then typing:
C-u M-x align-regexp <RET> // <RET> <RET> <RET> y

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Help with cross formatting - notepad>web in Off Topic

The short answer is that if you want to line text up vertically and have it look right for *everybody* that sees it, you must do all the alignment with spaces instead of with tabs.

I don't use Notepad++, but this is probably what you need:

posted about 11 years ago
#3 weird light circle? in Q/A Help

try mat_trilinear 1 (and reload the map / type retry after putting that in)

Doesn't look (at least on my computer) like mat_trilinear has any effect when mat_filtertextures is off. So you might be SOL if you like the blocky texture appearance, but if you're fine with them being more smooth/blurry you can use mat_filtertextures 1 with that and it'll work.

The effect you're seeing is the game progressively halving the texture resolution at distances where a single onscreen pixel would be the result of four or more texture pixels anyway, which is called mipmapping. Trilinear filtering means the game will interpolate between the two mipmap levels it's between instead of using only one at a time and switching at exact distances. It's called trilinear because it's interpolation on one more axis than bilinear filtering, which is the smooth interpolation between texture pixels that makes the difference between blurry looking textures and blocky looking ones (a difference that's easy to tell with FPS configs that use low res textures to begin with (actually just forcing a minimum level of texture halving aka mipmapping)).

Really there's no reason it can't be done independently of bilinear filtering (e.g. GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) and plenty of games support it but I guess TF2 might not be one of them. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Anyone use the Zowie EC1 evo? in Hardware

I switched to the EC1 Evo about a month or two ago after having used an IE3.0 for a year and a DA 3.5g for a couple weeks in between. The shape is close-ish to a DA or IE 3.0 but feels a little bit smaller in all dimensions except vertically. Sensor has been good and I really like the way the Zowie mice let you set your DPI and polling rate directly on the mouse without installing anything.

One thing I hated about the DA was how hard it was to clean. The rubber coating on the top feels nice when the mouse is new but gets kinda grimy over time. So when I bought the EC1 I got the white version because it has a glossy finish with no rubber coating so it's really easy to just wipe any dirt off it. If that property of the DA has been annoying to you too, I definitely recommend you get the white version of the EC1 (pretty sure they make a white AM and EC2 as well).

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Scout LF Low/Mid Open Team for S13 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Zero has a fun personality and good DM. His sniping has already been mentioned but I really want to emphasize that he can seem untouchable sometimes. If you're looking for an aggressive player to get picks and open up plays for your team this guy is your man.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 useoftoaster scout S13 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I am looking for a stable, relaxed team to play scout for in ESEA S13.

I would estimate I play at a mid open level. I think I could improve a lot with an opportunity to play on a team at a higher level, but I'd also be happy to play at the bottom of open as long as it's with a team that stays calm and won't fall apart at the seams*.

I've played scout for Blunderful in UGC for four seasons now and will be continuing to play highlander next year, in the spring season. Until then my schedule will be pretty open for scrims and matches - I work full-time but don't have anything going on most nights and weekends.

Although I wouldn't mind trying I'm bad at off-classing.

*In S12 I led the team Goodbye 20USD which was a disaster. I'm to blame for that because I'm an awful team leader. That's why I'm looking to just play on a team this time, not make one.

posted about 12 years ago