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Signed Up August 13, 2013
Last Posted March 9, 2015 at 9:16 PM
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#12 LF cool dudes in Recruitment (looking for players)

looking to try out for that scout spot.

find me here: &

kinda busy atm with midterms, but shoot me a message anyhow and i will respond asap

posted about 10 years ago

I just lurked through all 38 pages of this thread. Don't judge me.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 mix is dead in TF2 General Discussion
DeepTaggerungUsing ESEA pugs could net us better deals with ESEA in the future, I'd like to see it used more
I would too if their servers werent ass.

Also, id like some guarantee that my PC wont be employed for slave labor and be sent to the ESEA owned conga mines.

You play on them for matches, so why not practice on the same "shitty" servers that will ultimately count for move-ups and pot prize money that you are all competing for? In my opinion they aren't that bad, but people always make excuses on the server instead of blaming themselves. Plus, they do offer monthly prizes that no one takes advantage of and are part of the $7 you pay monthly.

When the service first launched for TF2 and we used to run pugs with the aid of the steam group, it was actually pretty fun, and prizes were given on a monthly basis (I actually won quite a bit of stuff from them). The only downfall was that freaking downies from CS 1.6/CSS who wanted to "try" the game and had no incentive on getting to know the game or get better for that matter, would join/take important classes and ruin the game.

If everyone really wanted to use the service, I'm sure a forum post on their forums with enough support would grab their attention to make some changes to the current PUG system.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Console commands/rates for competitive TF2? in Q/A Help
cl_interp 0.033
for hitscan,
cl_interp 0.0152
for projectile.

Good shit. What are your updaterates, cmdrates, and rate at?

Edit: Looks like you edited your post to cover my question. Thanks for the help.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Console commands/rates for competitive TF2? in Q/A Help
elementr_drawviewmodel 0 to disable viewmodels when you're playing. It helps to see more of your screen.

That's more a preference setting, which by the way, I like viewmodels for reference to aiming. I was talking more about necessary commands that can affect gameplay.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Console commands/rates for competitive TF2? in Q/A Help

Can anyone help me out with rates for each specific class and any other console commands I should be using to play competitive TF2?

I used to play comp a long time ago, but I haven't really touched games in like ~2 years so the only command I remember is fov_desired_90 :O

posted about 11 years ago