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Signed Up January 5, 2013
Last Posted March 16, 2018 at 11:44 AM
Posts 408 (0.1 per day)
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#9 Client in TF2 General Discussion

9:04 PM - valk: Yo killing, are the esea servers going to update or should we try and reschedule?
9:05 PM - Killing in the Name #esea: no eta just yet
9:05 PM - Killing in the Name #esea is now Offline.


posted about 9 years ago
#48 one of my colleagues was arrested for isis in Off Topic

I think we can all agree there are extremists behind every cause/religion. However, extremists aren't the majority and therefore we shouldn't base our opinions on the others because of them.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 musicians? in Off Topic

I play trumpet for marching and jazz band, french horn for concert band. attempting to learn trombone and saxophone

posted about 9 years ago
#5 TSM Katowice 2015 Holo Sticker giveaway in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#64 Muselk shouts out competitive in TF2 General Discussion
MarleyJust an idea I had while reading this thread. What if TF2 Center could work Newbies Mixes into their site. .

Funny enough, we have already explored this idea. I personally was the one trying to get it going and the TF2C admin/dev I talked to was really unpleasant and didn't do much in the way of helping us. However, this is something that we would still be interested in doing if possible.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Muselk shouts out competitive in TF2 General Discussion

How do I do dis?

What time?

This is not specifically NA only, however it might be at an unpleasant time for anyone over in Euro land. It starts at 9 EST, like 1 AM GMT, and officially ends at 12 EST, but sometimes runs over. All we really want are people who are knowledgable and are willing to take the necessary time to explain things for the Newbies.
If you want to still coach, the mumble info is:
Port: 64737

posted about 9 years ago
#12 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)

last bump before season starts

posted about 9 years ago
#11 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)
posted about 9 years ago
#9 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)
posted about 9 years ago
#8 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 9 years ago
#7 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)
simplytireddidnt you only play like 1 match for seendio prior to today

I scrimmed with them pre-season and filled in for them throughout the season when caboose was away. I would have played more in playoffs except we ended up getting 2 forfeit wins and only played 2 actual matches. So yeah your correct.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for an IM team to play Medic for next season. I am currently playing on Seendio, the top seed in Open playoffs right now. It looks like we might not be continuing after this season and since the registration deadline has been pushed up, I figured I should start looking, just incase. I'm free to scrim whenever after playoffs are done.

Past Exp:
Open S16 The Rill Dill - Med
IM S17 Cafemonster/N2P - Med
Open S18 Seendio - Med

posted about 9 years ago
#6 ESEA S18 LAN Finals in LAN Discussion
komorebialso fyi mad men are second seed and street hoops are third, (not that it really matters).

I thought the same thing until I looked at the standings. Street Hoops has less Rounds Against and therefore is ahead of Mad Men even though Mad Men has one more Round For. So for some reason on the regular season standings Street Hoops is behind Mad Men, but on the LAN standings they are ahead.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ESEA S18 LAN Finals in LAN Discussion

This years ESEA LAN Finals will be held, yet again, at the Doubletree in Dallas, Texas. All the information you need can be found here but, I'll post all that you need to know right here.

The LAN will be from Friday, April 17 - Sunday, April 19. However, TF2 will only be played on that Saturday and Sunday. ESEA has several discounts listed on their page with all the information, highly recommend you check it out if you are interested in coming to the event.

Just as a clarification, this is a spectator only event. It is also free of charge, so if your in the area and have nothing better to do, might as well stop by and watch some video games.

TF2 Teams Attending:
1. Froyotech
2. Street Hoops eSports
3. The Mad Men
4. eLevate TF2

Basically the same teams that we've seen for the past few LANs, except for the newcomers, The Mad Men. They of course took the third place LAN spot after Classic Mixup disbanded. They are a very strong team, as are the others attending, and should prove to make quite a fierce competitor.

If anyone is looking for a ride or a room, post here and hopefully we can get some decent numbers for this seasons "Who Can Beat B4nny's Team"

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Exposing a 19K hour cheater/hacker -- Seven in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNpretty sure the whole point of an alt is that you dont tell people youre an invite player. what an idiot.

hint: he was never in invite

posted about 9 years ago
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