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Signed Up November 4, 2022
Last Posted January 30, 2024 at 1:41 PM
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#72 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
RedTPCwhere is the tendon fundraiser

real get that shit started

posted about a year ago
#67 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
Gigi_zztrum should not be allowed to attend at a lan event. i reported this to etf2l admins and lan organizers months ago but nothing i know of has come of it. id have liked to have posted sooner but i really wasnt comfortable with the situation and it takes time to muster courage to post publicly on this site

he sent this to me in the chat before a game. this is a rape threat

him and tendon were clearly targeting me because they assumed i was trans with the name gigi. heres a direct transphobic comment from trum after the game
heres the log if you want to read chat you dont have to be a detective to realize theyre targeting me for using the name gigi

for context, the team trum was playing for when this happened was blanc's team. the person who made that "tf2qts" group which poked fun at anyone with a remotely feminine identity. the person who has also been banned for transphobia. now this post isnt about witchhunting everyone who played that night, but if you play with these people, do nothing to stop them or reach out to others to apologize, or say anything to seperate yourself from these people or their actions, how am i not to assume the worst of you :-)

ive also picked up some other stuff from trum outside of that match recently

a message trum posted about fancy, a minor, attending lan from someone's stream

inappropriate messages (not just trum!) on kpn's profile (another minor) before it was privated

you can maybe argue that these people are friends but that doesnt make this appropriate. take what you will from the extras, but my bottom line is that trum should not be allowed anywhere near an IRL event

dont type onliner

posted about a year ago
#66 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
Gigi_zztrum should not be allowed to attend at a lan event. i reported this to etf2l admins and lan organizers months ago but nothing i know of has come of it. id have liked to have posted sooner but i really wasnt comfortable with the situation and it takes time to muster courage to post publicly on this site

he sent this to me in the chat before a game. this is a rape threat

him and tendon were clearly targeting me because they assumed i was trans with the name gigi. heres a direct transphobic comment from trum after the game
heres the log if you want to read chat you dont have to be a detective to realize theyre targeting me for using the name gigi

for context, the team trum was playing for when this happened was blanc's team. the person who made that "tf2qts" group which poked fun at anyone with a remotely feminine identity. the person who has also been banned for transphobia. now this post isnt about witchhunting everyone who played that night, but if you play with these people, do nothing to stop them or reach out to others to apologize, or say anything to seperate yourself from these people or their actions, how am i not to assume the worst of you :-)

ive also picked up some other stuff from trum outside of that match recently

a message trum posted about fancy, a minor, attending lan from someone's stream

inappropriate messages (not just trum!) on kpn's profile (another minor) before it was privated

you can maybe argue that these people are friends but that doesnt make this appropriate. take what you will from the extras, but my bottom line is that trum should not be allowed anywhere near an IRL event

shhhhhhhhhhhhh dont type

posted about a year ago
#46 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
nubbiHey everyone, our team sadly died and we can't attend the event anymore.
First of all we would like to thank everyone who donated, we appreciate it. Since we are not going, we will be refunding all the money donated to the fundraiser. If you have donated please send a dm on discord to mulaa19 and he will give back the amount you donated.

Sorry for not making an announcement earlier, the past few days have been a bit busy.

Varmkorv boogie?

posted about a year ago
#43 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
adyskyThere are now more rumours of a player getting kicked from their LAN team last minute to make a spot for you. This player already has their trip fully booked and paid for. I hope these are just allegations.


posted about a year ago