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Country United States
Signed Up August 27, 2015
Last Posted July 17, 2023 at 11:19 PM
Posts 27 (0 per day)
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#196 V2.0 in News

Okay... it says that 20b won even though froyo got ddosed. Never betting on this site again lost all my keys. Do devs even watch the games or just see "oh it was 4-3 even if the match didnt count 20b won"

Why couldn't they just fucking return the items? That was the most OBVIOUS choice yet they fucked up.

Well if our items are already been given to the 20b betters the best thing we can hope for is being given back our items worth in pure or other items, but i don't think that's going to happen :/

posted about 8 years ago
#18 High Ping on TFTV Chicago Servers in Q/A Help

yea bell needs to get their shit together

posted about 8 years ago
#13 High Ping on TFTV Chicago Servers in Q/A Help

fucking bell. a few weeks ago they replaced my modem "because mine is old" and now my internet cuts out every 5 mins, and now this....

fucking canadian isps, greedy mother fuckers who cant give a good service.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Sudden high ping in Chicago servers? in Q/A Help

So I've been playing on chicago servers, but recently (about a few days ago) I've started getting around 120 ping on those servers. How is that even possible? I've always had around 30-40 ping on those.

Servers in virginia are fine, i live on the east coast and i get better ping on west coast servers than chicago ones.

What the hell is going on.

EDIT: Using Bell Internet, living in Montreal.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Where is this cast from? in Off Topic

My guess is that someone set up a projector or something to watch the game with their friends while outside :P

And thanks for the link :)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Where is this cast from? in Off Topic

So i found this random video if this kid face planting. What i found super weird is that there's a TF2 cast going on in the background. Well at least i think it is since i hear the word ubercharge

Anyone know where its from? Aside from that, it's a pretty funny vid all by itself.

posted about 8 years ago
#235 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
Comangliavenger47how do i get the authentic look for australiums with this config? i tried mat_phong 1 using dx9 but it still looks like its all covered in gold. any suggestions?
everything looks solid gold still? You're using DX 8 then.

yep fixed it, but by setting mat_phong to 1 and setting it on dx9 now all my settings are set on HIGH, which makes me wonder if this breaks the config? because im at around 100 fps but when i get into firefights it goes down to like 20.

posted about 9 years ago
#229 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

how do i get the authentic look for australiums with this config? i tried mat_phong 1 using dx9 but it still looks like its all covered in gold. any suggestions?

posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2 FPS Loss in TF2 General Discussion
cmetbh its probably your cpu and dx9. tf2 is a very cpu intensive game and after updates (especially the gun mettle update) the game has become very demanding because of optimization issues. If you want to try to boost your frames, and have more consistent frames check out some fps configs most of which can be found on

edit making your game dx8 will get rid of skins and increase frames too

Thanks mate, I've been considering updating my CPU for awhile now, I will soon :)

posted about 9 years ago
#8 TF2 FPS Loss in TF2 General Discussion
LysolI was having a similar issue with my GTX 660 Ti. My FPS was crap (dropping to about 20-30 during midfights/firefights), and my screen kept lagging and stuttering. I tried lowering the resolution and graphics settings, and also tried out Chris' DX9 frames, but my FPS would still drop.

To fix it, I changed the "power management mode" settings on the card (Nvidia Control panel) from "adaptive" to "performance". Also, since lowering the settings wasnt doing anything, I thought maybe my cpu was the problem. I didnt check the temps, but I cleaned my cpu fan to be safe. Can't tell which one did the trick, but I'm getting about 300-400 fps on idle, with about 250 in midfights/firefights.
venger47 Lowering the graphics has no effect, hell, i find i get better FPS on max settings.
Also, for some reason it also seems to me like i get better FPS with max settings. At least less stuttering and screen tears.

I went and changed to performance also. Thanks for the tip. The CPU is clean too, no problem there. What is this Chris's DX9 frames? Is it supposed to increase framerate?

posted about 9 years ago
#6 TF2 FPS Loss in TF2 General Discussion

im using directx9, and ive got a Phenom II X4 995. It's wierd that other games that are more graphically demanding work better than tf2.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 FPS Loss in TF2 General Discussion

Hi, I've recently upgraded my graphics card to a Geforce GTX 750. Ever since, I've been getting fps loss. Funny thing is, if i run a a youtube video in the background or something, it makes the game unplayable. Lowering the graphics has no effect, hell, i find i get better FPS on max settings.

It doesn't always drop, but in intense firefights sometimes it freezes for 1-2 seconds or drops below 10 fps.

I've got no clue on why this is happening, my PC is more than capable to run this game above 100 fps at all times

posted about 9 years ago
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