Account Details
SteamID64 76561198038988384
SteamID3 [U:1:78722656]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39361328
Country India
Signed Up August 23, 2014
Last Posted December 23, 2022 at 8:32 AM
Posts 597 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G90
Keyboard Cherry MX Blue thing
1 ⋅⋅ 36 37 38 39 40
#29 TF2 update for 12/3/14 (12/4/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
I'm so proud!

Lets get this signed by Cole :D

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Need help with tf2's folder name in Q/A Help

Nevermind, instead of using "Steam -> Settings -> Downloads -> Steam Library Folders" to select my previously installed folder (which steam wouldnt accept for some reason), I manually edited steamapps/libraryfolder.vdf to include my steam library. The contents of the file are now:

"1" "/mnt/games/vibhavp/Steam"

On restarting steam, it automatically detected all of my games without requiring me to press "Install".

Anyways, thanks for the help.

posted about 10 years ago
#124 The Keyboard Thread (last updated Sep. 24, 2013) in Hardware

TVS Gold. Pretty cheap (Rs. 1900 = ~ 30 USD). Uses Cherry MX Blue keys, has a cult following in India (Although you'd need to pay delivery costs if youre living outside India).

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Need help with tf2's folder name in Q/A Help

I just upgraded from a 32 bit Linux install to a 64 bit install. In the process, I lost my steam installation (not the Steam Library though, I had it located on a separate partition). After installation, I installed Steam again, it refuses to use the earlier Steam because "New Steam Library folder should be empty". With no backup of the game available, I tried copying the tf2 folder in SteamApps to my current installation. However, the new installation has all folder names in lowercase, and copying "Team Fortress 2" to steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2 doesn't work (the game isn't detected). So, is there another name I need to use for the tf2 folder to make it work.

tl;dr- for those having a steam installation with steam folder names in lowercase, whats the name of your tf2 folder in steamapps?


Edit: Fixed it. See #3

posted about 10 years ago
#64 whats your guys favorite episode of spongebob in Off Topic

The one where they introduce EVIL

posted about 10 years ago
#10 TF2 player internet speed? in Hardware

According to my plan, I get a 2 MB/s until I've downloaded 8 GB, after which I get something around ~100 KB/s. However, my ISP has been deliberately chaging my usage numbers so they can throttle my internet (my connection speeds drop down during the first week of the month, when the quota resets). I even have logs from my router which show the correct data usage.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 Premiership Playoffs Previewed: ETF2L Season 19's Dramatic End? in News

Nice job with those cool stats :D

posted about 10 years ago
#4 NA Roamer LFT low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fun Fact: Of all the largest prime numbers ever discovered, more that majority are mersenne primes, although it is not yet known that are infinitely many such primes.

btw, I also have the same problem with scout, I do fine in MGE, but whenever it comes to playing matches, I loose my shit and end up with a very, *very* low DM every match :(

posted about 10 years ago
#3 LAN music playlist in TF2 General Discussion
Here's some of it

Thanks! Now to find that song that has been stuck in my head since they played it on the stream.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LAN music playlist in TF2 General Discussion

Is there a list of the cool songs which were played during GXL/i52 (or alternatively, does someone remember the songs played, so we can make a list)? The only song I knew of was the instrumental to "Still Alive" from Mirror's Edge (always reminds me of how awesome these events were + mad chills :D).


posted about 10 years ago
#12 Man dressed as Spy robs a McDonalds in Off Topic

spy mains

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Map summary before cast? in TF2 General Discussion
chiveflatlineYeah when I read this thread I immediately thought of those intros from quakecon. That's be pretty awesome to have for tftv.
Could you provide an example? Tried searching, but couldn't find one...

like this?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Map summary before cast? in TF2 General Discussion

Would it be a good idea to show a summary of a map before a match starts? As an example, in the i49 Fragumentary, Lange said "The teams were going to play on Gullywash, a map know for its notorious defences and flamboyant offclassing". We can have a little video/talk about the control points on the map, the flanks, chokes, common hiding spots (for backcapping, if there are any), the various strats teams follow (including the usual rollouts?), the map locations (IT/PC, sewer room, just like the one the wiki has), etc. It could be a nice replacement for the pre-cast video, and provide for a better (more imersive??) stream experience, especially for some custom maps. So yeah, how silly/viable idea is this?

posted about 10 years ago
#133 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
WaldoLines 3301-3321:
ConVar mp_highlander( "mp_highlander", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Allow only 1 of each player class type." );

Wasn't mp_highlander added during the Feb 3, 2010 Patch?

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Let's keep this going. in TF2 General Discussion
hookyEven if you don’t care about helping TF2 grow, you can still get something out of LANs: socialization. This aspect is usually near the very top of the list at any LAN event. What’s not to like about drinking beer (or soft drinks if you’re underage) with the people you've played TF2 with for years!
Get going!

Ditto. Lange has talked about this at great lengths:

GXL was a huge success. We should really do more of these regularly.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 36 37 38 39 40