Anyone coming over? We still need 3 more teams and there are attractive prizes and a lucky draw :DD
Edit: Rawr thanks for updating. We only need 2 more.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198060751329 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:100485601] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:50242800 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | December 7, 2013 |
Last Posted | August 11, 2014 at 5:47 AM |
Posts | 35 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | |
Resolution |
Refresh Rate |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
Anyone coming over? We still need 3 more teams and there are attractive prizes and a lucky draw :DD
Edit: Rawr thanks for updating. We only need 2 more.
Hi Guys,
Asiafortress is having a LAN on 22 March 2014 in Singapore. Anyone from the region who is willing to come down for the 1 day event is invited I guess.
More details (if you are interested at all) can be found at:
Note: registration closes on 5th March :D
I'm interested to see what scripts you guys use to customize your TF2 or add more "functionality" to your keys.
I like using new scripts :D (scripts that you made on your own and not something you ripped off from tf2wiki.)
Here's mine: It's a bind script where you can use the '[',']' and '\' keys as modifiers when you use the arrow keys so that you can activate a bind. So basically you have 12 binds crammed into 7 keys.
alias "+trollcalls" "bind DOWNARROW troll5; bind UPARROW troll6; bind RIGHTARROW troll7; bind LEFTARROW troll8"
alias "-trollcalls" "bind DOWNARROW troll1; bind UPARROW troll2; bind RIGHTARROW troll3; bind LEFTARROW troll4"
alias "+trollcalls2" "bind DOWNARROW troll9; bind UPARROW troll10; bind RIGHTARROW troll11; bind LEFTARROW troll12"
alias "-trollcalls2" "bind DOWNARROW troll1; bind UPARROW troll2; bind RIGHTARROW troll3; bind LEFTARROW troll4"
alias "+trollcalls3" "bind DOWNARROW troll13; bind UPARROW troll14; bind RIGHTARROW troll15; bind LEFTARROW troll16"
alias "-trollcalls3" "bind DOWNARROW troll1; bind UPARROW troll2; bind RIGHTARROW troll3; bind LEFTARROW troll4"
alias "troll1" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll2" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll3" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll4" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll5" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll6" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll7" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll8" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll9" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll10" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll11" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll12" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll13" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll14" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll15" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
alias "troll16" "say [INSERT WEIRD THING HERE]"
bind "[" "+trollcalls" //modifier 1
bind "]" "+trollcalls2" //modifier 2
bind "\" "+trollcalls3" //modifier 3
SMB Padi :D
We still miss you here in Asia <3
Is highlander allowed? I'm really sorry if I haven't read through thoroughly but I wouldn't mind submitting one or two hl plays hehe. I'll let my friends who play 6s know about this and hope they'll submit quality frags (high asian level) :D
Great job kirby and I'm really looking forward to your frag video.
Finally Valve, finally.
Which sniper is consistent in headshotting doubles jumping scouts and amazingly good at dropping medics with one eye closed?
IMO, bloodsire.
I may be wrong. I will be wrong. Who do you think is better or who do you think is the best. Just curious :D
HueyLewisSomeone should really contact the teams before talking about things like this.
Skyrolla is discussing with Fishman atm so I hope they can reach a conclusion soon.
As a source, I was in Singapore earlier this year and tried to play with friends in NA. Ended up rage quitting after about 10 minutes.
They are in Japan and Korean so pings aren't as bad as in Singapore.
renxzenwhere do i donate
We'll see if we want to set up a prize pool for this and we'll give you the link to the donations I guess.
I guess planning should start now...
Sweet I think there is actually quite a bit of interest
erkstonhawaiian server!
Yea for 3rd map (if need be) as neutral ground maybe? Great idea :D Who will organize this showmatch
They get 150-200 ping on west coast...east coast = add another 100-150. Flip a coin, winner choses.
3 maps:
Map 1:(winner of the coin flip choses home server [hopefully west coast to mid US or Japan/Korea])
Map 2:Other team decides
Map 3:(winner choses)
This is the best or one of the best solutions (this was how they did EU vs NA i think)...but regardless it will be interesting to watch :D
How would you guys like to see Asian HL vs. NA Plat HL as a Christmas showmatch? Bless, the top asian highlander team, has the collection of the best players from Asia for each class while 20b, the champion team of UGC NA Plat, works excellently as a team and are arguably one of the best in platinum. It would truly be an interesting match to watch (bo3 preferably) and if the teams are willing and of course you, the community, is interested, it will truly be a success and it will prove whether Asians are really as good as they are cracked up to be.
P.S. We neeed casters if this becomes reality...hope it's something like a Christmas TF2 Special. Timezones etc. etc. need to be worked out D:
Hi extine, this is the link to the demo of the first map played:
Viaduct -
Once Nakaya comes online, I'll get the second map, gullywash. Cheers!