hyuriit's done
1st Bless
2nd any how only
3rd as
4th daddys
Sshhh don't spoil it :'(
Extine is gonna cast it ^_^
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SteamID64 | 76561198060751329 |
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Last Posted | August 11, 2014 at 5:47 AM |
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hyuriit's done
1st Bless
2nd any how only
3rd as
4th daddys
Sshhh don't spoil it :'(
Extine is gonna cast it ^_^
Sakii you can cast with your sexy voice the world has never heard. ^_^
Can any Asiafortress casters cast the finals?
The core of ginyu left to 20b (I'm looking at Huey, duwatna and 1 more if I'm not wrong) and Frank West quit spying etc. so I have a feeling ginyu isn't the superteam they were :-P
This isn't a thread to argue about a decision that has already been made :-(
And any casters for the matches? Live casting would be interesting ^_^