we finally got communication, god bless
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panic attack: good changes because it was fuck-all useless
ambassador: in the right direction, but changing the headshot to a mini-crit instead of a full crit would've been nice instead of rng
dead ringer: good because it's so fucking spammy in pubs, and invis watch/cloak and dagger are far superior in 6v6 than dead ringer so nerfing it doesn't really affect 6v6 play, but still great changes
your eternal reward: not sure how i feel about removing the major skill aspect of it by adding the ability to disguise, but the trade-off of sacrificing a full cloak meter for a disguise sounds good on paper, will have to see how it pans out
sandman: ability to fight back after hit by a ball is incredible
bonk atomic punch: good changes considering how easy it is to abuse bonk and get behind a group of players with zero consequences
pretty boy's pocket pistol: actually useful now, thank god
crit-a-cola: personally i think it should be reverted to marked for death while the effect is active, so this will be interesting to see how the weapon turns out
atomizer: really good change that was the most annoying and hotly contested aspect of the weapon, still probably not a good idea to allow it in league play at all until people can actually give it a test, but the switch-to speed nerf is a good way to combat abusing it, the shit with mini-crits while airborne is dumb though, change it to like +10%/+15% damage while airborne
flying guillotine: fuck the long-range mini-crit, glad it's gone, the death of the sandman-cleaver combo is kind-of sad but having it carve away health at medium range was stupidly broken
base jumper: god bless
mantreads: good, but more than likely will not replace gunboats as using the mantreads would sacrifice the increased mobility of using gunboats without giving you the option of a secondary like the shotgun, but the air control buff will be fun to use with troll loadouts like rocket jumper/market gardener though
darwin's danger shield: no more 149 damage headshots, thank you jesus
razorback: no more re-supping for a new shield, god bless
vita-saw: i really don't know how to feel about this change, the concept of a medic having the potential to store 60%
of an ubercharge upon death is insane so it will most likely stay banned, but at the same time, if a medic is able to get that many hits on enemy players, the medic would've had full uber with the ubersaw, so it's a weapon that will have to be looked at
crusader's crossbow: god bless, but they REALLY need to reduce the health that it can heal in a burst, it's just way to easy to abuse
minigun changes: great change
gloves of running urgently: just change them to what they used to be, where you lose like 5 hp per tick when they're out and you don't get it back, and having them out can kill you, just add a like -25%/-30% reduction in health received from medi beams while deployed
eviction notice: was perfectly fine before, dunno why it's being messed with
fists of steel: should be changed to a 40% heal rate deduction and 40% overheal reduction while equipped considering it's the weapon to use in shit like hl where a heavy is just always with a medic and can abuse the fists of steel to get out of situations he has no business getting out of
rescue ranger: great step in the right direction, but giving the rescue ranger an effective range would be a good change so it can't be used to across-the-map repairs and rescues