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SteamID64 | 76561198054815524 |
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Country | Brazil |
Signed Up | February 12, 2016 |
Last Posted | October 6, 2019 at 8:46 PM |
Posts | 939 (0.3 per day) |
Madelyn lft low-mid open scout
Recruitment (looking for team)
MirealHey, I think you're a really talented guy. I've seen what you've been doing on the computer there, umm, and I'm just blown away by how good you are on the computer, and so, know what, I got a job for you. You're coming with me. You're hired, and uh, I got an opening for you at my firm, and how's this: starting salary $200,000 per annum. Whaddya think about that? Listen kid -- I need ya. I need ya on my team. I've seen what you can do on the computer. That's a -- that's a video 'cause um, you're all -- everybody has computer skills, and uh, you know, your parents, when you're young and you're playing fucking Pokemon Red, and you're blowing your mom and dad's mind with how "he saved the file! How'd he do that? Hey, my kid's got computer skills!" So everybody hehehehehe, so we all sorta think that we um, that somehow I mean that somehow we'd be able to serve a function, or serve a purpose, or add -- bring value to the table in the corporate world, and it's not true at all, hahaha.
posted about 7 years ago
viper lft
Recruitment (looking for team)
one of the most toxic people i've ever played with
posted about 7 years ago
Dodge hacks?
The Dumpster
Makycp_process_final1Makywhy is it that retards like this are allowed to have computers?
inb4 "Maky is a toxic gamer"
you're so unfunny
I'm not even trying to be funny. It legitimatly astounds me how a person this dumb is allowed to have internet.
edit: He has close to 5k hours???????????
understand many people who play this game have over 2000 hours and don't even know how to open the console
posted about 7 years ago
Who Has The Highest MGE ELO
Off Topic
jetzzzzzim pretty sure meddle had 3.1k elo at one point
i beat meddle 20-0 easy
posted about 7 years ago
Dodge hacks?
The Dumpster
SpyromancermathemaphysicistSpyro ur too old to play vidya games my dudeI'm going to set the world record for oldest player to get to Invite. Not even medic, not even bottomfrag every game. Quote me on this.
with rockets like that it should be easy
posted about 7 years ago
psa: please embed ur images
Site Discussion
tired of clicking on the downvote button next to your name noob
posted about 7 years ago
lol b4nny
TF2 General Discussion
b4nnycorsaI implore you to become the next great TF2 champion, but do so while being the nicest most polite person at all times. Once that happens I'll naturally fade into obscurity in your carebear fantasyland kingdom.
you act like you're some sort of martyr or something
get over yourself you crybaby
posted about 7 years ago
lol b4nny
TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkthis is the kinda stuff i just hate to see... this game would be an esport if people were just nicer to each other
that would help but valve has dedicated themselves to ruining the game for the past few years now
posted about 7 years ago
Is TF2 the Dark Souls of competitive FPS games?
The Dumpster
Menachemya i mean quake has pretty similar movement options as tf2 except its faster and bhopping works so
have you ever played quake
posted about 7 years ago
lol b4nny
TF2 General Discussion
Tino_bicycleforratsTino_You answered your own questionokay, i went and edited my post to note that it was a rhetorical question. next time i decide to use one on the internet i'll make sure to note it so i can't get called out by some internet debate champion
Calm down dude, I aint attacking you.
please excuse my friend, he's from texas you see
posted about 7 years ago