mustardoverlordthat special status also banned non-kashmiris from owning property in the region to prevent economic colonization and the possibility of the state becoming hindu majority
and the special status was literally a precondition for the creation of the state of India in the 40s, not just some random law passed 20 years ago
It was also what the first indo pakistani war was fought over
this could easily lead to mass ethnic cleansing, if not all out war between two countries with nuclear weapons
only the kashmir valley is muslim majority, jammu is a hindu region, and ladakh is a buddhist region. all the wars, including the kargil war as recently as 1999, were fought over the kashmir valley part of the region
ive been following this really closely for a few days now, my mom is from kargil
india agreed to hold a referendum in kashmir for kashmiris to determine who gets control / if kashmir becomes independent, only if pakistan removed their troops from the area, and neither countries did what they said they would
and yeah glad to see someone else sees modi for who he is lol, the guy meditates in some cave and the world forgets hes campaigning on hindu nationalism, and controls like 80% of the lok sabbha, despite it being written in their constitution that it is a secular state
a big problem with this conflict is that pakistan changes their mind every other year on if they agree to the LOC agreement because some new military coup happens all the time
ive been following this really closely over the last week or so, my mom is from western ladakh