i wish i had no thoughts fuckin kill me
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198002965000 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:42699272] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:21349636 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | May 15, 2016 |
Last Posted | February 2, 2025 at 3:34 AM |
Posts | 117 (0 per day) |
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In-game Sensitivity | 1.57, 2.92 |
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800 |
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1280x720 |
Refresh Rate |
144HZ |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | G403 |
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Monitor |
okyaaaTrading for AD and giving up your best player who is so much younger is insane and poor team management. I wonder if Luka wanted out?
at least according to this: https://www.si.com/nba/lakers/news/luka-doncic-reportedly-didn-t-ask-out-of-dallas-before-trade-to-lakers-01jk2jwts9fn
he didn't ask for a trade
man i dont get it
As a (possibly former) Mavs fan, burn the city of Dallas to the ground.
Thanks to everyone for your interest and support so far.
The rankings will continue to be updated weekly throughout the season. We've also released the first horrendous video show of the rankings which was recorded before week 2, but posted late as part of the officerreekz originals network (branching out from vod theft). All links and updates will be included in the original post from now on.
And for the courtroom thing, this is now an open invitation for anyone any time. It was originally planned to be livestreamed today. However, due to multiple people cancelling on the day of (aka Slicerogue, Unc Sanity, + one other anonymous plaintiff), this will now be a video with each case recorded separately, so scheduling is now flexible any time you can make it. If you have any disputes you want to resolve, big or small, feel free to contact me (_giblert on Discord) any time for a chance to win cash prizes and CS2 crates. Or, alternatively, fill out this Google form.
The final video with the best cases will be compiled and posted at the end of the season, so any time between now and then, feel free to reach out.
Jonathan Ray
GGL President
For Season 17 of RGL, and possibly beyond, the Anglerfish Network will be producing a lot of new content to celebrate this stacked competitive season.
First of all, we're currently taking applications for JUDGE JRAY.
___ The Sales Pitch ___
JUDGE JRAY - Resolve your NA TF2 Community Disputes LIVE with Independent Arbitration
Do you have beef with someone? Someone didn't pay you back for lunch at LAN? Get cut from your team unfairly? Well, if you want to be a smart-ass and prove you're right, then now you can on JUDGE JRAY
Basically, it's just a knock-off Judge Brown, Judge Judy, etc. type show. We'll take about 3 to 5 cases with both a plaintiff and defendant and decide who is in the right. Each case will probably last about 10-15 minutes. Fairness not guaranteed, yelling not required but strongly encouraged. We hope to stir up some of the spice that's been missing from the community since the death of the infamous ESEA-Open seasonal threads.
Why sign up to argue with each other instead of sitting some post-pug VC at 1 AM yapping at each other like normal? For your time, you'll be given some financial compensation. The winner of each dispute will win $10-$25 (scaled based on severity + entertainment value + maybe some additional incentives), and if you want to "bet" extra items to be arbitrated on as payment, you're free to do so as well to raise the stakes. Winners will be determined by either judge (me), panel (judge + 2 assistants), or by jury vote (if there are enough live viewers who decide to watch this shit for some reason).
Send your case applications for your cases to _giblert on Discord or use this Google forms application. This will air live at 8 PM Eastern this Saturday, February 1st. Also taking volunteers for assistants. Currently, je'mond has volunteered as bailiff.
Update: Due to repeated scheduling issues, this will now be a video with each case recorded separately, due to repeated scheduling issues with people failing to appear in court.
As an additional plug, we'll be doing weekly power rankings updates accompanied by a short-ish hour long podcast each week, recapping the previous weeks of Invite and Advanced matches.
Rankings spreadsheet here.
Unfortunately, I got too drunk for the recording of the first one and it ended up disastrous and mildly Chinese supremacist, so to make a better impression, the first real episode will be available sometime before the week 2 matches.
Week 1 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8l_nqYHZ9s
Week 2 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYdxJqcTVsI
Week 3 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHpYWYGbWkE
Week 4 video: https://youtu.be/ndZFuO9w8tE
Live content on: https://www.twitch.tv/wbacon
This is a serious post.
Bumping for S17, see updated first post.
Message on Discord (_giblert) or Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/easytorememberurl1/)
Bump for S14 inv. quals, need a few subs. In particular need of a soldier sub who will probably get playtime one or two times a week at least.
Message on Discord (_giblert) or Steam.
From what I've seen, it looks like it has to do with old demos. It doesn't occur in newer demos as far as I know, or at least, I haven't experienced in newer demos. When I was working on a frag vid all the clips from S10/S11 worked fine and the ones around S9 and older had the issue. I also ran into this on older POV demos so I figure it's probably more related to the demos being older rather than being STV or POV.
I haven't tried this yet, but it's possible an update broke it and using an older beta version to play the demo might fix it.
I wanted to provide an update on the situation as I understand it.
After discussing with the team leaders and arcadia, the current status is that it seems that the team leaders are satisfied to wait for and accept the results of the Anti-Cheat team's decision, which we have been told will be made soon. As a result, the GGL Playoff will most likely not be necessary at this point.
To emphasize though, while I do not believe running the GGL Playoff will be needed based on the current outlook, if for whatever reason some major concern occurs and it is needed, I am still willing to run the tournament.
The goals of this project were:
1. Encourage communication and a decision from RGL on the elijah situation.
This has been achieved to what appears to be a satisfactory result, as the team leaders, from what I've heard as of now, are willing to listen to the AC team's decision and play the RGL playoffs. Initially, the timeline of the AC investigation was a concern, but now that we have been told a probable deadline for a decision, this no longer seems to be an issue.
2. Encourage RGL to reconsider their cheating policies.
I do not know what RGL's current plans are, but it does seem like there will at least be some discussion about the topic. I am hopeful that this has raised sufficient awareness for the issue that it will not be a problem again in the future.
3. Provide a back-up option for a fair tournament if a decision was not reached in time.
To re-iterate, I believe this GGL tournament will no longer be needed, most likely. However, when this was initially planned and announced, there was very little communication from RGL regarding the situation, and while I can't make a judgement myself as I don't know enough about cheats, the team leaders were convinced that playing playoffs against someone who they believed was cheating was not worth their time. Therefore, the point of this project was to provide a backup plan if RGL did not act quick enough.
To provide some context from personal experience: In Season 4 of RGL Div. 2 there was a player who cheated and was disqualified very, very late in the season (just before finals). Even though I had heard he was being investigated since early in playoffs (maybe even before?) a verdict wasn't reached until the integrity of the playoffs was already ruined since there wasn't enough time to rewind the bracket. Keep in mind, this actually mostly benefited my team (we got 2nd place in spite of going 1-3 in playoffs) and I was still angry about the situation. The fifth seed got completely screwed out of the playoffs and the fourth seed was eliminated in spite of only having one real loss. On top of this, the admin at the time's response to the criticism was rude and unsympathetic to complaints about the issue. I have additional thoughts on the topic of cheating policies that I want to discuss later, but my main point I'm getting at now is that it only takes one person acting in bad faith to ruin hundreds of hours of hard work for a lot of people, so I felt that trying to take action some way was important to prevent the same situation from occurring again. Historically, once playoffs have started, expelling a team for cheating in the middle of it leads to very scuffed outcomes.
I want to thank the team leaders, players, arcadia, Scream, and the donors (who will be refunded assuming the GGL tournament does not occur) for being part of these discussions. I apologize that I could have maybe handled some aspects better, but overall, I'm glad that things seem to have worked out positively for the teams involved.
Had to play a match in an AirBnB with no desk, the laptop got about 15 FPS.
Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs
With all the attention the elijah situation has gotten, I expect RGL to expel chatCCP soon, so hopefully this alternative plan will not be necessary and the normal RGL playoffs will proceed as normal.
However, if RGL refuses to act on this in a timely manner before playoff matches begin, I am hosting the GGL People's Championship Playoffs, which will feature the 2nd through 5th seeds in a double elimination bracket (identical structure to the normal RGL playoffs format).
In other words, the participants would be, in some order:
The Goblin Zone
chell team
We will use the same config and map list. All standards of the normal RGL rulebook will be enforced. There is one additional rule. Anyone who has received a cheating ban during the RGL-era (post-ESEA) will not be allowed to participate in any match. We (the GGL) hope in the future, that RGL will implement this standard as well, at the very least, for any future bans as it has been proven by this situation that RGL does not have the resources to effectively police repeat offenders in a timely manner. This is not an insult to RGL, but simply the reality that there isn't enough staff on the anti-cheat team to respond to every report quickly enough.
To participate, the participants must withdraw from RGL Season 12 playoffs to participate in this tournament instead to determine the true people's champ of the season. If they wish, they may also play the RGL Season 12 playoff matches as normal but must forfeit all playoff games to chatCCP.
The teams agree that if chatCCP is expelled after the GGL playoff starts, that the match results played in the GGL will be respected as the official RGL match results if RGL allows. In other words, if chatCCP is expelled after the first round of the GGL playoffs has been completed, the teams agree to report the GGL first round results as the RGL first round results (if RGL allows) and the remaining GGL matches will be cancelled unless the teams agree to continue playing the GGL tournament instead.
The GGL tournament will have a prize pool starting at $200 for the winner (this prize is funded out of pocket by the tournament organizer). Any further donations or funding will be split equally amongst the four participating teams. If this tournament happens, Fireside Casts has agreed to cast the finals, as well as other matches potentially.
The tournament will be ran through Discord and Challonge (for the bracket). Pick/bans will be done in the official Discord channel and will follow the same structure as RGL pick/bans for this season of Advanced.
The Discord will be public and have public channels for announcements of match times so people can follow the tournament.
So far, all teams (2nd through 5th) have tentatively accepted the offer or expressed interest in participating in the alternative tournament if chatCCP is not expelled from RGL.
If one team decides not to participate, but the rest of the teams agree to do so, the GGL playoff will proceed with three teams as a double elimination tournament.
If only two teams agree to participate, then instead, the People's Championship Bowl will be played instead, a single BO3 series to determine the true people's champion for a prize of $100 + donations split amongst the two teams.
An announcement will be made on Sunday that the tournament is cancelled (since RGL playoffs can proceed as normal) if chatCCP is expelled by then. If Sunday comes and chatCCP is not expelled, this tournament will proceed until chatCCP is expelled.
The playoff schedule will either be (identical to the current intended RGL schedule):
- Upper 1 and Upper 2
- Lower 1 and Upper Bracket Finals
- Lower Bracket Finals
- Grand Finals
TUESDAY, JULY 18th (Reschedulable to the 19th)
- Upper 1 and Upper 2 (Rescheduable up to the 24th)
- Lower 1 and Upper Bracket Finals
TUESDAY, JULY 25th (Reschedulable up to the 26th)
- Lower Bracket Finals
THURSDAY, JULY 27th (Reschedulable up to August 2nd)
- Grand Finals
These dates can be played earlier if the teams agree.
So far, I have received firm or tentative agreements from each team I have contacted, please contact me on Discord or reply to this post if you have an update on participation, or if you have concerns/questions.
Contact me on Discord if you wish to donate to the prize pool. If the tournament is cancelled for any reason, you will receive a full refund. You may also send donations to the following PayPal: jonathanallenray1@gmail.com.
Discord contact: _giblert
Current community contribution pledged (not counting RGL contribution): $751
Pledges (if this tournament happens)
Anonymous: $300
rkcbb: $101
Sol: $100
Anonymous: $100
playmo: $25
Jaguar: $25
7/14 Update: https://www.teamfortress.tv/63358/announcing-the-ggl-advanced-playoffs/?page=3#82
7/16 Update: This tournament will fortunately no longer be needed, as chatCCP has been expelled. Thank you all for your support and good luck to the Advanced playoffs teams. Donors have all been refunded.
Adv. Power Rankings are returning this season, for better or for worse. Pre-season edition should be released around 8:30 Eastern today (Tuesday) once I finish the draft.
Rankings Link: tinyurl.com/rgls12advpr
VOD (Pre-Season): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1827722411
New update today (6/12) as well as a Week 2 update which was written on time but not posted. It's on the spreadsheet though if you want to look back at it. Stream recordings paused for now due to issues with PC crashing constantly.
Last update (6/12)
Bump, just need pocket now. Will probably decide at end of next week.
Trying to record a clip with gibs from an older STV demo (about 3 years old). Ragdolls work but no gibs (players just disappear). I have gibs on and confirmed they work both in game and in recent demos. Is this a known issue and is there a fix?
I have the following settings:
cl_phys_props_enable 1
cl_phys_props_max 128
props_break_max_pieces -1
r_propsmaxdist 1000
violence_agibs 1
violence_hgibs 1
tf_playergib 1
edit: also checked with someone else, they had the same problem
^example demo that didn't work for either of us. I also assume it's a known problem since some of Beater's videos have the same issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRANPUODpcw
Early bump for S12, see OP. Will probably start playing in about 2-3 weeks.