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Signed Up January 26, 2016
Last Posted May 10, 2022 at 12:25 PM
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#77 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
DockelsRendoasDockels"i’d also like to add that my own groomer, who i reported on three separate occasions, received no consequence, aside from one formal warning. he continued to stalk me"

Ah yes, your "groomer" and "stalker". The "stalker" that you found via his private instagram, the one you begged for attention, and the one who now only wants to get away from you, yet you still try to call him your "stalker". The reason nothing was done because your evidence was total BS, and I'm glad you won't be apart of this community anymore so you can't further your harrasment.


(P.S. Please get help, this isn't you)
Man, I don't go here, and I don't know any confirmed/intimate details about this, but "she wanted it" isn't the defense you think it is. It's an adult's responsibility to say no to a child/minor showing romantic/sexual interest.

True enough, that comes down to a matter of opinion, but that doesn't change the fact that Angie completely changed the story, context, and actively harrasses him. I believe that the seperation people put in their mind about adult and non adult is a bit too extreme. But, arguing about that isn't really my point, before anything I was a friend of Angie's, and was the main one who got her to break up with him in the first place, so whatever your opinion may be she is still unhealthily clinging to this while the other party is trying to get away from it, and I wish for her to let it go.

The fact that you think is that the separation between an established adult and a barely legal teen is a bit too extreme is honestly concerning. “birds of a feather flock together” and all that. the only active harassment im seeing is coming from cron’s white knights, attacking angie on a forum that has literally nothing to do w him. get help and tell cron to grow the fuck up and get over the 18 year old that’s supposedly ruining his grown ass life, goofy fuck.

posted about 2 years ago
#61 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
Parmigiancarlowestythe hypocrisy of rgl is crazy. reports for low profile offenders get swept under the rug while rgl makes a showing of banning the players for similar offenses in high level circles. the ban on carrot is overkill, especially when other members leaked the alfa doc and got no discipline. my overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i don't think leaking the doc was right, but rgl needs to set a baseline for what does and doesn't constitute a ban. the white knights of cron on this thread conveniently forget he was warned TWICE. the accusations against him aren't false, he's lucky he's a shitty im player or else he would already be banned. the web of lies and outright manipulation this werido has y'all in is honestly scary. ya boy needs help, sending you to attack his literal VICTIM. go outside losers
The biggest reason it doesn't get outed cause this community is a cesspoll of dipshits who would've ran out and defended the people who did the heinous shit they did under the disguise of "that's my boy lol' or "who cares LMAO" your friend did something stupid and got punished for it, be pissed at her for that or at the very least use your brain and think for more than a second, its embarrassing reading this and the original "apology" just take the L and move on

in no way or form am i excusing what angie did. half this thread is literally about bashing angie for something completely unrelated to the ban and is exactly what you're describing as defending people that did fucked up shit lmao. as i said in my original comment, the doc should've never been leaked and i dont agree with the leaking, but its fair to address the double standard rgl holds even when someone fucks up. enjoy ur L tho <3

posted about 2 years ago
#47 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
umlpstwestyits not that publicity would make them stop, its so that people don't blindly interact with these people without knowing the situations behind their ban. anyone can lie about their ban reasons. there is no point to miss, protecting the victims is the first priority in situations like this, but protecting the potential victims is also important.
Tbf they got the Omega fucked up ban like rgl would mention doxxing, ddosing, racism, etc. so if they don't mention what you did, people should prob assume the worst

idk i feel like there's still a big lack of distinction there

assuming a doxx case ban is HUGELY different to rape or grooming

posted about 2 years ago
#46 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
CorpsywestyCorpsywestythe hypocrisy of rgl is crazy. reports for low profile offenders get swept under the rug while rgl makes a showing of banning the players for similar offenses in high level circles. the ban on carrot is overkill, especially when other members leaked the alfa doc and got no discipline. my overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i don't think leaking the doc was right, but rgl needs to set a baseline for what does and doesn't constitute a ban. the white knights of cron on this thread conveniently forget he was warned TWICE. the accusations against him aren't false, he's lucky his a shitty im player or else he would already be banned. the web of lies and outright manipulation this werido has y'all in is honestly scary. ya boy needs help, sending you to attack his literal VICTIM. go outside losers
There's ways to protect and help victims that doesn't go out of its way to make a mockery of the same thing they say they're so righteous about. If you genuinely wanted to help your 'friend' you'd constantly push them to seek help (and i mean therapy irl), not add more fuel to a fire they claim they never started.

Also keep throwing serious words like "rapist" and "groomer" when it was just an e-relationship, which she actively pursued despite knowing all the things about him makes me sound like you have some sort of personal stake in this... unplug please you're for real making a huge case of defamation against yourself.

your lack of basic reading comprehension shows. i never said cody was a rapist or a groomer. re-read what i said and think long and hard about it. in was referencing alfa and satan who were banned for grooming and rape accusations. i have no personal stake in anything other than being a voice for victims who are constantly under attack by their abuser's, something people on this thread seem to be so passionate about protecting, but when it comes to ang y'all are quick to dismiss her. it is none of my business whether or not ang gets therapy, but you should do the same for your buddy, who clearly needs it more. being 26 and habitually talking to minors online isn't something that should be normalized. but as long as he keeps playing the victim, you'll eat it out of the palm of his hand. your basic understanding of the legal system is lacking too. hit up a google search before you reply to me again bozo.

I mean to put pedo/grooming accusations, that was an error on my part. Also like you I do back up my friends. However unlike you I make friends with people actively who try and be better people. Something you and the OP have simply failed to do multiple times. One more thing; stop acting like an arbiter of righteousness, your posts reek of mal-intent. Your romantic feelings for OP have deluded your judgement beyond reason. For real, if you love your friend so much do not say you don't owe them to be a better person, they're clearly a vulnerable person but not for the reasons you believe them to be.

also ill stop replying to you because it's clear you don't want to take accountability,

take accountability for what? exposing a potentially dangerous person to a community full of underage people? i have no romantic feelings for angie, i have a partner homie, one that has dealt with grooming and SA in the past. i know it seems crazy that someone can defend others without wanting to get with them but here i am. i know angie is working towards bettering herself, not that its information you're privy to. also how would you know any better? you're basing your shit off of what cody has told you not his accuser. believe the victim moment? i've never claimed to be an "an arbiter of righteousness" i just have a moral compass, something you and your team of defenders clearly lack.

have the day you deserve

posted about 2 years ago
#43 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
EnzoDBwestyumlpstwestymy overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i think the main reason is to protect the victims and their privacy
Also idk about anything else but I think it’s different to tell someone what happened vs leaking the whole private documents(w/o censoring anything) to an open team

i get that, like i said, leaking the doc wasn't the right thing to do. but rgl needs to hold some accountability for abuse that happens in their community. what's to stop alfa or satan from doing something like this again if people don't know? there are ways to protect the victims and expose the people involved, those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
why would people knowing stop them, rgl is a gaming league not the police man, you're missing the point so hard

its not that publicity would make them stop, its so that people don't blindly interact with these people without knowing the situations behind their ban. anyone can lie about their ban reasons. there is no point to miss, protecting the victims is the first priority in situations like this, but protecting the potential victims is also important.

posted about 2 years ago
#40 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
umlpstwestymy overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i think the main reason is to protect the victims and their privacy
Also idk about anything else but I think it’s different to tell someone what happened vs leaking the whole private documents(w/o censoring anything) to an open team

i get that, like i said, leaking the doc wasn't the right thing to do. but rgl needs to hold some accountability for abuse that happens in their community. what's to stop alfa or satan from doing something like this again if people don't know? there are ways to protect the victims and expose the people involved, those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

posted about 2 years ago
#39 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
Corpsywestythe hypocrisy of rgl is crazy. reports for low profile offenders get swept under the rug while rgl makes a showing of banning the players for similar offenses in high level circles. the ban on carrot is overkill, especially when other members leaked the alfa doc and got no discipline. my overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i don't think leaking the doc was right, but rgl needs to set a baseline for what does and doesn't constitute a ban. the white knights of cron on this thread conveniently forget he was warned TWICE. the accusations against him aren't false, he's lucky his a shitty im player or else he would already be banned. the web of lies and outright manipulation this werido has y'all in is honestly scary. ya boy needs help, sending you to attack his literal VICTIM. go outside losers
There's ways to protect and help victims that doesn't go out of its way to make a mockery of the same thing they say they're so righteous about. If you genuinely wanted to help your 'friend' you'd constantly push them to seek help (and i mean therapy irl), not add more fuel to a fire they claim they never started.

Also keep throwing serious words like "rapist" and "groomer" when it was just an e-relationship, which she actively pursued despite knowing all the things about him makes me sound like you have some sort of personal stake in this... unplug please you're for real making a huge case of defamation against yourself.

your lack of basic reading comprehension shows. i never said cody was a rapist or a groomer. re-read what i said and think long and hard about it. in was referencing alfa and satan who were banned for grooming and rape accusations. i have no personal stake in anything other than being a voice for victims who are constantly under attack by their abuser's, something people on this thread seem to be so passionate about protecting, but when it comes to ang y'all are quick to dismiss her. it is none of my business whether or not ang gets therapy, but you should do the same for your buddy, who clearly needs it more. being 26 and habitually talking to minors online isn't something that should be normalized. but as long as he keeps playing the victim, you'll eat it out of the palm of his hand. your basic understanding of the legal system is lacking too. hit up a google search before you reply to me again bozo.

posted about 2 years ago
#36 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
Dockels"i’d also like to add that my own groomer, who i reported on three separate occasions, received no consequence, aside from one formal warning. he continued to stalk me"

Ah yes, your "groomer" and "stalker". The "stalker" that you found via his private instagram, the one you begged for attention, and the one who now only wants to get away from you, yet you still try to call him your "stalker". The reason nothing was done because your evidence was total BS, and I'm glad you won't be apart of this community anymore so you can't further your harrasment.


(P.S. Please get help, this isn't you)

y'all will believe anything this man tells you jfc. think for yourself for once

(P.S. you get no bitches)

posted about 2 years ago
#35 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion

the hypocrisy of rgl is crazy. reports for low profile offenders get swept under the rug while rgl makes a showing of banning the players for similar offenses in high level circles. the ban on carrot is overkill, especially when other members leaked the alfa doc and got no discipline. my overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i don't think leaking the doc was right, but rgl needs to set a baseline for what does and doesn't constitute a ban. the white knights of cron on this thread conveniently forget he was warned TWICE. the accusations against him aren't false, he's lucky he's a shitty im player or else he would already be banned. the web of lies and outright manipulation this werido has y'all in is honestly scary. ya boy needs help, sending you to attack his literal VICTIM. go outside losers

posted about 2 years ago
#34 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
ItsrachelbitchesL + High school drama + ur crazy + bozo

high school, just how ya boy likes his women LMAO

posted about 2 years ago
#88 corsa out, ninjanick in for froyotech in News

I love that Freestate is back on scout, he has monumental potential in him. But on the other hand, ninjanick is probably one of the worst choices Froyo could have made. I know he left TSU on his own terms, but if he didn't a cut was in his future. I'm sure there's someone they could have taken from high IM maybe??

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Cartoon screenshots in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#14 What concerts are you guys going to/hyped for? in Off Topic

i cant wait for Panic! at the Disco and Weezer in Boston

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Share Your Playlists! in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#169 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 9 years ago
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