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Last Posted December 6, 2017 at 11:17 AM
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#109 lol b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Nice thread, 10/10 :)


posted about 7 years ago
#9 private twitch streams not showing up in Bug Reports

Update: in reply to my mail from 01-26 i received a "default reply" answer from twitch support yesterday, that doesn't even address my (clearly described) problem in any way. Obviously they also didn't read this thread, which i linked in my mail.

The answer suggests a few solutions to some typical "default errors", mostly related to bandwith problems, and the author is either not capable of reading and understanding a text or they didn't even read my mail :-(

I will try again and reply to this blabla answer, but seeing that it took them more than 2 weeks to send a worthless default text, i am not very confident that this will lead anywhere.


posted about 11 years ago
#8 private twitch streams not showing up in Bug Reports

Alright, thanks ... i'll try and send a mail to twitch support :-)

posted about 11 years ago
#5 private twitch streams not showing up in Bug Reports
hoolii understand that private streams don't show up on the streamlist for obvious reasons but twitch recently removed the password feature. the problem i'm having is that my stream won't show up on tf.tv because i had a password on my stream before they removed the password feature. i guess twitch still has the password property saved somewhere even though the stream isn't actually private.

It seems that i have the same problem ... i remember vaguely that i set up a password like 2 years ago, because i wasn't planning on streaming ever and tried to lock up my "viewer only" profile as good as possible.

Now that i set up a stream i experience that my stream won't show up on teamfortress.tv ... what can i do to fix this? oO

Thanks in advance for any help provided,
wicked nasty funkdoctor

posted about 11 years ago