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Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2025 at 7:40 PM
Posts 864 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 MAJOR CS:GO update for 11/28/16 (11/29/16 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Here's the related blog post: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/11/17081/


Via the CS:GO blog:

– Introducing the Glove Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes. Unlike previous cases, the possible Special Items in the Glove Case are 24 all-new gloves. For more details click here.
– Introducing the Radicals Music Box, featuring 7 new StatTrak™ music kits from “Radicals” artists.
[Steam Group Lobbies]
– Players can now join lobbies created by members of their Steam Groups. For details, visit the Steam Group Lobby FAQ
– Added the Steam Groups tab in the Friend Lister on the Main Menu.
– By default, if you click Play With Friends and are displaying the Tag of one of your Steam Groups, your lobby will be broadcast to (and joinable by) members of that Steam Group. You can adjust your default lobby settings in the Game Settings menu.
– Looking for players from your region or who share a common interest? You can search for new Steam Groups to join, view a friends’ groups by visiting their Steam Community Profile, or create a group of your own!
– Fixed an interaction between defuse kits and water that would sometimes cause a defuse kit to be unable to be picked up.
– Fixed miscellaneous vulnerabilities (thanks GeekPwn).
– Players who get kicked from a lobby cannot rejoin for three minutes.
– Fixed a bug where some potted plants were playing incorrect collision sounds.
– Fixed a bug where some UI sounds would incorrectly spatialize immediately after player death.
Dust II
– Removed barrels outside of doors leading into B site
– Blocked visibility through some props around A site
– Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
– Fixed some minor graphical bugs
– Fixed ladders on train cars so they no longer move the player view when attaching
– Added more accurate collision for various models
– Blocked visibility under some trains from far angles
– Blocked grenades entering small crawlspace near popdog ladder
– Raised pipes in tunnels near Ivy
– Fixed a spot in T spawn where weapons could not be retrieved
– Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
– Removed that bump in T stairs. You know the one.
– Fixed some surfaces playing the wrong footstep sounds
– Some graphical tweaks
– Updated with new content and lighting
– Updated navigation mesh

Rumor has it:

- CS:GO Stash has put up images of the weapons of the Glove Case
- If you'd like to view the item schema update for yourself, here it is

- Here's some more news on the Perfect World front involving CS:GO's release inside of mainland China within a little while:
- Did you know that Dota 2 has a special launcher which is pretty much a 1-app miniaturized version of Steam? It seems that based on these GC protobufs, CS:GO will use a similar model as well for handling getting in the game
- You're likely gonna be locked in to using one currency, if you use something else this error message will appear asking you to contact "support", which is Perfect World's own support and not Steam Support
- Those that are under 18 are subject to an Anti-Addiction System which is also found in the Perfect World version of Dota 2 as well
- There's also some modified achievement images to fit in with the "no blood, no skulls" theme going on, mostly for Arms Race achievements for now

- Do you happen to be fluent (or near-fluent) in another non-English language? If so, consider signing up for the Steam Translation Server to help translate the close to 200 strings added in this update

- Here's all of the supporting bits for everything from the gloves to group lobbies and other minor things: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/9841b0bf5a56e2cce59e337b600341f1dc573b02
- Lots of low-level things appear to have been stripped out. No clue what, if any effect it'll have on performance.
- It seems that Valve went on a typo fixing spree, as numerous typos have been fixed
- Valve also went on a hunt to eliminate "’"s in favor of "'"s

- Size is close to 1 GB - data capped users should be on alert

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/23/16 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added Jingle Jam 2016 community medals
- Fixed Casual mode search criteria sometimes not loading properly when starting the game
- Updated the Unusual Cap to support Unusual taunt particle effects
- Unusual taunt effects now follow the player during taunts where the player moves

Rumor has it:

- A loading screen tip about the Claidheamh Mòr for Demoman was silently removed (the other tips have had their numbers shuffled around as this brings the total Demoman-related tip count to 28)

- An item schema update with the new Jingle Jam 2016 medals and particle attachment behavior changes

- Here's the other string changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/3a912da3758a39dad05a1325e8e927714b186c06

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/21/16 (11/22/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Taunt Unusualifiers apply non-Halloween Unusual effects now that Halloween has ended
- Added a "Jungle" tag for Workshop submissions

Rumor has it:

- ICYMI: Valve put up a new blog post earlier today and mentioned they were working on a tropical jungle themed map and wanted some community stuff to go along with it, hence the addition of the Jungle tag

- Other than those two things, some matchmaking piping was laid that you probably won't see in your day-to-day gameplay: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/fd6413bc02b349a46031b2776513a2fb054369fe

- Size is close to 10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#10 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Geel9wickedplayer494smesivoice codec :o
is the csgo voice codec as good as mumble?
Mumble actually also uses the CELT codec, in addition to Opus and Speex.

This is an exThis is an example ofThis is an example of Speex

an audio compression codec

posted about 8 years ago
#7 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
smesivoice codec :o
is the csgo voice codec as good as mumble?

Mumble actually also uses the CELT codec, in addition to Opus (which actually succeeds CELT) and Speex.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

^^^ Shameless Twitter plug that isn't really shameless since I'm not the one directly doing it!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Returned Unusual drop chances and possible particles effects to their original values now that Halloween has ended
- Added beta support for the CELT voice codec
- Currently only enabled in community servers that opt-in to the beta
- Server operators can enable CELT usage by setting the below convars, followed by a level change
- sv_use_steam_voice 0
- sv_voicecodec vaudio_celt
- Updated the localization files
- Fixed an occasional client crash with an error message regarding "CL_ReadPreserveEnt"

Rumor has it:

- CELT is the voice codec of choice in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (with the 5/14/15 update) and Dota 2, and provides considerably more life-like voice chat. If you've played CS:GO before its 5/14/15 update with the legacy codec and afterwards with CELT, expect a similar experience in TF2 as well.
- For technical info on the codec, visit Wikipedia or head to the official CELT site at http://www.celt-codec.org/
- Let us press F for all of the micspam made funnier through the existing codec which will now sound normal as opposed to being made funny

- Here's some low-level stuff related to CELT's implementation: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/4b5c87cb625808265645115efb2e05eff723f01e

- And a few item schema changes

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/14/16 (11/15/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store and HLDS:

Valve- Fixed a bug related to using the Dead Ringer while carrying the flag
- Fixed some Strange map filters displaying the wrong map names in their descriptions
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- sigsegv__ (a responsible bug hunter) shared some details about the Dead Ringer bug that was fixed

- Legacy low-level quickplay parts appear to have been removed. Like it or not, casual is here to stay: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b266edf58bc930e1e1646f4025b88429ef111526

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/10/16 (11/11/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store and HLDS:

Valve- Fixed invisible weapons on other players when they have recently changed loadout
- Fixed color correction not working
- Fixed players not always returning to the matchmaking lobby screen at the end of a Mann vs. Machine match
- Fixed particles not being removed from cosmetics when toggling between third-person and first-person views
- Fixed seeing the wrong custom projectiles for grenade launchers like the Iron Bomber when the wielder has recently changed loadout
- Fixed some Strange map filters displaying the wrong map names in their descriptions
- Replaced convar tf_teamtalk with tf_gravetalk
- When enabled, living players can receive text and voice chat from dead players
- When disabled, living players cannot hear the dead, regardless of team
- Removes the odd behavior of tf_teamtalk wherein living players were exclusively unable to hear dead players on the other team
- Defaults to on, except in Competitive matches
- Fixed being able to use The Holiday Punch on enemies during a Halloween boss truce
- Fixed not being able to activate the Pyro's Phlogistinator rage again right away if the first attempt failed
- Fixed Mann vs. Machine bots not playing the teleport sound effect and becoming invulnerable after teleporting
- Fixed not switching Snipers to their melee weapon while under the effects of the "tiny" spell
- Fixed a missing material in the main menu
- Added the Unusual Cap to be used for granting a Self-Made Unusual Cap to Unusual particle effect contributors
- Added the Chapelaria 6v6 tournament medals for season 1
- Updated the spawn/death sounds for Monoculus and Merasmus to remove the Horseless Headless Horsemann sound effects
- Updated the localization files
- Updated mvm_ghost_town to fix the cube maps
- Updated mvm_mannhattan
- Fixed Spies spawning behind the closed door at Gate A
- Fixed Sentry Busters sometimes staying at Gate A instead of attacking the sentry gun
- Updated pl_millstone_event (Hellstone)
- Fixed an exploit where you could trap Horseless Headless Horsemann in place
- Fixed some door frames from being able to shoot through them
- Fixed a texture error
- Fixed a barrel that you could walk through
- Improved navigation file for better bot movement
- Fixed being able to shoot through building wall located front of RED 1st base
- Community request: Added OnTruceStart and OnTruceEnd outputs to the tf_gamerules entity for maps

Rumor has it:

- Ghostlier of reddit provided an item catalog screenshot of the Unusual Cap:


- Here's the rest of the item schema update with images for the Chapelaria 6v6 medals

- It appears that Steam Support may be able to send messages to you in-game, presumably for things such as notifying you about restricted functionality if you get banned for something: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/e180dd3048dc467230ea0a6cb65ab0bfbc9fafef

- The Spy vs. Engie dream appears to be dead (at the very least for now) if this removal of part of a script file is any indication

- Size is ~80 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#10 TF2 update for 11/2/16 (11/3/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
wrechedddddis this gonna fuck with esea matches

Even small ones do.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 TF2 update for 11/2/16 (11/3/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
PumNothing noticeable, the only thing I can appreciate is sappers not working during a truce anymore

Definitely, it's annoying as all hell for sappers to be unremovable. It'd be even worse if you got sapped by a Red-Tape Recorder, that'd be brutal.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/2/16 (11/3/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added the GA'lloween 2016 community event medals
- Fixed sv_shutdown not working for community dedicated servers
- All servers now enter hibernation state when they are empty and have no remaining work, which informs commands such as sv_shutdown
- Added tf_allow_server_hibernation (default: 1) to allow disabling hibernation state
- This should generally only be necessary if running server plugins that are not compatible with hibernation
- Added sv_shutdown_cancel to cancel a pending shutdown
- Updated the truce period during Halloween boss fights
- Players are no longer affected by the truce when in their spawn room, allowing them to fight their way out if necessary
- Sappers can no longer be used while a truce is active
- Updated the "tiny" spellbook spell
- Fixed a case where players could get outside the world
- Fixed not switching Heavies to their melee weapon
- Updated player destruction mode so the "Team Leader" does not heal teammates while in the Underworld
- Fixed Halloween contract reward items not being craftable
- Fixed Strange Human Cannonballs and Strange Battery Canteens not tracking stats
- Fixed Casual search criteria being saved automatically while connecting to a server
- Fixed a case where players could suicide on a pumpkin bomb to gain progress on certain Merasmissions
- Updated the equip region for the Spine-Chilling Skull
- Updated pl_fifthcurve_event (Brimstone)
- Fixed exploit where players could get under the map near BLU starting area
- Fixed exploit where players could get out of the map near graveyard
- Fixed exploit where players could enter RED base as BLU
- Fixed some skeletons running into lava when there are no enemies in Hell
- Fixed medieval tiny spell & other Merasmus voice spells lasting too long for some players
- Fixed big ghost getting stuck when map ends
- Fixed a spot where players could get stuck if entering it under Tiny spell
- Fixed another case of non-solid pumpkin
- Tuned respawn time for RED team at last area
- Updated cp_sunshine_event (Sinshine)
- Fixed multiple visible nodraws and other texture bugs
- Fixed nonsolid pumpkin in lobby
- Fixed trigger bounds in RED spawn
- Various lighting changes

Rumor has it:

- sigsegv__ (a responsible bug hunter) informs me that a bug fixed in CS:GO's 10/28/16 (10/29/16 UTC) update was fixed in TF2 as well but not mentioned here, so I'll mention it here direct from CS:GO: "Fixed a vgui bug where an additional character after selection was always copied to clipboard"
- Regarding that vgui fix, here's how simple it is. Software engineering: ► Coding is hard

- Here's the item schema update. GA'lloween 2016 medals are identical in appearance to other Gamers Assembly medals, in case you're wondering

- Low level changes, and string tweaks: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/69dca1c9bc096ce307bd200b5795f4beb2b74134

- Size is ~70 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/1/16 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Halloween has come to a close.
– Dropped weapons and other grenades no longer prevent flashbangs from blinding players.
– Fixed a bug where Killer Replay sounds would sometimes continue playing after the Killer Replay had finished.
– Players will now measure regular UDP pings to matchmaking regions where SDR is not yet enabled (Brazil, EU North, EU West).
– Fixed a problem where players experienced high ping because region selection was based on SDR ping, but SDR was not used in the region for gameplay.
– Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes fail to start with the message “Only one instance of the game can be running at one time”

Rumor has it:

- A couple of protobuf changes, but otherwise it's almost all low-level stuff this time: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/329783f04776e155221b70f68262df92211c9dc2

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 10/28/16 (10/29/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– In-game friends requests will show no more than 4 friend requests, sorted by Steam profile level.
– Fixed a case when users could fail to reconnect to a competitive match after restarting their game while experiencing issues logging in to Steam.
– Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping setting can now be set as low as 25 ms
— If there are official servers satisfying your ping setting then official matchmaking will always put you in a match hosted on those servers.
— If there are no official servers near you satisfying your ping setting then official matchmaking will put you in a match hosted on the next nearest official server, latency to which may exceed your ping setting. In this case, the player will also see the best possible matchmaking ping while searching, along with an indicator if datacenters are offline for maintenance in their region.
– Long clan tags containing Unicode characters in the end will now correctly truncate without showing a corrupt last character.
– Sound effects emitted by killed player now correctly spatialize in killer replay.
Reduced reverb on weapons and footsteps to fix misleading sound positioning.
– Fixed the missing graffiti effect for R.I.P.I.P. graffiti when sprayed on horizontal surfaces.
– Added lag compensation for teammates when playing with “teammates are enemies” game rules.
– Fixed a vgui bug where an additional character after selection was always copied to clipboard (thanks Justin)

Rumor has it:

- Plenty of additional piping has been added for the Steam Datagram system, which has been in beta for a little while now, as well as new strings for matchmaking tooltips: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/72ad67863464c18e2617d46b6bf78c887c8f1bb3
- Wondering about the Steam Datagram system, or want to opt in? See /u/FletcherDunn's post from around a week ago for details

- Also on the Steam Datagram front though not entirely in the scope of this update (but is still worth mentioning anyway):
- A new routing cluster is available (or will be quite soon) in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Keep in mind that routing clusters =/= the location of the actual server of your game.
- For US Southeast/Atlanta users, the system was disabled there yesterday due to an issue, "until we [Valve] can fix the problem"

- Regarding that vgui fix, here's how simple it is. Software engineering: it's a tough business.

- Low violence variants of Operation Bloodhound coins were added as part of this update as part of ongoing preparation for a Perfect World publishing of CS:GO in mainland China. Here's the Gold coin as it appears in the rest of the world, and the skull-less Gold coin when inside of Perfect World influence. Thanks to SebbaNPAJ of reddit for the tip!
- Want to try out Perfect World influence yourself, but don't have the cash to buy a plane ticket to China just to go to a net cafe there? Add "-perfectworld" to your launch options, then start the game (this will work for versions of the game going back to and including the Infernew update on 10/13/16 (10/14/16 UTC)). Don't worry, your language won't get set to Chinese, it'll remain the same. Have a look around, and check out your Bloodhound coin in your inventory if you've got one, and notice how it uses the LV version. Note that restrictions outlined in RHI last update will also apply just as if you were naturally inside of Perfect World influence, most notably the developer console being disabled, so remember to remove "-perfectworld" when you want to go back to normal
- Note that the absence of certain blog elements also mentioned in last update's RHI is not specific to Chinese languages, that also applies to English too, as well as all other supported languages due to "?perfectworld" being in the URL. That said, the blog defaults to Chinese in-game

- Script changes, which consists mostly of a lot of adding "+"s. GameTracking was previously choking on a medium-size Dota 2 update that happened earlier tonight that added a new treasure for it. This CS:GO update managed to get it to spit the diff of the Dota stuff out, so you'll see it lumped in with all of the CS:GO stuff that happened here tonight (and you can use it to independently verify things for yourself on that side too, which you should do!). Beware though, both of these combine to make a slow scrolling experience: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b6e5c51309fbb6fb12b87fa0e722de86ad5b7761

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update #2 for 10/25/16 (10/26/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Removed ctf_turbine from the Competitive maps list
- Updated Mann vs. Machine to use the new ping information system already in use for Casual and Competitive matchmaking
- In particular, parties with members from differing regions should now have a better queue experience

Correction from the Scream Fortress VIII release notes:
- Added a taunt Unusualifier
- A new tool that will Unusualify a specific taunt with a random Unusual effect when the tool is applied to the taunt

Rumor has it:

- There's plenty of reports that say that votekicks are fixed - kick responsibly!

- There was also a few more item schema changes, as well as a healthy dose of the low-level stuff

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ⋅⋅ 58