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SteamID64 76561198040048374
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2025 at 7:40 PM
Posts 864 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 OPTIONAL TF2 update for 9/9/16 in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam store:

Valve- Fix the Righteous Bison projectiles colliding with, but not impacting, some doors (ex. the BLU spawn doors of cp_mountainlab)
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- GC protobufs, and low-level things involving kicking people from lobbies: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/3330f186c385e004f1ac16d7ce079d0a3eabbbfe

- This update is labelled as OPTIONAL for server operators

- Size is ~35 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO PRERELEASE update for 9/9/16 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

ValveThe following changes are in the “” CS:GO Beta depot.
– The first-person camera of players, spectators, and demo-viewers is no longer allowed to rise higher than their third-person head. This should prevent first-person players from being able to see from perspectives where their third-person head is not also exposed.
– When a player’s first-person camera is adjusted, bullets fired from both their client and server-side locations are also adjusted to emit from the corrected position.
– If for any reason the third-person player animation lowers a player’s head beneath the client’s first-person camera, the client’s first-person camera is lowered to stay at or under the height of their third-person head. This means that the third-person motion of the player is now represented more accurately from the first-person perspective.
– Third-person landing recovery animations are now weighted based on altitude traversed and duration in-air. Players landing from small jumps or falling from lesser heights will play more subtle landing animations.
– The anti-crouch-spam system has been changed to use degrading speed, instead of logging keypress-count. As before, the more often players crouch, the slower they will rise or lower. But this should now prevent bugs where players would instantly stand, or lose their crouch-spam penalty by moving a tiny amount. If players crouch even more, eventually they will just stay standing up.
– First-person and third-person crouch speed is now more closely related. The third-person player lowers more quickly to match the first-person representation.
– Players landing in crouch positions play a more subtle landing animation that raises their third-person head less noticeably.
– Lag compensation system will now reliably restore pose parameters responsible for animation layering which makes server-side hitboxes for lag compensated players better match client-side rendered models. (Thanks, /u/Spurks)
– Fixed a bug where player body pitch could improperly rotate the entire player entity inside lag compensation processing.

Rumor has it:

- This prerelease update is a historic first for CS:GO, as it appears Valve has listened to those that want a beta branch in some form

- Wish to opt in? Right-click on CS:GO in your Steam library, go to Properties, go to the Betas tab, then select ""
- If you don't see this branch offered, restart Steam
- To opt in for servers: run "+app_update 740 -beta" in SteamCMD

- SteamDB GameTracking services will be completely unavailable as it only keeps eyes on the public branch - be aware

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/29/16 (8/30/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed the Short Circuit causing lag compensation problems on the server
- Fixed sappers sometimes only being applied to one Engineer teleporter
- Weapons can no longer be juggled to bypass the weapon's re-fire rate
- Fixed a server crash related to sending an invalid client command
- Fixed players being able to teleport out of the spawn room using the Eureka Effect at the beginning of a round
- Fixed Mann vs. Machine players receiving abandon penalties after playing at least one wave
- Fixed Refill Ammo canteens not refilling the ammo for all weapons in Mann vs. Machine
- Fixed mini-sentries not having full health when they are built quickly during the setup time on Mann vs. Machine maps
- Fixed the scoreboard badge panels not updating properly when teams would change sides on attack/defend maps
- Fixed Casual and Competitive mode badges incorrectly displaying the level 1 badge when at max level
- Updated the materials for the Mistaken Movember to fix a transparency problem
- Updated the model for the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol to fix a problem with shading
- Updated the Frontier Justice so the "Revenge crits are lost on death" attribute is displayed as a negative
- Strange Part: Allies Extinguished can now be applied to Strange Sydney Sleeper rifles
- Added the Tip of the Hats 2016 community event medals
- Updated the Salty Dog to hide the Scout's headphones
- Fixed the Borneo map stamp using the incorrect image in the Mann Co. Store
- Fixed the game not properly honoring the steam per-game language setting
- Fixed a bug with the Cow Mangler 5000 reload speed
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- Medals for Tip of the Hats 2016 donors are divided up into three tiers: Jaunty Camper 2016, Jaunty Benefactor 2016, and Jaunty Trailblazer 2016
- Interested in making a donation? Head to http://tipofthehats.org/ for details

- Here's the rest of the item schema update

- New strings, and an early look at an upcoming item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/51d7e79438331bad7cdb414a56f79edf4af48408

- Size is ~35 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Dashner not attending i58 in TF2 General Discussion

Borders: dog shit at their best, dog shit at their worst. It's essentially one giant standoff where everyone has a gun pointed at everyone else.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 TF2 update for 8/23/16 in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowValve tryna scare us the week of i58 with an update

Watch as they update mid-tournament.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/23/16 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added "Party Hat" and "Noise Maker - TF Birthday" item grants to players who don't already have them during TF2's birthday
- Fixed some classes not displaying the particles when using the "Noise Maker - TF Birthday" item

Rumor has it:

- There was an item schema update though that modified Pomson 6000 attributes and adds Bonk! Atomic Punch's description to its Festive variant: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/1416e1951746bfcbda4d26a0c313ce846f7c3da5

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/19/16 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed a common server crash that primarily occurred during Mann vs. Machine matches
- Fixed a memory leak for OS X and Linux clients

Rumor has it:

- vJill states that even despite a fix for OOM on Mac OS X/Linux, the OpenGL renderer used on those platforms still has a rough time with memory pressure. Recommendations include upgrading to Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11), and particularly on Intel HD Graphics, lowering texture resolution; Linux users should use 64-bit distros when possible and also use the newest mesa driver stack
- sigsegv__ revealed in a conversation with Valve that JohnS mentioned that it was discovered in CS:GO's branch of Source as well, and that this same fix should arrive there "shortly"
- vMcJohn clarified that this fix was stealth-shipped around a week or so ago in CS:GO

- Some MvM challenge names are now Properly Capitalized: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/59b15e87aca56a4ac3d2e01efd88b9ae0a18285b

- And it looks like localization files for non-English languages got updated too

- Size is ~5 MB on Windows XP(!)/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, except close to 10 MB on Mac OS X/macOS

posted about 8 years ago
#3 CS:GO update for 8/18/16 (8/19/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion
rocketslaywickedplayer more like wickedrobot MrDestructoid

Robots aren't capable of possessing crushes on the scale of TobiWan's Drow crush, are they?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 8/18/16 (8/19/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Here's a blog post with Valve's images of the new Gamma 2 Case items: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/08/15510/


Via the CS:GO blog:

– Added the Gamma 2 Case.
– Added official game servers in Peru.
– Player xray glow now dims when player is not making any audible sound. Several convars are available to tweak this behavior; “find spec_glow” for a list.
– Restored availability of cl_avatar_convert_rgb command used by tournament organizers.
– Fix a bug where some users would have a bad mem_level set which would cause poor performance.
– Increased fidelity and reduced distortion for fire sounds of the Glock, HKP2000, USP-S and Deagle.
– Unique distant, reload and draw sounds for Glock, HKP2000, USP-S and Deagle

Rumor has it:

- CS:GO Stash is filling in details of the new Gamma 2 Case items here as they start to stream in
- Here's the full item schema update

- Strings for the new Gamma 2 Case items, and script changes for the Glock/P2K/USP-S/Deagle sound changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/862c093845438d457438a6a8935ec25721d373bf

- If you're intending on reporting issues (don't be afraid, you never know if you're not the only one!), and you happen to be on Windows 10, please make mention of whether or not you're on Redstone 1/the "Anniversary Update" as not all issues may be caused by this update itself (or the previous one), but by Redstone 1
- Unsure of whether or not you're on Redstone 1? Search for "winver", and if "OS Version" is 1607, you're on Redstone 1. Otherwise, if it says 1511, you're still on Threshold 2
- It's strongly advisable though that due to how bug-riddled Redstone 1 continues to be that you take any and all available steps to hold off on the Threshold 2 to Redstone 1 jump for a week or two while issues are slowly but surely fixed
- I'll leave this notice out by mid-September as most Redstone 1-related issues should have been ironed out by then, either by Microsoft or by you

- Size is close to 70 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#30 TF2 update for 8/16/16 (8/17/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
BurningSmileValve Dev blogFinally, we are working on issues with the region system that have been causing poor connections for players in certain areas. The next few updates will be integrating TF more tightly with the global server network already used by games like CS:GO and Dota 2 to provide much more reliable connections and the best-possible latency.
Could this mean new network code for tf? :O

Sounds a lot like the Steam Datagram system to me, which was ported to CS:GO from Dota 2 during its Winter Update in December 2015.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/16/16 (8/17/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Competitive Mode
- Players in the first tier of ranks (1-6) now lose substantially fewer rank points on match loss
- Players with high win/loss ratios in recent matches now earn bonus rank points in order to accelerate their progress toward a more appropriate rank
- Added report player context menu on scoreboard
- Requires mouse input mode on the scoreboard (see Adv. Options)
- Fixed a potential security issue (thanks to Justin G., aka sigsegv, and Linus S., aka PistonMiner, for this report)
- Fixed an issue with The Righteous Bison and Pomson 5000 hit detection where projectiles were being removed when colliding with invisible entities
- Fixed a display issue with combat text damage numbers against Engineer buildings sometimes being incorrect (such as with weapons that do reduced damage against buildings)
- Removed the damage effects and pain sounds when using the Rocket Jumper and Sticky Jumper
- Updated the animations for the Sharp Dresser to fix a clipping problem
- Updated the localization files
- Updated cp_sunshine to fix some clipping issues
- Updated cp_metalworks
- Adjusted the height of the ceiling in the room behind the second control point
- Added some slight visual detail to various concrete rooms throughout (team color stripe)
- Adjusted the height and width of various doors throughout the level. Mostly focused on primary paths into combat areas, with an eye towards standardizing door sizes where possible.
- Fixed an angled playerclip brush above 2nd control point that players could surf on (thanks Photon)
- Adjusted height of 'tank' in L room behind 2nd control point
- Moved two tall spotlights back into a clipping brush at mid to avoid very small collision issue (thanks Bilbert)
- Adjusted some clipping issues by turning rooftop brushes into displacements/func_brushes throughout the map and disabling collision (thanks Bilbert)
- Clipped off some glass windows at 2nd
- Added crate to cargo containers at mid, allowing Scouts to get onto the highest cargo container
- Added props to the clipping ramp around the final control point to indicate collision
- Replaced brush fence on the platform in alley with a metal prop to solve an asymmetrical shadow bug (thanks Bilbert)

Rumor has it:

- At some point in the future (possibly as soon as today based on this blog post), you may start getting notifications for when players are banned based on your reports as is done with CS:GO (when it works, which is rarely as of late) and Dota 2 (where it works 9 times out of 10), as based on some low-level additions and string additions too
- You might even be notified mid-game when a player you report gets banned per geel9

- A lot of low-level changes, and a couple of string changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/94c2ae28ff66219218137c1caf117138fb61625c

- Size is ~65 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/14/16 (8/15/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Updated menu content for upcoming end of the Heavy vs. Pyro war

Rumor has it:

- Strings and HUD file updates: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/15f425bbb7a4d81df5bcf106e9309634ca09c655

- It seems that Valve has already declared Pyro as the winner
- Yes, you're not blind, "Pyro" is apparently called "Pryo" now
- As also hinted by this comment in the warjoinpanel HUD file: "// Sorry Team Heavy. It looks inevitable at this point"

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 8/5/16 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Weapon recoil now resets on reload
– Players should no longer accidentally run into server DOS protections.

Rumor has it:

- Yes, ESEA will be broken - you'll need to wait on them to fix their stuff

- As you might see, there's a lot of low-level and behind the scenes changes, don't expect to be able to make much sense of all of this, if you even can in the first place: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d907be0b10f26eab6a5a7fd633d994c3a7b33d18

- If you're intending on reporting issues (don't be afraid, you never know if you're not the only one!), and you happen to be on Windows 10, please make mention of whether or not you're on Redstone 1/the "Anniversary Update" as not all issues may be caused by this update itself (or the previous one), but by Redstone 1
- Unsure of whether or not you're on Redstone 1? Search for "winver", and if "OS Version" is 1607, you're on Redstone 1. Otherwise, if it says 1511, you're still on Threshold 2
- It's strongly advisable though that due to how bug-riddled Redstone 1 appears to be that you take any and all available steps to hold off on the Threshold 2 to Redstone 1 jump for a week or two while issues are slowly but surely fixed

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/3/16 (8/4/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed map objectives (e.g. flags, capture points, carts) sometimes becoming unresponsive in Casual Mode games
- Fixed a case where players could be late-joined into games playing a map that they didn't have selected
- Updated the tooltips for the Sticky and Rocket Jumper to include the PASS Time JACK in the list of items that can't be picked up while they are equipped
- More fixes and improvements to weapon viewmodels when using wider/larger weapon field-of-view settings

Rumor has it:

- A small string update here, a HUD file rename there, but otherwise a very small set of changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/cae8ece93117965f84cbb766a4a53f681fdff75a

- And an item schema update which mirrors that one string change, also combined with an earlier CS:GO item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/4418a3fd51256aec144687205ed87c01f7e14f2c

- On the Steam side of things, the "exfgls" attribute, which controls whether or not games are eligible to be used in Steam's Family Sharing service, was added as part of this update. As such, the game can't be used in Family Sharing anymore. If you're dependent on it for whatever reason, be aware. This was also done as part of a Dota 2 main client update last night and The Lab (Valve's VR minigame tech demo), but the exception appears to be CS:GO as though it was updated today, it didn't get excluded from Family Sharing
- One other configuration note: "verifyupdates" was added around 15 minutes after the game itself was updated. Presumably, as the name of the attribute would imply, it verifies updates as they come in for consistency

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 8/3/16 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– New accuracy recovery method and new recovery rates for the M4A1-S, M4A4, and AK-47. See details HERE.
– Increased fidelity of firing sounds for P250, Five-Seven, Tec-9, CZ75-Auto, and Dual Berettas.
– Added unique reload and distant sounds for P250, Five-Seven, Tec-9, and Dual Berettas.
– Added defusekit player state to game state integration support.
– cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy 2 is now a tab delimited formatted output of information.
– Fix a bug that rarely caused a player to be on the wrong team in competitive mode.
– Fix a bug that allowed players to spawn in unexpected (invalid) locations on various maps.
– Added logic to prevent airstalling (where a player appears to float in midair by disrupting their network stream).
– Added sv_clamp_unsafe_velocities convar (default: 1) that community servers can disable to support surfing, etc.
– Misc security improvements.
– Modified report and commend GC logic to clearly signal failure in the case of spoofed reports.

Rumor has it:

- Wondering about SlothSquadron's analysis? It'll be delayed a slight bit as he's currently on a vacation

- You may notice while testing the Dual Berettas that one gun is doing all of the firing, and IluvYOU69 of reddit says that it happens when sv_infinite_ammo is enabled. This bug (if you can call it that) appears to be quite ancient, but it's listed here so you're aware if you're looking to test it with a test/practice configuration that includes the infinite ammo command

- VPK contents diff, and script changes for the new sounds. Scroll down for those things, or click here to skip most of the irrelevant stuff as there's a lot of low level changes as well

- Item schema update which adds a bit of white space, as well as a TF2 item schema update thrown in as well because SteamTracking: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/4418a3fd51256aec144687205ed87c01f7e14f2c

- If you're intending on reporting issues (don't be afraid, you never know if you're not the only one!), and you happen to be on Windows 10, please make mention of whether or not you're on Redstone 1/the "Anniversary Update" as not all issues may be caused by this update itself but by Redstone 1
- Unsure of whether or not you're on Redstone 1? Search for "winver", and if "OS Version" is 1607, you're on Redstone 1. Otherwise, if it says 1511, you're still on Threshold 2

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ⋅⋅ 58