Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2025 at 7:40 PM
Posts 864 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 TF2 update for 11/17/15 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Added beta support for Steam Controllers. Use the Steam Big Picture interface to select and configure your preferred controller mapping. Controls operate in one of four modes, automatically selected by the game as needed. You can customize the controller layout for each one independently to suit your taste, or just use the defaults.
- “In-Game” operates during regular gameplay. Use the left stick to move, and the right trackpad plus gyro to look around.
- “Menus” turns the right trackpad into a virtual mouse pointer for use in navigating menus (use the triggers to mouse click).
- “In-Game During Popup” covers popup menus that occur during gameplay, like Spy’s Disguise Kit, Engineer’s Build PDA, and the Taunt menu.
- “Spectator” is active while spectating and before respawn.

Rumor has it:

- HUD modders: as a result, you've got lots of new files to play with: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/166f2339d2762db17bca634d35e7b7a22eb29030

- Size is ~35 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/10/15 (11/11/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Increased fidelity and weight of jump land sound.
– Landing sounds now play an additional sound depending on the surface.
– 3rd person footsteps are now slightly louder in relation to weapon sounds for increased positional clarity. (Further volume compression may be possible by enabling “sound normalization,” “volume equalization,” or a similar setting in your audio playback device properties)
– New surface footstep sounds to reduce repetition and phasing as well as increasing listenability and positional clarity.
— Concrete
— Wood
— Rubber
— Snow
— Glass
— Grass
— Mud
— Dirt
— Solid Metal
— Metal Grate
— Metal Chainlink
– Fixed a bug where give_ammo sound was playing for every shotgun shell insertion animation.
– Minor volume mix adjustments
– (Note: For players using virtual surround sound, please be sure to set the audio settings in CSGO to 5.1 speakers.)
– Awp now always un-zooms during reload animation
– Misc player animation CPU performance optimizations
– Overview icons can now be scaled with the convar mapoverview_icon_scale
– Game now requires Steam Client to be updated as of Oct 14 2015 or later.
– Added native support for the Steam Controller
– Added concommand sv_setsteamaccount to specify Game Server Login Token. To create a GSLT go to

Rumor has it:

- aparatis of reddit is uploading videos showcasing the new footstep sounds on various areas of some maps

- If you use a custom font in CS:GO, it may have been reset to the default one

- xPaw (one of the people that maintains SteamDB) shows off the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca trophies for participating teams

- There's also apparently a 2nd level attainable for 2015 Service Medals

- Here's the item schema update, which contains the trophies: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/99da08332c92edcc2a820667d1bd365586cf7feb
- Not necessarily caused by this update (or this item schema update) specifically, but still worth mentioning: if you live in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates, Valve recently implemented localized pricing on the Steam storefront. CS:GO items purchased from the store will be charged in your local currency, which will also mean that what you deposit from a debit/credit card will be what you get as there will no longer be any US conversions applied from your card
- If you're in any of the above countries and want to keep track of how things are priced, be sure to watch Dota 2's item schema, which will contain conversion data and provide a bit of a heads-up for impending changes

- Size is ~75 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/9/15 (11/10/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a bug that did not prevent crits while using items like the Battalion's Backup
- Fixed a server crash related to Mannpower mode
- Fixed Halloween spell effects not cycling the colors
- Fixed The Bearded Bombardier not displaying the smoke effect
- The Invasion community event has ended
- Updated the materials/model for the Carouser's Capotain

Rumor has it:

- Deep level stuff (AKA removals): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/7030d337cd9be78d9be79b718e04da4d6030248c

- And an item schema update: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/commit/?id=20e8bf95d0ba146ce32cd6e43aaa452eb9b669e3&context=10

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#9 TF2 update for 11/6/15 (11/7/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudeLKincheloefatswimdudewtf is GA'lloween
French, apparently.

ah i looked it up and only found a link for the 2014 event which led to a dead page

If you found a 2014 event, chances are it's the same event for 2015 if it has the same name.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/6/15 (11/7/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added the GA'lloween 2015 tournament medals
- Fixed players sometimes not being able to select a team and spawn on Helltower
- Fixed two of the Gorge Event Merasmission's objectives not working properly
- Updated the truce during boss fights to prevent airblasting enemy players and projectiles
- Updated the Invasion event to run through the weekend
- Updated the equip_region for the Supernatural Stalker
- Mannpower Update
- Updated ctf_hellfire - nobuilds added, final detail pass
- Spies disguised as the enemy can now pick up enemy colored powerups
- Reduced Knockout powerup health bonus for Demomen carrying shields and/or swords
- Fixed grappling hook sometimes being reselectedwhen fired (instead of switching back to previous weapon)
- Fixed a client crash when switching away from the grappling hook
- Updated cp_powerhouse
- Teleport blockers near spawn entrances
- Fixed prop collisions on some models
- Updated pl_millstone_event
- Fixed door near final pit so players no longer get stuck in it
- Decreased ghost cart stun area. Now you have to be closer to the cart as RED to get scared.
- Fixed odd cable appearing sometimes in the ground near BLU spawn
- Fixed being able to shoot spells into BLU spawn during setup time
- Fixed Monoculus dropping down into a pit in rare cases

Rumor has it:

- UGC medals were tweaked slightly and silently

- wiethoofd of reddit (our resident HUD expert?) points out a small amount of more competitive matchmaking plumbing being added

- Here's the item schema update, which contains images of the new medals (which are again recycled): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/21da7f8c633bcb01b18695bb7880556e48ce4079

- VPK contents diff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/3d2a1722df24e003d80beb202504a328fef9ff6c

- Size is ~65 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/3/15 (11/4/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed getting the Masked Mann achievement on maps other than Mann Manor
- Fixed a bug where the grappling hook would not switch back to the previous weapon after being released
- Fixed the Quickplay server list sometimes displaying the map filename instead of the proper name
- Added tournament medals for UGC Highlander Season 15, UGC Highlander Season 16, UGC 6v6 Season 17, UGC 6v6 Season 18, UGC 4v4 Season 4, and UGC 4v4 Season 5
- Updated the Monoculus and Merasmus battles on Eyeaduct and Ghost Fort to call a temporary truce between the teams while fighting the boss
- Added server convar tf_halloween_allow_truce_during_boss_event for community maps to use this feature
- Updated Merasmissions to include a Quickplay button that will automatically join the required map or open the Quickplay menu if any map can be used
- Updated taunts to prevent movement during the pre-round period when players are frozen
- Updated the Invasion Coin to track stats through November 6th, 2015
- Updated pl_millstone_event
- Fixed getting out of the map using spells
- Monoculus moves now around the end area of the map instead of staying near final pit
- Made spells spawn a bit less frequently
- Fixed ghost long arms, now it travels/arrives to hell
- Performance optimizations
- Updated the navigation file

Rumor has it:

- Here's the item schema update with the (recycled from previous seasons) UGC medals: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/e40d284744d61acad8bdaa7187c5e26ed62f8c44.diff

- VPK contents changes and HUD file changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/4d3a3636b4b9bef4af9526abddbd4f090240823c

- Size is ~55 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for late 10/29/15 (10/30/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed corrupt textures that were appearing for some players
- Fixed crashes that were occurring for some players with 3GB or less of RAM
- Temporarily removed texture memory optimizations for players on Intel Integrated GPUs
- Fixed a client crash related to the backpack
- Fixed a bug where mini-crits were overriding full crits
- Fixed "Sort by Date" sorting in the wrong order in the backpack (design is to sort with newest items in the front)
- Fixed the Invasion Unusual effect "Subatomic" being off-center
- Fixed not being able to put cosmetic items from the Gargoyle Collection onto the Steam Community Market
- Fixed missing kill icons for the Invasion weapons
- Fixed the "Win a Bumper Kart minigame" Merasmission objective not triggering in the event of a team wipe
- Added a "Batman" tag for Workshop submissions for the Arkham Knight Contest
- Fixed missing Quickplay images for Mannpower maps Gorge and Thunder Mountain
- Updated PASS Time to fix not seeing the Halloween version of the Jack while it's being carried by a player
- Updated The Infernal Impaler, Courtier's Collar, Iron Lung, and The Bearded Bombardier

Rumor has it:

- VPK contents diff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/92e3db78a0f1e5368aa8d37731cb9d37c6115730

- Some deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d36e7233b1d1c0ffdc2b344562ab0772b6f94117

- Size is ~45 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion


ValveScream Fortress VII has arrived!
- Comic and additional information available on the website (http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress7)
- Featuring 4 community maps: Gorge Event, Sinshine, Moonshine Event, and Hellstone
- Added the Gargoyle Case which contains 19 community made cosmetics
- Added two new community-made taunts to the Mann Co Store: Soldier's Requiem and Zoomin' Broom
- Collect the souls of dead players for your Gargoyle by killing enemies, doing map objectives, or collecting the Soul Gargoyles that spawn in the maps
- Scream Fortress VII runs through November 11th, 2015

During Scream Fortress VII
- All players who launch the game will receive a Gargoyle
- Gives access to Merasmissions and Halloween item transmutations
- Tracks Merasmissions completed and souls collected
- Added Merasmissions
- A new Merasmission will be available daily up to a total of 13
- Completing a Merasmission will give players a classic Halloween item and a chance of the Gargoyle Case
- Added Halloween Transmuting
- Transmuting can be accessed by clicking the Gargoyle in your backpack and selecting Halloween Transmute from the context menu
- Players can transmute 3 qualifying items to receive a non-tradable classic Halloween item. A bonus item will be given for every 10th transmute.
- Mann Co Supply Crates will have a chance for a classic Halloween Unusual effect

- Added inspect animations for the Batsaber and the Giger Counter
- Fixed an idle animation bug for the Wrangler
- Lowered the speed penalty for getting stunned by a ghost from 50% to 25%
- Lowered damage of the "bats" spell from 60 to 40
- HHH's axe has dulled a bit and no longer guarantees death, but is still very lethal
- Fixed an exploit related to picking up The Widowmaker
- Fixed the Batsaber not showing the Killstreak sheen
- Fixed a scoreboard stat reset bug in Mann vs. Machine
- Optimized texture memory usage
- Fix some cases of random hitching experienced by some players
- Fixed overhead icons stacking on top of each other and now appear side-by-side
- Added "Sort by Date" to the backpack. Newest acquired or altered items are sorted to the front.
- Cosmetics that have Rarity and are part of a collection no longer show a cosmetic item level
- Fixed the buildcubemaps command failing to update cubemaps for maps that already have cubemaps
- Fixed a case where running the game with -buildcubemaps would generate all black cubemaps
- Updated cp_powerhouse to fix a couple places where players could stand on top of doorways
- Updated The Infernal Impaler, L'homme Burglerre, The Spooky Shoes, The Spooky Sleeves, Cuban Bristle Crisis, The Grimm Hatt, Medi-Mask, The Bearded Bombardier, The Colonel's Coat, The Killer's Kit, The Vascular Vestment, The Physician's Protector, The Cold Killer, The Courtier's Collar, The Physician's Procedure Mask, The War Pig, Respectless Robo-Glove, Insulated Inventor, The Dry Gulch Gulp and The Minsk Beef with the latest changes from the authors
- Updated koth_probed
- Improved optimization of map (especially on mid)
- Fixed clipping issues (thanks Muselk!)
- Fixed Engineer imbalance on mid (thanks Uncle Dane!)
- Added in missing explosion sound effect on aliens
- Fixed a few prop/ material issues
- Reduced prop usage

PASS Time update

- Fixed viewmodel/worldmodel when tf_passtime_ball_model is set
- Added convar: tf_passtime_ball_sphere_collision
- Added entity: tf_logic_on_holiday

Mannpower update
- No longer in Beta
- Added new map: Hellfire
- Three new powerups: King, Plague, Supernova
- Grappling hook changes
- Reduced max rope distance
- Reduced grapple dismount jump height
- 30% hook movement speed penalty for Heavyweapons
- Flag rule changes
- Flags can no longer be returned by touching them
- When dropped, flags return after a timeout. This timeout does NOT reset if the flag is picked up again before it returns or is captured
- 25% hook movement speed penalty for powered up flag carriers (with the exception of Agility)
- Small health regeneration for non-powered up flag carriers
- Flags and capture zones are disabled for 30 seconds after a capture
- Powerup rule changes
- When killed, your powerup will drop as the enemy team color. Deliberately dropped powerups are neutral colored
- You cannot pick up enemy colored powerups
- Team colored powerups will attempt to respawn in that team's base if not picked up in time
- Other changes
- Overhead powerup icons are now team colored
- Warlock powerup renamed to Reflect
- Reduced Knockout max health bonus for demos carrying swords and shields
- Haste now increases huntsman firing speed
- Bug fixes
- Reflect damage no longer occurs after death (Pyro afterburn)

Rumor has it:

- HUD resource file updates and VPK contents diff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/fa6560556aa183dd615f80565359223f51116537
- Custom HUDs can and likely will break in some fashion after this update

- Here's the large item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/f6e43ea9bdc1a78dedf4eea999fe54f93e825ca8.diff

- A small amount of competitive matchmaking piping was added in addition to GC protobufs for Scream Fortress: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/1166da08674667200736b5974e2df58c36300252

- Size is close to 500 MB - data capped users should be on alert

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 10/23/15 (10/24/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

–Fixed a 3 man boost in back of bombsite A, towards bombsite B
–Red toolcart in connector will no longer kill you
– Increased max command line limit on Linux.
– Added support for running two GOTV masters with different rates on the same game server.
— To activate the second GOTV master game server can launch with the following additional parameters: -addhltv1 +tv_enable1 1 +tv_snapshotrate1 128
— To issue commands to a specific GOTV instance use “-instance 0″ or “-instance 1″: tv_record mygotv128tick.dem -instance 1

Rumor has it:

- Some DreamHack stickers were modified: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/72753b193882534c2ac9e9189b3bd4699a376f4e

- Deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/c86a42d3d857312e2b917443402947c573d7748e

- Size is ~50 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/21/15 (10/22/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a display issue some players were having with the World Traveler hat and their map stamp purchases
- The sales data was correct. This was only a display problem on the hat.
- Updated the models/materials for The Triggerman's Tacticals, Grimm Hatte, The Cool Breeze, and Unknown Mann
- PASS Time update
- Trying out some new sounds
- Catching and intercepting a tossed jack is slightly easier
- Added convar tf_passtime_ball_model
- Fixed an issue that prevented disguised Spies from receiving a pass from enemies
- Fixed a bug that allowed overloadable weapons to continue reloading while carrying the jack
- Fixed an issue that awarded a point to the wrong team during team switch
- Fixed an issue that prevented automatic jack respawn from working in some cases
- Fixed a wrong texture on goal visualizers
- Fixed pass lock sound not playing for the targeted player
- The announcer now says "overtime" at the appropriate time
- Updated pass_warehouse and pass_warehouse_goal2
- Removed jump pads from the second floor of the warehouse
- Added more spectator cameras
- Added lateral jump pads to the middle arena

Rumor has it:

- Script changes for PASS Time and VPK contents changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/6436386034daa8fbb2b5ffb30a7ba1b5459338ec

- An item schema update happened: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/23d25c8de67dc095de68bdb7ddeb85a71fa0ce77

- Deep level stuff, which pretty much consists of PASS Time stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/43eebedd5e059cf3b73c3248b1d8c828480404d6

- Size is ~65 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/15/15 (10/16/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a security issue related to the replay system (thanks to Nathaniel Theis and Zemnmez for this report)
- Fixed the Taunt: Burstchester using a Sniper pain sound for the Soldier
- Fixed the countdown timer not always drawing on pd_watergate
- Fixed seeing the team leader's dispenser health while spectating on pd_watergate
- Updated the model/materials for The Last Breath
- Updated the descriptions for the Gun Mettle Campaign Pass and the Gun Mettle Campaign Coin to indicate the campaign has ended
- Updated ctf_2fort_invasion with the latest changes from the authors
- Fixed a few areas where players were getting outside of the map

Rumor has it:

- More piping for official competitive matchmaking has been laid down as indicated by updates to some HUD files: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/800620f6abc4bb5cbaa54cc694b6b2db36674c9e

- Item schema update, containing full resolution images for The Last Breath and updated Gun Mettle pass descriptions: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/25032c753e662b8df8bf8589379a4c7d8039b0e8

- Miscellaneous deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/8e8d2d35a4797911bc6715c80d4c07b59543a6c7

- Size is close to 100 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/8/15 (10/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed generic bomb entities (in the Invasion maps) damaging teammates when shot with an arrow
- Fixed infinite money exploit related to refunding upgrades in Mann vs. Machine mode
- Jarate and Mad Milk will collide with friendly teammates that are on fire at close range
- Updated Batsaber to use the 'unique' base quality
- Updated the Scout's pistol animation
- Updated pd_watergate
- Fixed the reason in the win panel at the end of a round referring to robots
- Fixed a case where players were able to get outside of the map
- Fixed a sound cache problem

Rumor has it:

- Deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/69b574efa0c1af2b3442ee82eeb1c54b3555a217

- Size is ~50 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 10/8/15 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Adjusted player flashbang reaction animation so the raised arm matches first-person blindness.
[ MISC ]
– Players will no longer get the default weapon in a loadout slot when the game server loses connection to the GC.
– Bots no longer get stuck in a crab-walk after a rare failure during crouch-jump.
– Fixed some areas where players could look through model backfaces

Rumor has it:

- Instead of outright saying you're not connected to the GC for matchmaking, it will instead say your connection is simply unreliable instead

- The rest of the VPK contents and also some script changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/1bc9f012688936747351ca8460367c242e5ece60

- Deep level stuff, meaningless for most this time: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/a5f77c501c96b27fa781779fab1742dc957e3ca0

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/6/15 (Invasion Update) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- The Invasion Community Update has arrived!
- Check out the blog post for more information
- Fixed a problem with the Steam Overlay for Mac clients
- Fixed a regression with weapon hit sounds
- Hit sounds no longer clip each other
- Min and max pitch values reverted to what they were prior to the October 1st update
- Note: the Advanced Options default slider position is 100, which is normal (0) pitch
- Fixed an issue with the Festive Revolver not drawing correctly
- Fixed an exploit in Mann vs. Machine related to infinite credits
- Fixed an exploit related to The Dalokohs Bar
- Throwables (Jarate, Mad Milk, Flying Guillotine) will now pass through friendly targets at close range. This is the same behavior as rockets and grenades.
- The Powerhouse and Concealed Killer Weapons Cases have been added to the weekly drop list for Gun Mettle Campaign Coin owners

Rumor has it:

- Steel & Iron of Facepunch posted the new particle effects

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/3228f56223e6d97d049aebfe1779b14ac9b3736f.diff

- Members of STS: associated strings have been published on the Steam Translation Server and are now available for translation into other supported languages

- Are you quite good at a non-English language and want to help out with translating? Head to http://translation.steampowered.com to sign up

- VPK contents diff and script changes (bring your own differ, or append .diff to force a diff of things GitHub won't display): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/627368d30cc05504c715a78da06a445174cc13ce

- Miscellaneous deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/989ac74913926133f1f53690748bf4d49c2500fe

- Size is ~225 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 10/1/15 (10/2/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Operation Bloodhound has come to a close.
– The Falchion Case will be available as a drop for all players.
– Zeus:
— Increased price to $200
— Reduced kill award to $0
— Reduced max player speed to 220
– New Music Kits will be available for purchase directly in the main menu for a limited time.
– In official competitive matches, voice communications are now team-only in warmup and half-time, allowing players to discuss player roles and strategies.

Rumor has it:

- For community competitive servers, the svar to control enabling/disabling competitive banter at pregame/halftime/end of game is: "sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end"

- Script changes and deep level stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/cf5db10cec42890c6c25bb2fc34597ee9a0b7d60

- Size is ~45 MB

- RIP Operation Bloodhound - May 26, 2015 - October 1/2, 2015

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ⋅⋅ 58