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SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2025 at 7:40 PM
Posts 864 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
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Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 3/12/15 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Announcing the Taunt Workshop!
- Steam Workshop taunt submissions can now be "Certified Compatible" and are no longer tagged as Beta
- Added 3 new community-created taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Scout taunt: The Boston Breakdance
- Sniper taunt: The Killer Solo
- Sniper taunt: Most Wanted
- Added Crate #92 to the drop list
- Updated sound vo files to use .mp3 files instead of .wav files to reduce hard drive space
- Fixed a bug related to jiggle bones and cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff
- Fixed an exploit related to material .vmt files and playing on servers using sv_pure
- Fixed the game not running for some dual GPU machines (Mac OS X)
- Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by a Soldier with Mantreads landing on a player with the Warlock powerup equipped
- Fixed an exploit related to Highlander mode and changing teams with instant respawn
- Fixed a bug with the vote system UI when sv_vote_ui_hide_disabled_issues was set to 0
- Fixed an exploit where clients could bypass the name change timer
- Fixed a bug that caused some particles to not draw correctly
- Fixed shadows drawing on some wearables while in first person
- Fixed an exploit related to the Gunslinger and hitting teammates to generate a guaranteed third hit that is critical
- Fixed the Killstreak icon not being positioned correctly in the HUD targetID panel
- Fixed not being able to activate the Phlogistinator's buff using alt-fire when ammo was below the cost of an airblast
- Updated the Mann Co. Store and Armory to not display item levels
- Fixed the Phlogistinator's bottle not getting the crit-boost material effect
- Added a "no helmet" style for the Antlers
- Added the OSL.tf tournament medals
- Added the Florida LAN tournament medals
- Reduced the latency of voice audio
- Updated the equip_region for the Black Knight's Bascinet
- Updated The Little Bear so it can get assists in Pyrovision
- Updated weapons sounds for the axe_hit, blade_hit, and cbar_hit sound effects
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the description for The Gunslinger to include the three hit combo
- Updated the localization files
- Mannpower update
- Added new map ctf_thundermountain
- Added new powerup: Knockout
- Restricts the carrier to Melee and Grappling Hook only
- Max health increased by 150
- Immune to airblast and damage pushback
- Melee weapon always crits and forcibly shoves the victim away
- Melee hit forces the victim to drop their powerup or the flag if they have it
- 4X melee damage to buildings
- Grappling Hook changes
- Added hook jump- hit the jump key while being pulled-in to detach and jump extra distance (jump velocity convar "tf_grapplinghook_jump_up_speed")
- Added support for hooking into enemy players
- Release the fire button once the hook has hit an enemy player to draw yourself to them
- Hooked victims will bleed for 2 health per second
- Unhook at any time by switching back to the grapple, or firing it again away from your victim
- Force detach if the hook is not in line of sight of hooked in enemy for more than 1 second
- Sound cue added when hooked by an enemy's grapple
- Added new Grapple weapon sounds and grapple projectile
- Reduced max firing distance to 4000 units (convar "tf_grapplinghook_max_distance")
- Increased hook re-fire delay from 0.2 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- Re-enabled fall damage for the grappling hook (convar "tf_grapplinghook_prevent_fall_damage")
- Fixed grappling hook rope drawing as the wrong color for friendly disguised Spy
- Added Revenge temporary powerup
- Activates and spawns when a significant game imbalance is detected
- Temporarily grants crits, increased fire rate and increased clip size
- Added unique powerup pickup sounds
- Random Melee critical hits are now enabled in Mannpower (ConVar "tf_weapon_criticals_melee 2")
- Strength: Fixed sentries inheriting the double damage multiplier
- Reduced the time it takes a dropped powerup to become available for pickup by 0.5 seconds

Rumor has it:

- Mr_Cj of reddit has the list of stuff that can be found within crate #92: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2yu8l1/major_tf2_update_for_31215/cpczqqw

- Sorry, sound modders, stuff will be broken due to the .wav > .mp3 conversion according to VGPowerlord

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/15866ca005b79181adadf250753e82f1daca779c

- Medal images and taunt backpack icons can be viewed in full resolution on Facepunch

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/ef6c4e880e882ef436a2a1fd7589c478fd6b16f7

- Size is close to 425 MB: data capped users should be on alert (hence MAJOR titling)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 2/18/15 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added the OzFortress Season 12 tournament medals
- Added a "no helmet" style for the Brimstone
- Fixed a client crash related to disappearing particles, props, and players
- Fixed weapons not showing on players until they fire
- Fixed cosmetics, weapons and weapon attachments casting shadows at the wrong time
- Fixed some Unusual particle effects not drawing correctly
- Updated trigger_hurt entities to allow Engineers building in them when they are set for zero or negative damage
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files
- Mannpower mode changes:
- Warlock: Fixed reflecting damage even when invulnerable
- Added a delay of 0.2 seconds between releasing and firing the grappling hook again

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/a9a634fe944040ee92154f9972e2bd4a0588953f

- Medal images can be viewed on Facepunch

- Strings and the .vdf version of the item schema: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/compare/c80727c72772...a1b81027a6f1

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 2/11/15 (2/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added Crate #90 and Crate #91 to the drop list
- Removed Naughty Winter Crate 2014 and Nice Winter Crate 2014 from the drop list
- Added convar sv_rcon_whitelist_address. Rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned.
- Added convar r_drawtracers_firstperson to disable the drawing of first person bullet tracer particles
- Added "redirect" client command that can be used to send clients to a different server. Does not function for clients that came from matchmaking or certain server browser tabs.
- Fixed an exploit related to the "connect" command allowing servers to redirect clients when they should not be able to
- Fixed a client crash related to extreme viewmodel_fov settings
- The viewmodel_fov convar is now clamped to valid values. Users who were using this to hide the viewmodel and tracers should use r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 and r_drawviewmodel 0 to achieve the same effect.
- Fixed missing Killstreak sheen effects for the Iron Bomber
- Fixed the Explosive Headshot upgrade in Mann vs. Machine not applying to The Classic
- Fixed the Panic Attack not using the correct sound for crits
- Fixed The Peacenik's Ponytail not using the correct team skins
- Fixed not being able to switch away from the Minigun while spinning down
- Fixed not being able to deliver wrapped Giftapult packages
- Fixed The Classic zooming-in when the Sniper teleports while charging a shot
- Fixed The Bootenkhamuns not hiding the correct bodygroup when equipped
- Fixed the Diamondback accumulating crits for backstabbing invlun players
- Fixed players not receiving timed drops when running the game in Ukrainian
- Updated weapons sounds for the axe_hit, blade_hit, and cbar_hit sound effects
- Updated the equip_region for the Brimstone
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files
- Mannpower mode changes:
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused two intel briefcases to spawn
- Reduced capture trigger size to match capture area on CTF_Gorge
- Powerup changes:
- Haste: Doubles the Medigun's uber charge build up speed
- Vampire: Reduced health leeched when using the Flamethrower and Minigun

Rumor has it:

- waterandroid of reddit has a list of the stuff that can be found in crates #90 and #91

- Raw schema: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/24d5dfde8070c5dc266d832f9231ec42798d7e28

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/25b4ff0dd66a734e34994810dd24c0ed3b879cbe

- Size is ~85 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#5 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion
joddhas anyone else noticed people's weapons (or even sentries, for engies) clipping through their models? as in, a soldier who has their rocket launcher out will also have their escape plan clipping through their body/face. doesn't happen *always* but i have seen it often since the most recent updates.

I think that's been a thing since the last one, or the one before it. No mention of it getting fixed, unless someone's willing to test. For science, of course.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion


    - Fixed a client crash related to Spies disguising as players and then switching their disguise weapon
    - Fixed a bug related to overhead icons disappearing (Nemesis, Dueling Partner, Powerups, Coach/Student)
    - Fixed wrapped Giftapult packages not having the "Deliver Gift" option in the context menu
    - Fixed some taunt sound effects that were clipping the character lines
    - Fixed a bug with Dead Ringer cloak meter being lowered to 40% after Super Armor duration ends when cloak was extended via pickups or the L'Etranger
    - Removed the promo restrictions from the Brimstone
    - Added TF2Connexion Season 14 tournament medals
    - Updated the localization files
    - Mannpower mode changes:
    - New temporary powerup - Uber. Respawns at 1/3rd the speed of Crit powerup
    - Fixed some bugs that would cause powerups to stop spawning
    - Fixed the Action Slot key behaving different for the grapple hook depending on the setting for hud_fastswitch
    - Powerup changes:
    - Vampire: Flamethrower and Minigun return 80% of damage back as health instead of 100%
    - Warlock: Added 25% damage resistance. 100% of sentry damage is now reflected back to the sentry
    - Vampire and Warlock max health buffs are now additive (+80hp and +100hp) instead of multiplicative (x1.4 and x1.5)
    - Haste: Sticky bomb arm time reduced
    - Precision and Haste: Sniper rifles now have quicker damage ramp-up and re-zoom after shooting
    - Precision: Sniper rifles now have double damage. Increased blast weapon clip size by 50%
    - Scoring Support
    - Capture flag: +20 points
    - Return team flag: +4 points
    - Kill an enemy who is carrying a powerup: +1 point
    - Flag mechanics
    - Captured flags now take 12 seconds to re-emerge from the ground so they can't be stolen again right away

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/8de079fef3d30d72cd47f9656e02e8816363eccf

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/220e5773a100fecfbaf97f0dd6bd32eeacab6da3

- Size is ~65 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/23/14 (12/24/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a bug related to the Demoman's charge meter
- Fixed a bug related to the Loose Cannon's Double Donk damage calculation
- Mannpower update
- Fixed disguised Spies using the incorrect grapple color
- Fixed the grapple still being connected to players after they die and respawn
- Fixed the Regen powerup preventing players from picking up health kits and ammo packs
- Fixed the Resist powerup shield drawing for Spies while they are invisible
- Fixed the Resist powerup shield using the wrong color for disguised Spies
- Fixed not seeing the powerup icons for disguised Spies
- Updated ctf_gorge to fix lighting issues
- Updated ctf_foundry to fix lighting issues and to prevent players from getting outside the playable area of the map
- When hud_fastswitch is disabled, pressing the ACTION key will select the grappling hook in the weapon selection menu

Rumor has it:

- Notes were missing from the MAJOR 12/22/14 (12/23/14 UTC) update - these have been amended into and can be found at the thread for that update

- Size is ~50 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/22/14 (Smissmas 2014) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the TF2 blog:

ValveHappy Smissmas 2014!

- All Players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Gift: a Stuffed Stocking! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
- Added 29 Limited community-contributed winter items to the Nice crate
- Added new Limited Festive weapons to the Naughty crate
- Limited time items can only be found during a limited window of time. The Naughty and Nice crate items will no longer be available after February 16th, 2015
- Added Naughty and Nice winter keys to the Mann Co. Store.
- Naughty and Nice winter crates cannot be opened after February 16th, 2015.
- Premium Players will receive a Secret Saxton to give to another player
- Item grants from previous events (including the Spirit of Giving and the Winter Holiday noise maker) have been re-enabled for all players, including those who deleted their earlier grants


Added The Iron Bomber

- Demoman Grenade Launcher
- Grenades do not bounce or roll
- Damage radius reduced by 20%
- Grenades that self-detonate deal 10% less damage
- Added The Iron Bomber to the Store, Craft list and item drop list

Added The Quickiebomb Launcher

- Demoman Stickybomb Launcher
- Stickybomb arm time reduced by 0.2 seconds
- Stickybombs can destroy enemy stickybombs
- Charge time decreased by 50%
- Stickybombs fizzle after 2 seconds
- 15% damage penalty
- 25% clip size
- Added The Quickiebomb Launcher to the Store, Craft list and item drop list

Added The Panic Attack

- Multiclass Shotgun
- 34% Faster reload time
- Hold fire to load up to 4 shells
- Fire rate increases as health decreases
- Weapon spread increases as health decreases
- Added The Panic Attack to the Store, Craft list and item drop list

Demoman Changes

- Damage variance on grenades and stickybombs reduced from +/-10% damage to +/-2%.
- Grenades and Stickies now have the same base blast radius as rockets. Changed from 159Hu to 146Hu.

Grenade Launcher

- Direct hit grenades now deal full damage to target regardless of where it struck the enemy. Previously full damage would only occur when grenades exploded closer to the targets feet.

Stickybomb Launcher

- Stickybombs that detonate in the air now have a radius ramp up, starting at 85% at base arm time (0.8s) going back to 100% over 2 seconds. Stickies that touch the world will have full radius.
- Stickybombs now have a more visible trail while traveling through the air
- Stickybombs arm particle is slightly more visible

Loose Cannon

- Double donk explosive damage now deal full radius damage to victims. Previously double donk explosive damage was reduced by radius distance from the explosion.
- Removed a hidden penalty where Cannonballs that touched the world would deal 50% less damage in addition to regular grenade damage reduction on world touch.


- Changes to base grenade damage variance now ensure the Loch-n-load does not exceed 124 damage on a single hit.
- Removed +25% self-damage penalty
- Added -25% radius penalty
- Changed clipsize penality to -25% (3 grenades per clip) from -50% (2 grenades per clip)
- Loch-n-load grenades no longer visually tumble when fired

Bootlegger / Ali Baba's Wee Booties

- Added +25% Demo Charge meter on charge kill

Tide Turner

- Added Penalty: Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time
- Kills while charging now only add 75% meter on charge kills instead of 100%

Scottish Resistance

- It is now slightly easier to do sticky jumps with the Scottish Resistance. Increased range check for stickybomb jumping to sticky damage radius of 146 from 100

Scottsman Cutter

- Movement speed penalty now only applies when weapon is active

Claidheamh More

- Added +25% Demo Charge meter on charge kill


- Added New game mode Mannpower! to TF2 Beta Maps
- The Following is a list of features in the initial launch of Mannpower and is subject to changes in future updates. (Feedback is highly encouraged.)
- Contains 8 permanent power ups players can find in the map.
- Players can only hold 1 permanent power up at a time.
- Killing a player with a permanent power up forces the power up to drop.
- Contains 1 temporary power that can be found in the map.
- use the ‘dropitem’ command to drop the currently held permanent power up.
- Added new Default Stock Action Item Grappling Hook. Grappling hooks are usable in Mannpower mode and servers that enable it. Once equipped, press and hold the action key to use it. Use to move the player toward the hooked object.
- Mannpower Beta plays a modified version of Capture the Flag that requires your team’s flag to be at base in order to capture the enemy flag.
- Touching your flag will instantly return it to base.
- Currently supported on Maps ctf_foundry and a modified ctf_gorge.
- Instant Respawns enabled
- Random critical attacks disabled
- Players spawn with 6 seconds of invulnerability


- MvM : Added chance to find Australium Weapon rewards to all Advanced and Expert Mann vs. Machine tours. Previously only available on Two Cities tour
- MvM : Added Killstreak kits for Quickiebomb Launcher, Iron Bomber and Panic Attack in to Two Cities MannUp loot tables
- Crafting items that are marked as temporarily untradable will now yield temporarily untradable items instead of permanent
- Fixed a client crash related to the material system
- Removed the Giftapult from the store and added a crafting recipe for it
- Updated the equip_region for The Beastly Bonnet
- Updated the localization files
- Removed the map restriction on players in karts respawning ghost teammates when they touch them

Amended from the 12/23/14 (12/24/14 UTC) update:

Valve- Added LBTF2 and FBTF tournament medals
- Reduced the amount of self-damage received from the Loose Cannon

Rumor has it:

- Our old friendly schema teardown person, TheAnthal, has a list of all the new festives

- ElderLolz of Facepunch has a compilation image:


- Per Trade.TF, cosmetics added are NOT craftable (but will have craft numbers), the new non-festive weapons ARE craftable (but do NOT have craft numbers)

- Raw item schema: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/commit/?h=teamfortress2&id=a94aeb7070c274ee6a47461b3b320b093affe9db

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/aaf827f63d4efc545edab289767933bed81675c0

- Size is close to 100 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/12/14 (12/13/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added the Cold Snap Coat to the End of the Line Community Crate
- Fixed a client crash related to ragdolls
- Fixed a client crash related to the material system
- Fixed the backpack panel not highlighting the currently selected page number
- Fixed Halloween footstep spells being displayed for disguised Spies
- Fixed The Swagman's Swatter not being held by the Sniper for lower LOD settings during the melee taunt
- Updated the materials for The Peacenik's Ponytail and added a new style
- Updated The Li'l Dutchman to fix a jiggle bone issue
- Updated The Ghost of Spies Checked Past to fix a jiggle bone issue
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/9b2df1d885ab61fa873c4754d78cc1d075f2e79b

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d7785d4838f44ee42e28b42745bebf6efec4d62a

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/10/14 (12/11/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a client crash related to the main menu
- Fixed the Engineer PDA being stored as the last weapon used
- Fixed the Objective leaderboard not updating for Objective ducks
- Updated the equip_region and bodygroup settings for some of the new cosmetic items

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update, which consists of just the fixes above: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/8f5dfb8037a0466c4d1218fbabf82f1257fa5162

- Files (these ones you likely won't see too much if at all on the surface): 1, 2

- Size is close to 10 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/9/14 (12/10/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a client crash related to the material system
- Fixed the Restore command not working properly in the backpack panel's context menu
- Fixed a crash in the item import tool
- Fixed updating Duck Journal stats from ducks created on servers using sv_cheats
- Fixed the Taunt: Pool Party item to fix a problem with the pool not scaling smoothly
- Updated the materials for the Hunter Heavy and the North Polar Fleece

Rumor has it:

- Notes were missing from the "MAJOR" (yeah it shouldn't really have been called that) 12/8/14 (12/9/14 UTC) update - these have been amended into and can be found at the thread for that update

- Sorry folks, still no Snowplow

- Here's a file (strings): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b949215800cb295405eb05cb651d37b52f974e2b

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/8/14 (12/9/14 UTC, End of in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- End of the Line Community Update has arrived!
- Check out the community-created movie and web page at http://www.teamfortress.com/endoftheline/
- The event will run through till January 5th, 2015, and includes finding ducks, duck statistics and friendly leaderboards.
- Added End of the Line Community Crate Key
- Added 21 cosmetic items featured from End of the Line
- Added Pyro Taunt - Pool Party
- Added multi-class melee weapon - The Crossing Guard
- Added Duck Journal and Duck Tokens for the End of the Line event
- Fixed The Swagman's Swatter and Tough Stuff Muffs not being held by the Sniper during the melee taunt
- Updated the crosshair to not draw while taunting

Amended from the 12/9/14 (12/10/14 UTC) update:

Valve- End of the Line Key, Duck Journal, and Duck Token sales support the End of the Line team
- Redesigned the backpack panel
- Clicking on an item creates a context menu that lists the valid actions for that item
- The context menu replaces the buttons that were used for interacting with items

Rumor has it:

- Expecting Snowplow? Unfortunately, it was cut from the update sort of at the last moment

- Don't burn your refined: the new stuff is currently NOT craftable, per Trade.TF

- Here's the full item schema: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/56c0c046ac726d51b089eaa9a70a7c8752a22b4a

- Files:

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/9f4b3f5e3383a1ae14760946f1372bf097aca21d

- GC protobufs (for developers working with the GC directly or through SteamKit): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d660da8a2c698820738ad405c0aa67ee39bc927c

- Size is ~200 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/3/14 (12/4/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added the TF Tomb Contest 2014 winners
- Jungle Booty, Crown of the Old Kingdom, and Tomb Readers
- Added a new promo item, Brimstone
- Updated the localization files

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update (just the above): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/13eb34bb732ee7310d9634f501f0eb1550a5035a

- jimmydorry provides backpack icons on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2o7j2r/tf2_update_for_12314_12414_utc/cmkgtaq

- Files: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/5063c0130b94700169eb81740ddeda507b6c2a48

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#15 TF2 update for 11/20/14 (11/21/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnreddit told me this would be eotl. these are stairs.

reddit please

If there's no "MAJOR" wording in either the EWFU or the post itself, chances are very good that it isn't EOTL.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/20/14 (11/21/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Additional improvements for client stability
- Added a check to prevent building in trigger_hurt areas
- Fixed seeing bumper cart icons for deaths while in hell on maps other than doomsday_event
- Fixed not hearing localized audio while connected to a server using sv_pure
- Updated pl_upward
- Added stairs to forward Blue spawn underground
- Updated the trigger hurt in the outer cliff area to cover the bottom of the map

Rumor has it:

- mrmizx of reddit has a before/after of the BLU spawn: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2mxibt/tf2_update_for_112014_112114_utc/cm8iajl

- An unintended side effect of the new trigger hurt area in Upward is that it will also affect you even if noclip is on, so if you're hunting for the stairs or (ab)using admin powers and you're dying, this is why

- The Tomb Raider workshop tag has been removed from the language file: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/1d0b25553554b9ff5f251d10029964ece365d9c0

- Size is ~50 MB

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 11/13/14 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by clients disconnecting while touching a trigger_hurt entity
- Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates with the meteor spell by switching to Spectator
- Fixed a bug that allowed weapons to be equipped in invalid loadout slots

Note missed from the previous update:
- Fixed a rendering problem for Linux clients using AMD drivers

Rumor has it:

- HOLY SHIT IT'S EOTL: there's a new community crate added to the item schema. Have an xPaw link (which also has its image): http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2m81k4/tf2_update_for_111314/cm1skpq

- Marlamin provides a close-up of the insides (potatoes? BONUS ducks?): http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1436952&p=46483047&viewfull=1#post46483047

- Bonus item schema link (which is where the EOTL crate image comes from), which also includes a name and description change, as well as some release date modifications: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/e8d597d99a88c6f12ae97d048855ae45ef142c8a

- See or come across an exploit? Say something (directly to Valve)! Instead of abusing exploits for yourself, get them fixed in a responsible manner. Head to http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php and select the TF Team entry. Be sure to provide reproduction steps as well (but don't disclose them in public until after things are fixed).

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58