Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2025 at 7:40 PM
Posts 864 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 CS2 update for 12/13/23 (12/14/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- Added shell eject effects for shotguns
- Dropped weapons caused by buy menu purchasing are now dropped below the buyer

[ MISC ]
- Added all-new 2024 Service Medal which will be available starting January 1st
- Fixed an issue that prevented some older demos from playing back
- Fixed multiple exploits that allowed adding non-text data into UI labels
- Added the ability to add a Friend by using their friend code
- Added a lister for multiple lobby invites
- Adjusted wear values of some community stickers to better match CS:GO

[ MAPS ]
- Adjusted clipping to remove exploitable ledges and improve player movement
- Fixed metal railing props that were generating incorrect footstep sounds
- Adjusted positions of props and ledges to more accurately match falling damage from CS:GO
- Fixed some places where players could get stuck
- Adjusted some props and materials to improve character readability
- Fixed some cases where weapons could be accidently dropped out of reach
- Made some adjustments to props that were creating exploitable lines of sight
- Various lighting and material adjustments

- Adjusted grenade clipping volume at cave entrance

Rumor has it:

- The 2024 Service Medal features 6 levels, each of which can be viewed below:
- Level 1:


- Level 2:


- Level 3:


- Level 4:


- Level 5:


- Level 6:


- As with past years, the 2024 Service Medal is not yet able to be claimed. When the clock strikes 0000 UTC on December 31st going into January 1st (AKA when the clock strikes midnight in London, England), 2023 Service Medals will become unobtainium and 2024 Service Medals can be claimed

- Size is close to 2 GB. Data capped users should take action now.


This is the last full month that Valve will be supporting Steam on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 before support is abandoned on 1/1/24, due in part to Chromium and its Embedded Framework also abandoning these platforms. Although neither are officially supported following the CS2 transition, any future CS2 updates that moves the minimum Steam client version beyond the last one available for 7/8.1 will render it unplayable unless you upgrade Windows.

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 12/8/23 (12/9/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Added missing 'No Glasses' style for The Dapper Dickens
- Added missing strings for koth_krampus
- Fixed name typo in map credits for koth_krampus
- Fixed the Wanderer's Wool not being paintable
- Updated cp_carrier to fix some visual issues
- Updated Selfless Sensation to fix a rendering/brightness problem
- Updated the Permafrost Essence Unusual effect to fix transparency issues in bright areas
- Updated pd_galleria to fix broken cube maps
- Updated pl_camber to fix a problem with RED spawn camping
- Updated pl_emerge to fix missing .nav file
- Updated cp_gravelpit_snowy to fix missing custom sounds

- Updated pl_phoenix
- Reduced Blu respawn wave time on A and C from 5 to 4
- Increased Red respawn wave time on A and C from 6 to 7
- Rollback zone on C now reduces the payload push speed by 50%
- Locked door connecting B and C now opens when A is captured instead of B
- Added a failsafe to prevent a case where the payload cart could get stuck at the base of the elevator finale
- Various visual fixes and adjustments
- Various pickup size adjustments
- Various clipping adjustments
- Performance improvements
- Updated checkpoint names

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 125 MB


This is the last full month that Valve will be supporting Steam on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 before support is abandoned on 1/1/24, due in part to Chromium and its Embedded Framework also abandoning these platforms. Any future TF2 updates that moves the minimum Steam client version beyond the last one available for 7/8.1 will render it unplayable unless you upgrade Windows.

posted about a year ago
#1 CS2 update for 12/7/23 (12/8/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- Fixed a bug where explicit weapon switches right after grenade throws were delayed slightly


- Fixed a bug where you could plant C4 in planter
posted about a year ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/7/23 (Smissmas 2023) in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam Community:

ValveHappy Smissmas 2023!
- All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
- Featuring 10 new community maps: Snowtower, Krampus, Haarp, Brew, Hacksaw, Turbine Center, Carrier, Galleria, Emerge, and Camber
- Added the Winter 2023 Cosmetic Case
- Contains 23 new community-contributed items
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
- Added 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Taunt: Cheers!
- Taunt: Mourning Mercs
- Taunt: Foul Play
- Added 31 new community-created Unusual effects
- 17 new effects for Unusual hats
- 14 new effects for Unusual taunts
- All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2023 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
- Mann Co. Store winter sale!
- Smissmas runs through January 7th, 2024

- Fixed missing normal map and variables for Festivized weapons (community fix from Woshee)
- Fixed broken lighting for viewmodels in tight spaces (community fix from Stuffy360)
- Fixed missing BLU team skin for the B.A.S.E. Jumper
- Fixed Taunt: Roar O'War removing health after taunting with an honor bound melee weapon equipped
- Fixed not always hiding floating health bars when the player has the hide_enemy_health attribute
- Updated pl_corruption to fix trigger_teleports not enabling correctly
- Updated koth_sawmill_event to fix missing material
- Updated cp_gravelpit_snowy to improve performance
- Updated several maps to fix localization issues

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~660 MB - data capped users should be prepared to take action if necessary


This is the last full month that Valve will be supporting Steam on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 before support is abandoned on 1/1/24, due in part to Chromium and its Embedded Framework also abandoning these platforms. Any future TF2 updates that moves the minimum Steam client version beyond the last one available for 7/8.1 will render it unplayable unless you upgrade Windows.

posted about a year ago
#1 CS2 update for 11/17/23 (11/18/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Fixed a few minor sub-tick input bugs
- Fixed a bug with first person animation in bot takeover
- Fixed a bug where dropped/thrown weapons had too much velocity
- Fixed a case where players could push their view through low ceilings
- Fixed an exploit that would allow players to teleport
- de_overpass: Various tweaks and bug fixes
- de_anubis: Fixed potential pixel gap exploit at A-site and plugged hole near t-spawn where bomb could be thrown out of world

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 600 MB (with Workshop Tools installed)

posted about a year ago
#1 MAJOR CS2 update for 11/16/23 (11/17/23 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- More sub-tick visual and audio feedback improvements
- Reduced sniper scope bob animation magnitude and frequency
- Fixed a bug causing duck to be slower when the Duck Mode was set to Toggle
- Fixed a case where grenade throws weren't registering on the server
- Thrown grenades no longer prematurely detonate if thrown while intersecting a teammate
- Players can no longer mitigate fall damage by defusing the bomb
- Adjusted weapon drop trajectories to make throwing weapons more consistent, especially when throwing weapons downward
- When a network interruption is detected by official game servers, the affected match will be cancelled
- Added unique sounds for running and jumping on metal railings and poles

- Fixed a bug that occurred when interrupting the CZ75a deploy with inspect
- Fixed the inspect and other animations for the Shadow Daggers
- Fixed a 'broken wrist' animation with the Survival Knife
- Adjusted the Mac10 first person animation to include strap and bolt movement
- Fixed AWP and SSG firing animation/inspect behavior while zoomed in
- Fixed a case where the Deagle slide would fail to reset on round restart
- The Revolver barrel now incrementally rotates for each shot
- Fixed some animation issues with weapons placed in community maps
- Fixed cases where the C4 light would not blink when held or holstered by players
- Fixed some cases where the player's shadow would show an incorrect pose

- Fixed a bug where bot_knives_only didn't work for T's
- Fixed some visual issues with demo playback
- Improved performance of screen particle effects
- Fixed the Mute Enemy Team and Mute All But Friends settings failing to mute voice
- Text from blocked players will no longer be visible in the premier pregame chat
- Players frozen by half-time gamerules are now immune to certain damage types
- Decals now evict the lowermost decal if enough decals overlap in a single location
- Player visibility fog adjustment no longer applies to dead ragdolls
- Smoke particles no longer stick to dead ragdolls
- Fixed self/team burn damage getting recorded as enemy damage

- Revised some common chat strings
- Added convar cl_deathnotices_show_numbers for observers to have quick access to player's spectate index
- Added a warning message for AMD and Nvidia graphics users with out-of-date drivers
- "Kevlar & Helmet" entry in the Buy Menu will now present itself as simply "Helmet" when contextually correct
- Added time to weekly rollover to the reduced XP message in the player profile tooltip
- Fixed kill feed and death panel not displaying correct information if the killer died earlier or disconnected
- Fixed round-delayed stats not updating at match end
- Changed deathmatch scoreboard stats from K/D/A/Score to K/HS%/DMG/Score
- Fixed case where text during defuse would get cut off
- Added direction indicators to players in the square radar
- Fixed case where kill icon would not display in the post-round damage info panel
- Fixed bad string in the commend dialog panel
- Fixed case where round stats in the Watch Menu would be assigned to the wrong side

- Fixed custom sound events files in workshop maps
- Added some material settings for water refraction/caustics
- Workshop maps can now be tagged as supporting Wingman mode
- Linux clients can now run workshop maps without requiring -insecure
- Added trigger_hostage_reset trigger and logic_eventlistener entities
- Added convars sv_walkable_normal and sv_standable_normal to allow community servers to tweak player movement on angled surfaces
- Fixed health getting clipped when it exceeds 3 digits


- Fixed various cases where level mesh was disappearing occasionally
- Various visual updates and fixes to models and materials
- Straightened out some collision that was pushing players off of walls or corners
- Turned off the collision of some light fixtures that were pushing players off of walls
- Added a metal plate to swat van to hide player feet, adjusted clipping around van
- Fixed some small holes in the world
- Fixed some texture mapping seams
- Added player clipping on some floor grates to smooth player movement
- Fixed some issues with the collision and surface property of fire extinguishers
- Added and adjusted some grenade clipping
- Adjusted some clipping on boxes and cable stacks in connector

- More player and grenade clips adjustments
- Closed various holes and cracks in the world

- Fixed clipping around scaffolding at bombsite b to prevent one-way peaking through geo

- Fixed player getting stuck on large crate in garage
- General grenade clip polish
- Vending machine break sequence now only happens once to avoid strobing lights
- Removed collision from pipes and cctv cameras at ct spawn garage
- Added grenade clips to doors at stairwell
- Fixed hole in door frame at t-spawn
- Fixed texture errors on ceiling at conference room
- Fixed some lighting errors on low settings
- Fixed weapons getting stuck behind crates at back way
- Fixed lighting artifacts in front courtyard
- Fixed bad boost onto electrical boxes in garage

- Fixed z-fighting on stairs in connector
- Improved ground at bombsite A so that it has more accurate footstep sounds
- Fixed gap in world around b-site planting area
- Fixed z-fighting a backdrop temple near t-spawn
- Fixed missing collision at connector that would allow grenades to fall through world
- Fixed hole in world at street that allowed players to see through to canal
- Fixed vis issue on street looking back to t-spawn
- Fixed UV stretching in connector
- Sealed up holes in building rooftops for entire level to prevent grenades getting stuck in void
- Fixed holes in lower tunnel
- Fixed hole in canal

- Moved bucket on scaffolding on bombsite B that could be mistaken for player during combat
- Closed hole to prevent grenades from falling through the map on bombsite A
- More player clip adjustments
- Fixed various micro gaps

- Minor clipping fixes on rooftops and hut
- Better caustics in pool at B site
- Fixed vis issue in garage looking towards hell

- Fixed some light fixtures showing backfaces
- Fixed some light fixtures being misaligned
- Fixed missing vent pieces in Tunnels
- Attempt to fix players clipping through wood boards by stairwell at bombsite b
- Fixed bad clip above door at elevator
- Fixed flashbang inconsistency with metal gratings at scaffolding
- Fixed missing collision on horizontal tower beams at b-site
- Added grenade clips around bombsite b to prevent smokes getting caught in bad spaces
- Cleaned up geo and did a grenade clip pass around scaffold to make grenades work better
- Added grenade clip to b platform
- Fixed disconnected girders at mid
- Moved stack of drywall at back door>b for better movement/cover
- Improved clipping at side
- Jobsite injury signs are more responsive

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 4 GB (with Workshop Tools installed) - data capped users should take action now

posted about a year ago
#10 OhnePixel is unboxing TF2 crates now in TF2 General Discussion
Richarrrrdamericans love to complain about low zoomer attention spam that they say is caused by tick tocks and scat singing toilets but i dont think there is a worse form of brainrot than counter strike unboxing streamers

Cro_ was quality fucking entertainment back in the day though.


posted about a year ago
#1 Counter-Strike 2 update for 11/9/23 (11/10/23 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve[ MISC ]
- Added support for accepting game invites and party invites from Steam Chat and Steam Overlay.
- Added an execution delay for certain commands that can be specified on command line to be deferred until main menu fully loads (e.g. econ action preview commands, match download commands, playdemo, and similar).
- Fixed a bug that caused game events to not appear in CSTV demos recorded in tv_record_immediate mode.
- CSTV auto record now requires either an active CSTV server or tv_record_immediate to be enabled.
- Performance optimizations in game server demo recording code.

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~110 MB (with Workshop Tools installed)

posted about a year ago
#1 CS2 update for 11/8/23 (11/9/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- The visual and audio feedback from sub-tick input—such as movement acceleration and muzzle flashes—will now always render on the next frame
- Random numbers used for shooting spread are now synchronized between clients and servers by default. This makes tracers and decals match their server-authoritative trajectories more closely. Note: Spread has been synchronized on Valve official servers since 10/14
- Fixed a bug where pressing a movement key immediately after jumping resulted in an inconsistent jump height

- Parties of four are now able to queue for Premier mode
- Added vote-kick immunity for solo players who get matched on the same team with a party of four players
- Adjusted the algorithm for re-establishing CS Rating after a period of inactivity in Premier mode

- Reduced the maximum audible distance of grenade bounce sounds
- Improved occlusion filter quality
- Addressed issue where sometimes headshot dink sounds playing as feedback for the attacker could be mistaken for incoming damage
- Lowered volume of sound for headshot damage with no armor from a victims perspective to bring it inline with volume of other headshot sounds
- Changed jump land sounds to have the same maximum audible distance as footstep sounds
- Changed volume falloff curve of jump landing sounds to better convey distance
- Improved molotov extinguish effects to sound better when multiple are playing at once
- Brought back spark sound feedback when bomb defuse is cut short due to player spinning
- Fixed issue where at very close proximity, a victims death groan could be mistaken as coming from the attacker
- Fixed a case where unsilenced m4a1-s did not have any distant gunfire sounds


- Fixed clipping on bench in palace
- Lowered the height of box on A site to match CS:GO

- Improved performance of blood effects at close range
- Improved bomb light visibility from back of bomb
- Reduced muzzle flash during quickswitch from scoped rifles
- Reduced the strength of the kill streak HUD effect after five kills

- Added setting "tv_record_immediate" to control when CSTV demo file will start recording content. If the setting is enabled then content will start at the moment when tv_record is executed on the server. If the setting is disabled then content will start recording from tv_delay earlier
- CSTV demos can now be recorded without delayed CSTV spectating enabled. Requires setting "tv_record_immediate 1" and executing "tv_record" at the moment when recording should start

- Adjusted wear values of some stickers to better match CS:GO
- Fixed a bug with workshop tools that would prevent light_environment from baking static shadows in some circumstances
- Improved quality of 'Performance' HDR rendering mode
- Enabling the upload of workshop maps for Wingman mode

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 325 MB (with Workshop Tools installed)

posted about a year ago
#1 Counter-Strike 2 update for 11/3/23 (11/4/23 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Updated Redemption UI to show remaining time before weekly rollover
- Competitive Rating will now be updated after returning to main menu from a win
- Added notice to end of match for when CS Rating had been adjusted midmatch (e.g. due to the outcome of a match that the player was kicked from or abandoned, or recovering lost points from playing against a cheater)
- Various bug fixes and tweaks

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 90 MB (with Workshop Tools installed)

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for late 10/30/23 (10/31/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Updated koth_sawmill_event
- Fixed missing model and material

- Updated pd_farmageddon
- Fixed instances where players can get stuck when leaving the cap zone (Thanks Lo-fi)
- Added custom announcer lines for gargoyle spawn

- Updated zi_atoll
- Significantly reduced strength of trigger_push in water
- Adjusted trigger_push entities on trees
- Improved clipping/collision on wood plank structures
- Adjusted distribution of health and ammo pickups to make structures easier for Red to hold
- Reduced file size of map

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~80 MB

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/27/23 (10/28/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam Community:

Valve- Added an extra HIDEHUD flag for vscript maps (HIDEHUD_TARGET_ID)
- Fixed using the extendfreeze client command to continue spectating enemy players after being killed
- Fixed Arena mode player count HUD layout problem (community fix from Funicular)
- Updated zi_atoll to sync the particles file with other the Zombie Infection maps

- Updated zi_woods
- Added props to aid scouts in getting up to the roof on the boathouse
- Added trigger_push entities to the tops of trees
- Implemented an optimisation pass

- Updated koth_sawmill_event
- Added spells to the Underworld Forest to encourage players to travel there
- Added trigger_hurts to prevent spawn camping in the Underworld Forest
- Added the Skeleton King to randomly spawn after cap
- Added an additional Skeleton Consort for him as well
- Reduced the amount of particles in the Underworld Harvest
- Removed a custom texture since it wasn't needed
- Minor clipping changes
- Added an ammo pack to the cave
- Removed a few pumpkin bombs since they hurt player movement too much
- Added a loss-coverage program for Red team
- Cleaned up some waste

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~55 MB

posted about a year ago
#18 [PSA] RGL Store refuses to remove low quality item in TF2 General Discussion
This photo was taken with a Pixel 7; a recent phone with a notably high quality camera.

The intelligence briefings I got on this statement are completely credible.

No but actually, yikes, that is pretty damn atrocious. You would think SOMEONE somewhere at the vendor would set their hands on that at some point and go "wait a minute this looks like total ass why are we even selling this to our client".

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/19/23 (10/20/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Fixed floating 'Bonus' label in the middle of the screen while working on certain contracts
- Updated the Clown's Cover-Up to fix some clipping issues, fix the LODs, and update the equip_region
- Updated the Celestial Summit Unusual effect to reduce the particle count
- Updated the Potion Explosion Unusual taunt effect to remove the delay when starting the effect
- Updated glowing eye materials on Voodoo-Cursed Souls and Übercharged players with community fixes from Liam Stone (boba)

- Updated the Carry-Van
- Fixed the rigging on the straps to avoid clipping when running
- Fixed misplaced ambient occlusion on the material
- Fixed rim mask being black in places it wasn't supposed to
- Fixed a hole in-between the window and top of the van
- Fixed LODs to represent above changes

- Updated the Dead Man's Party Unusual taunt effect
- Added fades to hand sprites
- Improved effect composition on fast-moving taunts
- Fixed some particle sorting issues

- Updated cp_lavapit_final
- Fixed a skybox exploit in the underworld

- Updated pl_spineyard
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get outside of the map
- Fixed missing cubemaps

- Updated pl_corruption
- Replaced some of the materials and models
- Adjusted collisions near some wooden beams by point A
- Adjusted prop fades
- Fixed some minor texture issues
- Fixed teleport trigger in one of the spawn rooms being too late to activate
- Minor adjustments to improve your sanity

- Updated cp_degrootkeep_rats
- Fixed players getting stuck in the door when entering the Rabbit Hole at the same time as an enemy player
- Fixed a hidden perch in the balcony overlooking C

- Updated arena_perks
- Replaced the Cloaking perk with the Patience perk (gain up to 7 health/sec)
- Fixed missing barricades in the voting area
- Fixed certain items having missing textures on the map
- Removed crumpkins (with help from LizardOfOz)
- Fixed stalemates causing extra rounds where no perks would appear
- Added a new HUD, with an alive player counter

- Updated zi_murky, zi_atoll, zi_devastation_final1, zi_woods, and zi_sanitarium
- If a game is in progress and there are no players on BLU team or RED team the game will now end
- Fixed a bug that allowed Dead Ringer spies to die without triggering a round loss
- Fixed a bug that caused Zombies to not see combat text correctly
- Fixed a bug that caused Rocket Launchers and Sticky Bomb Launchers to start with a low ammo
- Fixed a bug that caused changing player loadout to kill human players (particularly on Murky)
- Fixed an issue with missing particle effects for Medic's Heal ability
- Adjusted the number of Zombies selected at round start for low player counts
- Corrected unintended changes in the last update
- Changed the damage dealt by Zombie Soldier's Stomp
- In the previous update, Soldier would instantly kill his stomp target. This was not intended.
- The new damage calculation is (10 + fall damage x 3). This is the same as the Mantreads.
- Changed the Sentry Gun to deal 40% damage to Zombies
- In the previous update, this was 35%. This was not intended.
- Added a sound effect to Pyro's explosion of flames on death
- Removed some debug print statements
- Reworked Demoman's Blast Charge to fix several exploits and bugs
- These changes should also make Blast Charge more reliable and less frustrating to use
- Blast Charge is now triggered based on the player's velocity
- When player's speed drops below a threshold while charging, they explode
- Additionally, anything that would usually interrupt a shield charge will now trigger the explosion
- Fixed a bug that caused ÜberCharge applied by Blast Charge to persist longer than intended
- Fixed a bug that caused Blast Charge to fail to kill the player in situations where the player should be killed
- Fixed a bug that caused Blast Charge to briefly display the player's first person view before detonation
- Fixed a bug that caused the player to be unable to attack, jump or duck after surviving Blast Charge
- Fixed many bugs that caused Blast Charge to fail to detonate
- Fixed many bugs related to Blast Charge being cast at the same time as being converted to Zombie

- Updated zi_atoll (additional changes)
- Fixed the missing texture on the turbine building's roof
- Added areaportals and occluders in and around buildings
- Added extra nodraw brushes under the level and buildings to improve vis calculations
- Added prop fades on bushes and rocks
- Adjusted push triggers on trees
- Minor clipping adjustments
- Changed func_brush on roofs to func_movelinear so that corpses don't fall through
- Added soul gargoyle spawns
- Added a santa hat that spawns on the anchor when smissmas holiday is enabled
- Fixed cubemap reflection issues
- Fixed the seam between the 3D skybox and the playable level
- Aar fed the spinning cat

- Updated zi_devastation_final1 (additional changes)
- Replaced sewer exit to the 2nd floor with a ladder
- Changed sewer exits to no longer require crouching/prop jumps
- Fixed missing respawn trigger in the sewers
- Adjusted spawn positions of Zombies and Survivors
- Fire now ignites players
- Adjusted lighting in sewers to be slightly brighter
- Reduced round timer to 3 minutes
- Lit up 2nd floor car corner

Rumor has it:

- Size is close to 250 MB

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 10/13/23 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Fixed the Clown's Cover-Up always showing the Red team skin
- Fixed hiding the Pyro's head when using the Friendly style for the Fiercesome Fluorescence
- Fixed the Grounded style of the Power Spike using an incorrect LOD model
- Fixed Celestial Summit and Stellar Ascent Unusual effects not following moving players
- Fixed missing prefix when the Strange Filter: Sandcastle (Community) item is applied to a weapon
- Fixed missing prefix when the Strange Filter: Lava Pit (Community) item is applied to a weapon
- Updated The Masked Fiend to fix a problem with the materials
- Updated the Dell Dynamic to fix issues with the materials, rigging, and LODs
- Updated the Sapped Unusual effect to fix visibility issues in bright environments
- Updated Blastphomet cosmetic to fix some a problem with the materials and some minor clipping
- Updated the Taunt: Borrowed Bones to add missing sounds
- Updated Taunt: Neck Snap animations to fix the MVM canteen flipping while taunting
- Updated the Nightmarish Storm, Acidic Climate, and Otherworldly Weather Unusual effects to fix a problem with the lock rotation
- Updated the Eldritch Horror and Deep-sea Devourer Unusual taunt effects to fix a problem with flickering
- Updated pd_farmageddon
- Updated .res file to work with custom huds (Thanks Aar)

- Updated cp_lavapit_final
- Updated the Underworld
- Spells now spawn one per point, in a random location
- Removed some exploits

- Updated pl_spineyard
- Replaced some of the materials and models
- Fixed a missing material
- Significantly improved skeleton navigation
- Reduced the health of skeletons to 130 HP
- Increased the weapon spread of skeletons to reduce their long range damage
- Increased the number of pumpkin bomb spawns
- Improved sound effects
- Various detail fixes
- Fixed being able to build in the first Blue spawn

- Updated pd_mannsylvania
- Added new custom voice lines of Merasmus Gargoyle Notifications
- Better player clip and fixed players stuck in some areas
- Placed more bat's models on entire map and randomised their animations
- Improved 3d skybox
- Disabled trigger_hurt in ending sequence after 15 second when game ends
- Minor cosmetic fixes

- Updated zi_murky, zi_atoll, zi_devastation_final1, and zi_sanitarium
- These changes are aimed to make playing as a Zombie more engaging, and to weaken the Human meta of bunkering without hurting their ability to roam and fight
- Zombie Spy is now passively cloaked, only losing his cloak for 3 seconds when attacking or using his "Reveal" ability
- This change will allow Zombie Spy to circumvent sentry guns that are watching large areas, and allow him to sneak into or around strongholds
- Zombie Soldier's "Pounce" ability is now significantly higher, and has a 5 second cooldown (from 8)
- These changes will bolster Zombie Soldier's role as a recon pick and a roof buster, capable of launching through sentry fire
- Zombie Sniper's "Spit" ability now damages buildables
- Zombie Sniper now drops a puddle of spit on death
- Both of these changes will make you feel like you're contributing more with your spit, and if that's not enough, you at least get to drop one on death to cause a small area of denial
- Zombie Pyro no longer drops small health kits
- Zombie Pyro's "Hellspawn" passive now releases a flaming explosion on death on top of the existing gas passer cloud
- These changes should strengthen their afterburn capability, and make them a scarier threat if you let them too close
- Zombie Heavy's "Tank" ability now adds the Battalion's Backup buff (immunity to critical hits, 35% resistance to regular damage, and a 50% resistance to Sentry Gun damage)
- Zombie Heavy deals 20% increased melee damage
- Sentry and crit resistance will bring Zombie Heavy's effective hp up much higher, buffing his role as a tank that you really oughta stay away from. His slower speed is unchanged, so you're still able to run. The changes will just make bunkering much more difficult with him around.
- Zombie Engineer's EMP no longer rolls on shallow surfaces, and now does 110 damage instead of fractional damage
- This change will turn EMP grenades into a much more immediate threat, instantly breaking mini sentries, crippling level 1 sentries, and wounding other buildings
- Zombie Scout's "Speed Demon" passive now comes and additional 25% jump height boost
- Zombie Scout already has a triple jump, but increasing jump height will make him even more of a pest buzzing around your head, and better at climbing onto roofs once a hold is destroyed
- 1/5 of the server will be converted to zombies at the end of setup (from 1/6), and will also round up
- It's become clear that there simply aren't enough zombies selected at the start of the round. Initial pushes should be easier to perform with a couple more units.

- Sentry Guns deal 40% damage to zombies (from 60%)
- Engineers are simply way too oppressive. The dispenser is invaluable for the sake of ammo, and the sentry still has use as a knockback tool, but now should be significantly less frustrating to play against.
- Demoman shield items no longer halve the damage taken by zombies
- He was just too strong and incredibly unfun to duel. The extended reach of swords is already amazing against melee-only characters. His strong maneuverability is unchanged.
- Zombie Medic Heal cooldown reduced to 7 seconds (previously 11)
- All Zombies except for scout, heavy, and spy, now have +25 HP (from +10)
- Fixed a bug where Zombie Demo could detonate himself before the charge had started
- Fixed a bug where Bonk! Atomic Punch could persist through Zombie conversion
- Fixed various issues caused by Zombie Demo surviving his own charge
- Fixed issues with the Zombie HUD not correctly displaying certain strings
- Fixed exploit related to adding additional time
- Added additional HIDEHUD bits to remove irrelevant HUD elements when playing Zombie
- Added an instructional video (Thanks Funicular!)

- Updated zi_murky (additional changes)
- All of the roofs have been covered in clutter such as vines and tires, and are no longer buildable
- Added more trees for cover
- Added small fence to RED spawn to make it easier for zombies to approach up the wooden stairs
- Added a ramp leading to the yellow shack's roof
- Added occluders to central shack
- Improved fog
- Improved skybox
- Improved readability of chicken wire fences, and added more around the docks
- Adjusted prop fades
- Tweaked detailing
- Fixed erroneous clip brushes
- Fixed several stuck spots
- Fixed missing television model

- Updated zi_atoll (additional changes)
- Added an extension to the roof of the turbine building
- Added nobuild entities to debris that could potentially hide sneaky sentries
- Added a broken window on the turbine building
- Clipped the spiral stairs behind the lighthouse (thanks Aar!)
- Reduced performance impact of water
- Increased size of trigger_push entities on the tree tops
- Improved collision on the displacement on the beach near the fishing house
- The spinning cat has been fed

- Updated zi_devastation_final1 (additional changes)
- Added new route from second level zombie spawn to the top floor
- Adjusted some zombie spawns
- Made some zombie spawn exits easier to leave
- Clipped off bottom floor stairs
- Increased Round Timer to 3 minutes and 30 Seconds
- Increased Reports of Gators

- Updated zi_sanitarium (additional changes)
- Replaced some of the materials and models
- Fixed a missing material on a prop
- Fixed a pixel walk in the skybox

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~185 MB

posted about a year ago
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