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SteamID64 | 76561198123238801 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:162973073] |
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Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | November 9, 2019 |
Last Posted | March 18, 2025 at 9:03 AM |
Posts | 153 (0.1 per day) |
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aierawould this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?
my sources in america tell me top team froyotech has already found a counter for the michael mid. team leader "b4nny" allegedly stayed awake for 3 days and nights demo reviewing to come up with counterplay. im not sure i believe it honestly cause the michael mid is quite strong, but i'm excited to see for certain at the upcoming dreamhack international lan!
as a maths phd student i hover between "ai is useless for research level maths and anyone saying otherwise is buying into hype or clueless" and "i am terrified ai is going to replace my job in the future". i guess (hope) the real answer is it will end up as a useful assistant like it has become for programming but i dont think anyone is sure.
top European team "Witness Gaming" is confirmed to be practicing the michael mid in preparation for the upcoming Denver lan. could this provide the edge they need to take on the North American giants of "Froyotech" and "Like A G Six"?
sorry man i'll take a look at that now
gianniTried the Michal mid last night. Team had mixed feelings. Probably won’t try it again.
yeah u probably did it wrong.
the michael mid is strong so you should have won the game if you did it properly. but it's easy to mess it up so i wouldn't recommend it to lower level teams.
Shoeshockeri remember doing steven mids a couple seasons back, lost us the officials and almost killed the team
yeah the steven mid is pretty bad
why aren't more top teams using the michael mid? it's pretty good.
uh just you i think
how will this impact banny's legacy?
brodyu people are being so weird that ur making the brits post like normal human beings
i had sex with your mother
no chemotherapy until you learn how to parallel park im afriad
waxAimTechChildren should not be denied access to appropriate medical care simply because they are children.
yes they should
if you cant legally vote, drive, drink then you also won't take meds with long term consequences
4. You are fucking stupid.